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  1. chula-claire
    OOC: Ah, I don't think I'm all that incredible, and I've seen some of you're more recent stuff, and you're really good :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. chula-claire
    OOC: Ah, mmkay....

    Found it, xD

    Reixa had been engrossed in her book for so long, and hadn't noticed the spar. (Hey, you got a better idea?) She looked up momentarily to see Toxcst and Abexecca fighting rather profusely, Abexecca being injured pretty badly. She looked around for Larpex, but couldn't see where she was. Blinking, Rei set her poetry down and stood, walking briskly over towards Xandlei and Xangel. "Hey, when did this start?"

    Larpex opened her eyes slowly at the sound of attacks, stretching her arms up into the air. Did I... fall asleep?

    Looking around for a moment, she took a double take as her eyes landed on Toxcst. Smiling, she got up and began to walk towards him, but she halted her body's movement as soon as she noticed the sparring match. Abexecca seemed to be struggling and the others were in a group nearby. Joining them, she tapped Rei on the shoulder and grinned.

    Reixa turned quizzically to see Larpex standing behind her, giddy as ever. "Oh, hey, I was wondering where you had gotten off to."
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: Yeah, we're kinda lagging, aren't we? For how long now has it been Saturday? xD Oh, heehee, it's actually Saturday where I am....... awkward....... anywho, I found where we left off, so I'll just continue it :D

    Rei giggled as Axel began to tire, quite amused as he halted the ruckus. "Well, I would, but I'd be lying through my pearly white teeth." She let her legs drop, and in turn let the rest of her body fall into the water. Crossing her arms, she walked around his dripping torso to come out in front of him, looking at him expectantly. "How about we call it a draw, eh?" She chuckled lightly for a moment as the lowering sun beams fell on his well proportioned, masculine body, making it glow somewhat. Stretching her arms into the air and yawning, Rei sighed and glanced towards the beach. "Well... what d'ya say? I'm tired, you're tired... how about we settle this on some pretzels and ice cream?" She tilted her head slightly and rose her shoulders, gaining a comfortable stance as the water flowed past her.
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    OOC: Ah.............. hi? :D I'm sorry you guys... for leavin and all... I posted a big GOMEN in Rivals... so... what's up? Summer been good to you all? .n_n. anywho, I guess after being away so long I'll need some sort of recap, but I'll find where Axel and Rei left off. That is, if I haven't been dumped yet ^_^.
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
    OOC: :D holy freaking potato launcher. haha, no reason, just wanted to say it...

    but yeah, i hope you guys didn't miss me too much ^^; but anywho, is Rei stuck in the abyss somewhere and ditched or did I actually hold up any characters? If I did..... UBER GOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm gonna bite this one in the butt and start being active again. But... all next week I'm at camp... so staring next next week :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chula-claire
    OOC: SURPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, first things I noticed... dang, Firekeyblade has an avatar, since when?!
    And DestinyStar, looooooovin' the World Ends With You shtuff!

    Ok....... chuuuuula, you got some splainin to do!

    I'm uber sorry I haven't been in touch :( Actually... I will admit I lost interest in this... a while ago. But, with all the email updates I was still getting, I couldn't stay away forever. Sooooo... if anyone cares to give me a wrap up of the past million years, that would be great... pwease? .n_n. (my new anime smiley, like??)
    Post by: chula-claire, Jul 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire
    OOC: Hiya! Can I take Mickey? Sephiroth must be lonely, 'ya know.

    Claire stepped into Walmart and felt the breezy air conditioned atmosphere against her skin. Her tall boots clanked against the hard floors as she made her way to the toy section. Gazing around evilly, she came up to the tall rack of bouncy balls, in every shape and size. Using her mind, she took hold of the largest one, perched on top of the monster mountain of multicolored bouncy glory. As soon as it was out of the rack, she let it go. It fell uncontrollably as Claire stepped aside, watching it bounce off of the floor and rise again. "Go Pikachu, go!!!" Laughing hysterically to herself, she strutted over to the clothing section.

    Not finding anything worth trying on, Claire noticed a tall guy with dredlocks. "Hey, where are the restrooms?" she asked innocently.
    Post by: chula-claire, May 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
    Reixa looked up from her book to see Abexecca, her little brother Xandlei attempting to create another auric sphere behind her. Blinking, she managed to smile nicely at her, lifting up her book so she could see it. "I went back for these, call me a nerd. My books are my life." Closing the poetry book while still keeping her finger on her page, she sighed. "So, what's up?"
    Post by: chula-claire, May 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    Rei found Axel's resistance unusual, she was sure that he'd retaliate. Continuing to hold her breath, she tickled him mercilessly whilst underwater. After a bit, her lungs felt heavy and ready to explode from being deprived of her much needed oxygen. Pushing herself upwards, she came up behind Axel. Getting an idea, she jumped up and grabbed onto his back, piggy-back style, and clutched for dear life. "Boo," she said before giggling.

    OOC: Yuck, I'm totally blocked :o
    Post by: chula-claire, May 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
    Larpex simply rolled her eyes as Axel disappeared, folding her arms. Turning her head, she heard Toxcst's voice. He must've woken up after all that commotion. Her torso followed, facing in his direction and she began to walk over to him. "Hey, sleepy head." Crouching down to his eye level, she laughed and lightly noked him on the head with her fist. "You could have just turned around."

    Reixa exhaled deeply before turning around to face everyone. There were some new members that she hadn't gotten acquainted with yet, and apparently some of them had been there for a little while. She wasn't in the mood for introductions, so she simply leaned against a nearby tree and slumped down, sitting at the trunk. She placed her books neatly on the ground beside her, surveying her surroundings one more time before talking up the Poe book and flipping through the pages, awaiting Xadyn's orders.
    Post by: chula-claire, May 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. chula-claire
    OOC: Sah-wheat!!!!!... Ummmmmm, could a get a little recap please? ^_^; I can't wait to set off this bullet. This character will be interesting to play.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. chula-claire
    Reixa appreciated the small and discreet hug, smiling pleasantly back at him. Hearing his proposition, she nodded. "Yeah, whenever you need to talk, I'll be here." Gripping her books firmly, she heaved a small sigh. Glancing around at everyone, she looked back at Axel thankfully. "Thanks again, it was nice to see you again. I'll see 'ya around then..."
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. chula-claire
    OOC: This looks great! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    Name : Claire
    Age : 19
    Hair : Sandy brown with thick bangs and professionally done blonde highlights, chin length
    Eyes : Pale blue
    Power : telekinesis
    Gender : Female
    Appearance : She is slender with a very curvy and voluminous figure. Very flamboyant and often referred to as a "know-it-all", "brown-noser", and a very "experienced" girl. She is flirty and outgoing, always hitting on the cutest guys within a 2-foot radius.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    OOC: I'm watching all my Tim Burton movies for the heck of it. I've already hit Nightmare Before Christmas, watching Corpse Bride, then Charlie and the Choc. Factory, and then, if I'm still awake, Sweeney Todd!

    Rei, still incredulous, shook her head violently through laughs. Lifting up her arms, she let herself sink. Using a thrust of wind, she forced herself underwater and right through his arms. Now below the watery surface, she swam backwards between his legs and attacked his thighs with her own mad tickling fingers.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    OOC: Are there any openings other than the remaining Organization members? I don't mind taking a position such as that, but if I can make an OC witness benefitting the defendant, then that would be my ideal. And if you could give me a recap on everything past the "weapons" charge? Thanks :D.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: I can't be on everyday, hell, I haven't posted in three days. I've gone for weeks before.

    Reixa glanced over at Axel, blinking plainly and then smiling. "I'll take them." Holding out her arm to take the books, she looked back over towards Xadyn. "I can take care of myself, and Axel was with me." Looking at him with a hint of defiance, she didn't mean to be rude.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: Thanks, Fire :D

    Rei noticed his sudden pause, even if it was for a few moments. It was then, that even for an iota of a second, that she noticed their intimate closeness. It took her by an immediate surprise, yet it was slightly invigorating. Sensing his conflicted aura, she almost pulled away a little bit as well. But when he began to tickle her neck, she began to laugh. Not from the tickling, though, and she simply reached up and held his arms. "Call me a freak, but I'm not ticklish on the neck," she said in a sing-song manner.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: Hey Tula, I really enjoy rping with you. With Xaldin and Marluxia, those are the type of people Reixa dspises. You rp them well, and it always challenges me when they face off. Thinking of ways to beat them isn't easy, especially since you're so good. And you're funnny too : ) And it's nice to talk to you.

    And Twilight, have a nice trip? That sounds like fun!

    "Yeah, apparently to get some books. She shouldn't have gone alone! Geez, it just worries me, I don't know..." Shaking her head, Larpex took a deep breath and calmed herself. "Wait, do you remember Rei?"

    Reixa stared out at the lake inquisitively, immediately recognizing it. "Yeah... this is it, trust me on that one. I've... been here before." She tried to hide the mysteriousness in her voice, but failed quite miserably. Taking a few steps forward, she peered between the trees and noticed few members. Looking back at Axel, she motioned for him to come along.

    Larpex heard the leaves rustling behind her, turning around casually to inspect the noise. She glanced around until she spotted Reixa, and she stood in surprise. "Rei?" Jogging over to meet her, she hugged her and pulled back just as quickly. "What were you thinking? Going back there by yourse--" Looking over Rei's shoulder, she noticed the other figure standing there. Staring at the familiar redhead enemy, she looked back at Rei, bewildred. "What's he doing here?"

    Rei was surprised at Larpex's scolding. It wasn't like her at all. "I'm... I'm sorry if I worried you, Larpex, I just really wanted some of my books back in my room."

    "Rei, what is he doing here?"

    Biting her lip, Reixa looked back at Axel. "He brought Xangel back. And he accompanied me to the castle."
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
    OOC: Org. XII goes to court?!?!?!? That's so cool! Do tell ^_^

    Rei could barely keep her laughter in, even as she attempted to look at Axel defiantly. Though she failed miserably and ended up with a contorted expression that she wished she had a mirror to see. Shaking it off, she giggled more as the tickling intensified. Now pushing against his chest and still oblivious to their dangerous closeness, she was able to utter "No way!" Miraculously grabbing onto his wrist, she managed to pull away one arm quite a ways. Using her own strength to extend both of their arms out and upward in a "tango-like" position, her forehead made contact with his as her muscles strained. Rei attempted to cover her stomach with her other hand, and her only balancing aids now were the ocean floor and Axel's arm.
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. chula-claire
    OOC: Yay Deathsight! Glad to have you back. All we're missing is Nymph, CG, and Clawtooth. Man, school sux.

    Larpex grinned as Abexecca and Toxcst's rivalry shot sparks into the air. Giggling as Toxcst fell asleep, she glanced over at Xandlei. She reached over and ran her fingers through his soft hair. "Ah, Toxcst means well. You shouldn't take him too seriously." Winking, she patted his head once more and retrieved her hand. "But you have gotten stronger... oh, Abexecca. Sorry I spaced, but Rei's on her way. But if she's not here soon, I'm gonna go look for her."

    Reixa chuckled sheepishly at his comment, but the hint of sadness remained. Shaking her head, she offered the Edgar Allen Poe and aura books to Axel. She gripped the other three in her arms and nodded. "Yeah, I bet if we all pulled together or something, we could fix this place up quite a bit." Already feeling nostalgic being in her room, Reixa shivered. Partly because of the cold air seeping through the cracked walls, but mostly because in some weird way, it felt like being in a completely different room. So many things had changed in the past few hours...

    Taking a deep breath, Reixa gave Axel a small smile. "Sure, let's go to the lake. Since you're with me they shouldn't give you any problems."
    Post by: chula-claire, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home