Larpex turned to look at Xangel, her expression changing completely. "Oh, it's alright, Xangel. No harm done. You know, I remember playing video games once, and I was so into it I didn't notice I had frozen one of the buttons. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't jump until I looked down." Giggling at herself, she hoped she had cheered Xangel up a bit.
Rei immediately felt the tickling sensation course through her body, making it twist and churn. Her mouth opened, sending up air bubbles to the surface. Controlling herself enough to kick off the sea floor, the two began to jet upward. Feeling her face hit the cool air, Rei took a deep breath and tried to wriggle free. Laughing uncontrollably, she only managed to turn her body around in his arms. "H-hey! Sto-stop it!" She put a hand on Axel's chest to keep herself stable, then reached with the other down to his tickling fingers.
Larpex smiled sweetly at Toxcst. But as the air around them became overly hot, Larpex dipped her hand in the water to cool it off. Forming an "O" with her lips, she blew cold air above them to lower the temperature back to its previous state. Suddenly, Larpex zoned out, a message playing in her head. Shaking her head, she looked back at Toxcst. Sighing with disapproval, she relayed the message. "Reixa's gone back to the castle. Oh, I wish she wasn't so careless! Who knows what condition the inside's like?" Looking up at the sky, the highest remnants of their home were still visible. Reixa felt Axel's hand on her wrist as they portalled to her room. Rubble fell from the ceiling onto her filthy bed as she began towards the bookshelf, stepping over debri. The floor was still stable and safe, but the wall facing outside was cracked and crumbling. Surveying the books, Rei contemplated on which ones to take. Reaching for the top shelf, she retrieved her oldest book. Dusting off the cover, ancient symbols of the elments were visible. Searching the shelves again, she picked her most useful book on aura, the essay "Self Reliance", her book of Edgar Allen Poe's works, and her large journal she had kept over the years. She almost gasped as she came across her book on hypnosis. Rei bat it aside before turning around, five books in her arms. "Alright, these are the most important to me. I don't know where we'll be from now on though..."
OOC: Are they still underwater(Rei and Axel)? I'm brain dead :o
OOC: I just remembered a dream I had a while ago. I think Nomura read our thread and wanted to make a game about it. We all got to meet and voiced our OC characters. It was awesome : D. Reixa looked at the castle as well, contemplating over Axel's suggetion. They could still be alright... Nodding, Reixa looked back at the redhead. "Yeah, they have." Moving her body to turn around, she remembered the others, waiting for her. "Just a sec..." Cupping her hands with her palms up, Reixa rested her chin on her wrists. Forming the white messaging aura, she let the small wisps take the words from her mouth. Larpex, I'll be there soon. Don't worry, I'm fine. I've just gone back for a few things Letting out a large sigh as the aura floated up and disappeared, Rei turned back to Axel. "Ready for a bookhunt?"
Rei felt his hands grasp her ankles and took a deep breath, bracing herself as she becme totally submerged in water. Knowing that salt water was a bit murky, she knew she could get him back. Using aura beneath her closed lids, she easily found him and slowly began to swim towards him. Stopping a couple feet from behind him, she rose an arm above water quietly and sent a sharp wind strike at his back. Then, she quickly swam up to him and pulled him backwards into the water. Going up to the surface for a breather, Rei went back underwater to meet Axel.
OOC: Well regardless, happy birthday Kitten ^_^ Larpex led Xangel towards the spot near the edge of the lake, sitting beside Toxcst as she had previously. As she for Xangel to join them, she overlooked Toxcst's wounds. They were almost fully closed and healed, but there was a deep gouge in his leg that was still bleeding. No wonder he couldn't walk... Placing her hand over it with utmost care, Larpex engulfed her other hand in the lakewater. The energy channeled through her body and emerged from her palm, creating a cloud of light around the injury. "There, that should be good... oh, Toxcst, this is Xangel. She lost some memories, so she's just now trying to remember everything." Smiling, she turned to him and gave him a quick expression that plainly said 'I'll explain later'. I drew a sketch of Larpex today, I'll have to scan it soon to show you guys. : D Reixa stepped to his side, beginning to walk down the trail again. "Well, I guess Xadyn must have some kind of plan. But if not, someone better suggest something good or we're screwed." Smiling jokingly, no matter how true her statement could be, it broke the awkwardness. Sighing, she tilted her head back. "But I guess all my books are shredded to pieces now... and they're irreplacable. Most were either ancient or the only copy made. Ugh..."
Larpex sighed, putting a hand on her hip. "Yeah, I figured. Sorry if this all seems so sudden for you." Bending her neck down so that she was in Xangel's line of vision, she smiled with a friendly gesture. "I hope... no, I know you'll remember, eventually." Nodding in reasurrance, she gently took Xangel's arm. "Come on, sit by us. We can wait for the others together."
Rei put an arm up as Axel splashed a small amount of water at her. Now crossing her arms, she walked toward him through the water. "Hmm, have it your way." Taking a few steps into deeper water, she smiled back almost menacingly. "How's the water gonna be for a fire element, hm?" Letting her legs come up as she floated in chest-deep water, Rei sighed, pulling back her hair as it dripped on her shoulders.
Thinking hard about what Axel had said, she began to nod. But as he lifted her chin, she let out a small gasp as her old nickname was whispered in her ear. It was uplifting enough as it was, and almost made her forget that his arm was around her waist, pulling them closer to each other. Reixa felt his lips connect with hers, filling her with thoughts of delight... and confusion. Should she return the favor? She shouldn't, but this was the only moment that it had ever been real. Ah, what the hell. Slowly cocking her head to the side, she lifted a hand to his and held it gently. She simply held the kiss and didn't go any further, letting the idea sink in. That he was willing to be her friend. He forgave her. And he gave her this last kiss on his behalf. It wasn't much, but for now, it almost gave her the true emotion of happiness. Now tilting her head forward and breaking the lip-lock quickly without letting herself go too far, Reixa's forehead rested on his. Opening her eyes and smiling, she pulled away slightly. She wanted to say something like 'Thank you' or 'I'm glad we're friends', but nothing seemed appropriate. Lost for words, she settled on whatever came to mind. "Axel, I think what you said was right. If in some weird way we had been together and you ended up with Larxene anyway, I don't think we'd ever be able to just be friends. It is better this way." Rei put a small strand of black hair behind her ear, looking up at him. "And I'm glad I met you."
Rei found herself a little dumbfounded as Axel mumbled about Larxene, especially the doubt in his voice. Normally she would have been happy to hear this, but his tone semed so empty. Even as he ran on the thought lingered in her mind. Shaking it off, for now, Rei picked up speed with competition pulsing through her veins. Beat him if she can? He shouldn't have. Running much faster now, she zipped past him with ease, the water splashing in every direction from the high-velocity wind. Looking over her shoulder now, she splashed in his direction and laughed in her triumph.
Reixa's footsteps ceased as she stood at Axel's side, his deep green irises settling on her own. His question provoked an utmost anxiety in the pit of her stomach and shook her to the core. Rei's lips parted slightly as she let the idea sink in, swallowing a hard lump in her throat. "...yeah. I did, every word." Feeling the corner of her mouth curve into a smile, her eyes felt watery and heavy. "I do love you, Axel. But I know you and Larxene love each other more. And I want you guys to be happy." OOC: Spitfire, Spitfire, Spitfire.... *wink*hint*wink* Spitfire.... xDDD. Larpex looked out of the corner of her eye to see a member with her hood up, standing by a tree and looking around cautiously. She seemed somewhat familiar, and she radiated the feeling of an opposing element. And the most common opposite of water would be... "Xangel!" Smiling brightly, Larpex looked back at Toxcst as she stood. "Just a minute." Jogging over to her, she looked closely at whatever parts of her face were visible. Same nose, face shape... it was her! "Xangel? Do you remember me? I'm Larpex. And that's Toxcst, Xin, Cepxis, Kevix, Xadyn, Abexecca, and Xandlei. I think we're missing Kasha, Max, and Reixa," she said, pointing out ech member.Thinking for a moment, she couldn't help but wonder where Rei could be.
Rei turned herself around, smirking at his sly remark. "That's one way to put it." Jogging beside him, she contemplated his question. "Hmm... nope. Don't think so. I guess that means I'll have to walk around in the sun for a while afterwards." Giving Axel a wink, Rei began to pick up speed. "And what's wrong with some healthy teasing?" Feeling the soft, textured sand under her feet, she broke into an all-out run towards the roaring water.
OOC: I know what you mean. Back when everyone was online 24/7 *sigh* /_\ I miss that. Heck, I miss summer. Reixa couldn't help but flinch when Axel mentioned the hypnosis, but once the words "I forgive you" crept past his lips, she found herself smiling greatfully. Nodding, Rei sighed quietly. "Thank you... Axel." Absorbing the new air that had appeared between them, she relaxed her tense body with newfound ease. "So... can we part as friends? I know you're very loyal to your Organization, as I am to mine. But I'll always care about you." Brushing her shoulder against his teasingly, she grinned. "And... I don't want to come between you and Larxene either. I should probably settle things with her too." Reaching the edge of the woods, they began walking down the dirt path in the middle.
Larpex watched with a hint of curiosity as Toxst dismissed the poisonous bird. She still kept her arm through his whilst holding his same arm with her other hand. Her red hair whipped around in the wind as they approached the clearing within the woods where the lake stood, cold air emanating from it. The water gleamed blissfully in the moonight and the faces of other members became clear. Taking slow steps, Larpex balanced Toxcst's weight against hers and led him closer to the group. Nodding towards Xinaram and Xadyn, she helped Toxcst sit at the edge of the lake. Extending her arm, she let her fingers skim across the surface of the blue liquid, absorbing its power. Leading a few strands of water towards Toxcst, she formed a small blanket of cooled healing aids that began to cover his wounds. Smiling with satisfaction and care, she turned back to the silver haired male. "There, your injuries should heal quickly now." Sitting beside him, she held his hand serenely and waited for the Superior to speak.
OOC: Well, I guess my style of writing hasn't changed much. But the length of my posts, details in physical and emotional states, and vocabulary have really improved. : D I think everybody here is a great writer, and that's why our threads thrive. I bet they won't die for a long time.
OOC: Haha, reading your post was fun Twilight. And you guys should really consider looking at the early pages of Rivals. It gives me nightmares to see my old writings. D: Shrugging her shoulders playfully, Rei simply began walking forward in a small strut. Turning back around to face Axel, the strings on her bikini top whipped around with the wind as she gave a notion for him to follow her. "Let's just see if you can beat me there. I'm not so tired anymore." Walking backwards now, she began a slow jog towards the waves.
OOC: Well, when you told me what had been going on I couldn't stay away ^_^. And this is the first chance I've had to be online in a long time. Reixa couldn't supress a small smile as Axel led her on and they began walking. But when he mentioned the dream she had had, she blinked disbelievingly. "You remember that? Even though it wasn't really... you?" Taking each step with a small stride in hopes of a prolonged conversation, she breathed each breath with great anticipation.
Biting her lip for a second, she shrugged and began to unbutton her jeans. Looking back at Axel, she smiled playfully as she pulled them down, bending each knee to pull her legs out of the soft denim. Folding them over her arm, she kicked off her shoes and fluffed out her hair, placing all of her clothes in the sand. Putting up her arms, she turned her head and spun around, showing off her bikini. Raising her eyebrows, she grinned again and put her hands on her hips. "Alright, Spike. You've had your fun. Wipe the drool off your face and let me have my turn."
OOC: I swear Twilight, when you told me about Axel revealing himself I was uber happy. But actually reading it made me squeal like a five year old ^_^. And I'm REALLY REALLY sorry guys, I've been swamped. But it's spring break, yay!!! Larpex nodded, holding Toxcst's arm tightly. Noticing that his energy had been drained previously, she rose her own arm and created a portal to the lake. "Come on, the sooner we get there, the better." Turing her head slightly, she kissed his cheek lightly and smiled as they walked through the dark mist. Reixa did a double-take as the new figure approached them. As she started at the hooded man, her eyes widened in inexplicable shock. His aura didn't lie... it was Axel. Keeping her stature, she merely blinked and played along as the others conversed. But when the words "girlfriend" came out of his mouth, her body began to tense. Swallowing hard, she glanced over at Axel as he inched closer to her. Feeling the warmth emanating from his body, she looked into the shadows beneath his hood, seeing his two green, glowing eyes. As Xaldin spoke and his lance came forward, Reixa held her breath as Axel let go of the act, letting his voice come through. Yet within moments, she heard Xadyn's voice pierce through her skull. Go to the lake? Turning to Abexecca, Cepxis, and Xandlei, she nodded and whispered, "...go." Still clutching her staff, she stood her ground. She didn't want to leave just yet. Then yadayadayada....... Reixa's breath trembled as she watched her home being ripped apart, piece by piece. Yet, she was still ordered to go to the lake. But this could be her only chance to talk to Axel again for a while... Heaving a large sigh, she shook her head and stepped forward, far enough to let Axel know that she was still there. "... I need to go, but I would still like to talk to you." Looking up, she stared at him wonderingly. She still had absolutely no idea how he could be back.