Rei leaned into the truck, but was quickly overcome by the intense heat. That's what she got for not rolling down the windows... She left her door open all the way, and she made it so the cool, ocean breeze would waft through the opening between the two doors. Rei crossed her arms on the seat, looking up at Axel and shaking her head. "I said dutch, not ditch, Red. Clean out the earwax..." she said teasingly. Chuckling a bit, she moved one arm up, so that she could rest her chin on the back of her hand. " I meant that we could split the cost, and go on more rides." Se listened to his nostalgic words, and each time he said 'parents' like she had, it bashed into her skull. It was as if she was believing it herself now. But when he had said 'dad', it really took a toll on her. So... we both have father issues... funny. But it wasn't funny, not even curious. Not at all. His next sentence seemed to go through one ear and out the other, but she couldn't help but snap back to reality when the wind picked up a bit too strong. Shaking it off, she nodded. OOC: Do you have to drive to the fair? :D "Hmm? Who's Leon?" Zexion followed Angel around the corner to see a few upset people. He recognized Cloud right away, and Tifa he had seen around, but where was the young, familiar girl and the prep? They must be inside that room... Staying close behind Angel, Zexion observed the situation with great precision. Apparantly... the dark haired girl outside with Cloud held a certain conflict with those inside the room. There was a lot of tension, mixing about in every which way. Olette left the school library with three books in hand, one titled "How Democratic is America Today?" and another read "Miracle at Philidelphia." Of course, thse two were required homework novels, but the third, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," was for recreation. It had been a rather dull Saturday, being the downer after the fun-filled dance the previous night. (Ha, it's all coming back to us, isn't it?) It was strange though, she hadn't seen Roxas since then. It was nice to hang out with him with some one-on-one time, but she couldn't seem to find him. She wasn't particularly excited to be reading a good sized amount of each government related book, so running into anyone from the gang would have been a pleasant change in the day's schedule. Olette sighed, taking a closer look at one of her favorites. None of the guys had ever even heard of Shakespeare, so trying to explain the numerous love traingles, human-to-donkey transformations, and fairy-donkey love seemed absolutely trivial.
OOC: Heh... yeah... :D I gotta go after this tho D: Zexion walked with Angel out of the room and into the hallway, moving at a brisk pace. The further they walked, the stronger the apprehension felt. Zexion was picking up a few scents that seemed somewhat familiar... Cloud...Tifa...Yuffie... and Aerith. Strange, why would they be arguing?
Zexion blinked for a moment, processing what Angel had said. "Hmm, yeah. I know what you mean about the whole... 'sensing' idea." He stood slowly, looking back at Angel. "Well, we should probably investigate the situation, especially if someone is in trouble." He was able to sufficiently produce a pleasant smile, reaching out to assist her. "Shall we?" OOC: Sorry it's so short ^_^;
OOC: Geez, I go to one midnight showing and this is what I'm left with? Holy crap! Oh, btw, Dark Knight is AMAZING! and I'm cool with the age change :D Rei noticed a hint of regret and shame as Axel mentioned the munny situation and the fair. She blinked a few times before responding to his proclamation with a nod, smiling normally and moseying on their way. She put her feet forward towards the truck, but she kept her face focused on Axel's. "You know, if you don't mind, we can dutch the fair too. I brought a little extra." Rei elbowed him friendlily, still holding her jacket. "But I do understand the whole 'no job, no munny' thing. All I have is some monthly pity from my... ahem, parents." Even after saying the plural version of that word so many times... it still gave Rei chills. "But I don't do a lot of extra stuff anyway. So I save up and all." It wasn't long until the truck was in sight, and they approached it gradually. Rei looked forward at the hunk of metal that sat before them, still even more proof of her hardships as well as a striving student. As soon as the door was in reach, Rei whipped out her set of keys from the jeans pocket. She unlocked the door accordingly, tossing her jacket inside onto the leather seats. Zexion timidly took his seat next to Angel. He wasn't too close, but he wasn't far away enough so that the situation was more awkward than it already was. Clearing his throat, he sat with his legs slightly apart, elbows bent inward and hands clasped. His light gray button-down shirt had its sleeves rolled up, and his long jeans covered up a good portion of his black sneakers. He sat there for a moment, still unsure why he had gotten himself this deep into a hole in the first place. He opened his mouth, but couldn't find the correct words. Turning towards Angel slightly, he exhaled as calmly as possible. Which, of course, wasn't helping much. "Um... well... what game, uh, are you playing?" That's the best you can come up with? Nice, real nice. You've just classified yourself as an indecisive, socially inward nerd. Congratulations.
OOC: Hello, I'd like Axel please :D
OOC: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 :D omg, the little pirate on the court sounds like mickey mouse. "And so, we shall go to war!" xD Zexion produced another small smile after her comment, but her sudden morose state left him bewildered. "Oh! No, it's... uh," Zexion scratched the back of his head, a bit flustered at the mix of emotions. "It's... alright. Um, do mind if I sit with you?" He gestured towards the bleachers in a slightly awkward motion, but he didn't want there to be any misunderstandings between them.
"Hm, hehe..." Zexion found himself smiling, even chuckling as Angel brought about her explanation. He pushed away some of his long, blue-silver bangs from his eyes so he could see her, her long, dark hair slipping past her shoulders. She did look... nice. She had... soft eyes. Zexion blinked, reevaluating the situation. "Well, I... didn't want to leave you uneasy, and you seemed nice to talk to..." What was he thinking when he came up with this brilliant idea? What was he supposed to do now? He was only going to make a fool of himself. Didn't want to make her uneasy, I'm making it worse for both of us... well, I can't just leave in the middle of a conversation, I'll have to see how this plays out... OOC: Sorry about late replies, I'm watching a movie at the same time ^^;
OOC: Yeah, I miss Nymph too :( Zexion continued walking in circles near the pool, confused as to why he wasn't able to find Angel. He continued to look over the bleachers and inside the pool, with only one other obvious space to check. But then again... he was not going to check the girls locker room. Not... again... He looked around once more, until his eyes did a double take near some chairs. Zexion noticed a bright blue (forgive me if the color's wrong, I'll edit it) jacket, hiding behind them. He started towards it, but then again... the situation would be extremely uncomfortable. But then then again, who knows when he'll be able to talk to her again? Inhaling deeply, he prepared himself for some embarrassment. "Um... is that you... Angel?"
OOC: Haha. Did you wanna wait for them? And how do you think I'm doing? :D
Zexion walked past the window before the door marked "Pool", and as soon as his hand grasped the knob, he turned it with a hint of regret. Opening the door slightly, he peered inside to see if anyone was there. After a moment, he exhaled, relieved, seeing no one. He opened the door easily now and stepped inside, the strong scent of chlorine hitting his nostrils. But then, of course, he realized that no one was there, yet Angel's scent had led him here.... did he make a miscalculation? Looking around, he tried to find her, just in case his eyes had deceived him. "Um... Angel?"
OOC: Hmmmm... the pool, you say? *evil grin* Zexion sighed to himself as he flipped through the many rough pages of the extensive novel in the solace of the mid-afternoon breeze. After a moment, however, the wind began to strengthen, brushing his navy and silver hair around furiously. The pages became a blurry whir as they continued to flip through themselves until the final page was reached. Zexion took his chance to close it properly as to prevent any further damage to it. Standing and brushing himself off, he looked up to the sky, which seemed slightly overcast at the moment. He headed inside to avoid any unpleasant weather, but mainly because his mind was too busy to concentrate on his book. Once inside, Zexion contemplated on his next destination. The cafeteria would be too crowded around this time, Axel's scent wasn't close, and he hadn't heard from Demyx or Roxas in a while. Then, it hit him. A familiar scent arose in his mind that he had crossed paths with earlier that day. A rather perplexed and unusual being, yet... interesting. Her name was... Angel? His sneakers squeaked across the linoleum floor as he turned towards the scent. It seemed to lead to... *groan*... the pool.
OOC: Eh, that's alright... but holy friggen fish sticks guys, look at this. I always knew Japan rocked, even the japanese who remix this crap xD Watch Ronald McDonald Larpex gasped as Abexecca's eyes opened so abruptly, her voice confused and hysteric. "Abexecca, try not to move much. Xandlei is..." she looked up to see him on the ground, Rei standing over him. "I think his aura was acting up or something, but it looks like Rei's got it under control." Looking back at Xangel once more, she focused her attention on Abexecca. "Listen, your lung is going to collapse if I don't fix it. I know this may sound completely weird and unappetizing, but my arm is kind of in your chest, so please, try not to move." Taking her other hand and holding Abexecca's shoulder just in case she made any sudden movements, Larpex continued healing the lung. A large flap of it that had been torn was already bent back and being sealed. "How's it going down there, Xangel?" Reixa lowered her arms slowly from the triangle stance, inching towards Xandlei as the darkness disappeared. He seemed utterly bewildered and stunned, but he could still be dangerous. "Xandlei? Are you alright? I'm sorry if I hurt you, but you don't want to mess with that field of aura. You could have killed yourself." You also could have killed the rest of us... then again, I could have done the same with any misjudged attempts... Stepping closer to him, she knelt down to his eye level and examined him. He seemed a bit calmer, but Reixa was still cautious. OOC: Oh, and I did find a pic that was a bit closer to the Rei/Reixa I envisioned: But I'll have to try drawing her sometime to really grasp it. The one in my sig looks more like 17 yr old Nobody Reixa, but this pic looks more like 17 yr old Somebody Rei in Twilight High.
OOC: Yeah, I could try Olette too .n_n. That way it takes a load of your shoulders too :D. But whoa... what's up with "Ho-down Tifa"? Hehe... Rei flicked her wrist towards Axel as a gust of wind blew through his hair, an unnecessary yet entertaining action, across his skin, over his trunks, and at his legs. "Heehee, that's how," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Doing so to herself, the wind blew through her long, dark locks, around her skin, and over her bikini in a matter of seconds. She lifted her arms to check her hair, which was now slightly poofy, but dry. Smiling, she bent down to pick up her shirt, jeans, and jacket. She held the blue shirt and black jacket over her arm as she slipped each leg one-by-one into the pant legs. The denim fabric felt snug against her skin, and she buttoned them up to finish it off. As she flipped on her blue tennies with lightning-gold stripes and grasped her shirt, she looked back at Axel for a moment before smiling again and pulling the sleek shirt over her head. It was very form fitting, if she did say so herself, but not so thin as to see her bikini top underneath it. Nice, yet not too teasing. Rei held her jacket in her arms in front of her casually, glancing back at the sunset. "So, I've got the dough for pretzels,(no pun intended) so how about getting some overly-salted-cheap-heart attacks?" Smiling to herself, she remembered the boardwalk. "Oh, and right, we'll wanna go there before it gets too dark." OOC: If I remember correctly, isn't there a carnival at the other end of the boardwalk, you said? And where is Zexy at the moment? I'd like to start :D
OOC: heh, lalalalala... I wish more people were online Larpex sighed heavily as she pulled herself back up, getting to her feet in staggered motions. Feeling a sudden pain in her ankle, she winced as she inched closer to the small shore. I probably twisted it... great... dropping to her knees at the water's edge, she scooted down into the blue liquid. Almost instantly, she felt a surge of energy come back to her. She exhaled, relieved, and then placed a hand on her sore ankle. After a moment of sitting in the cool water, she stood once more, feeling refreshed and revitalized. Looking back at the others, she turned and jogged back to the group and came to Xangel's assistance. "Okay, there seems to be a lot of internal damages, mostly in her small intestine, liver, and left lung." Larpex moved her hand over the place where Abexecca's heart should have been, creating a visibly transparent wall of aqua to see through her skin. Beneath it, she could clearly see a large tear in the lung, the most serious of her injuries. "I'll go after the lung, but could you try reconfiguring the intestine and cleaning and patching up the liver? That way we can start the blood purification system up and get it moving in the right direction. Moving her is almost impossible without causing more damage, so if either of us has to take a break the other can cover for them." Reaching through the veil of blue, Larpex applied pressure to the lung ailments. "Okay?" She looked over at Xangel to await her response.
OOC: You know guys, I could try taking up Zexion seeing as how Twilight already has so many :) I'd have to research him a bit tho, I'm not a Zexy Expert, but I do know quite a bit about how he acts. So........ whatdya say? I could try it and if I'm no good... *looks at Twilight* :D
"Xandlei! Snap out of it!" Reixa made a cross-buck with her arms, fingers bent in a claw-like manner as a rarely used aura in her repertoire began to form. Being a Nobody, it was especially difficult to use, but Xandlei's current condition left no other choice. She held the parts of her arms that were touching close as a pure white aura began to form in her hands. She closed her eyes for deep concentration as it strengthened. Opening her eyes after a few brief moments, she closed her fists quickly and then opened them again, a strong light emerging from them. Rei briskly took her right arm and bent in back, her hand near her face. Her fingers separated from her thumb on both hands and locked together and she rose her left arm perpendicular to her right. The first beam had already shrouded the black aura entirely, and Reixa grinned pleasingly. The first stage had worked, but if she made a slight miscalculation with her movements, it might not turn out the way it was supposed to, meaning damages to both her and Xandlei that could prove fatal. Taking both arms, she extended them fully and made a triangle with her thumbs touching at the bottom and her forefingers touching at the pinnacle. This released another beam that shot through both the white and black aura directly at Xandlei. Reixa remained standing there with her arms and hands in the same position, a drop of sweat running down her face. A bit of dust had gathered from the attack, making it almost impossible to see if it had worked yet. She gasped at the loss of physical energy, trying to keep her breathing regular. Larpex remained in her position next to Abexecca, her hands shaking slightly from the over extended healing procedure. "Xangel..." she managed to say, taking one hand away to place on her forehead. She was becoming very light headed. "Try... healing her... a bit." She lifted a leg and propped herself up, turning towards the lake. "I'll be right back... al-alright?" Moving slowly towards the water, she tried to pick up her speed to a fast walk. Her feet felt extremely heavy and seemed to drag her down with each step. It wasn't long before she collapsed, the ground meeting her body with a loud thud. Larpex lifted her arm and leaned upwards, looking around to see if anyone was near her to help...
OOC: Heehee, that's right... ^^; Rei snapped out of it as soon as she felt Axel nudge her elbow, the array of hues and flourishes disappearing all at once. They reassembled themselves to their original state in a matter of a second. She sighed with an air of disappointment, looking down for a moment. But she turned around and smiled, taking a step forward resuming their previous path. It's best not to get into it... I don't want to ruin the "date" with a sappy story. Rei's thoughts dwindled back to that moment in her life, about thirteen years ago, when her father's boat had gone out to sea. But just thinking about it made her uneasy, so instead she focused on the situation at hand. Looking up at Axel, she cleared her throat quietly and held her hands together behind her back, arms fully extended. "So, pretzels or ice cream first?" Taking a look around the beach, she spotted their clothing. Starting towards them, she turned herself around and began walking backwards once again. "Oh, and I have this whole 'no towels' thing under control," she said with a wink.
Reixa noticed Xandlei's sudden reaction, quickly standing to be at his side. "Xandlei, calm down!" Rei took his hand gently and winced, the black aura creeping up her arm like a poisonous disease. It reached her face in a dark smokescreen, making it difficult to see or breathe. Inhaling it burned through her nostrils and throat, forcing her to release Xandlei and back off. Some of it lingered on her coat, rising back towards her face, but she blew it away with a sharp gust of wind in her fury. She coughed heavily in the fresh air, gasping uncontrollably. "What... was that?!" Mentally scanning the pages of her aura books, she tried to remember the different forms. This could have been the kind issued by extreme emotion, rather erotic and unpredictable. Grasping her footing, she lunged once again at Xandlei, taking a deep breath before engaging into the "smoke" aura. Forming an auric sphere in her palm, she produced a beam gentle enough to only knock him onto the ground, making him slightly winded. Rei hoped this would stun him enough so she could calm him down...
Larpex hurried over to Abexecca's side with Xangel. After examining the wounds, she looked past Xandlei and nodded. "He's right, these aren't from what Toxcst did. But... I can't tell what did it..." Reaching out to Abexecca's limp body, she focused on the unusual wounds. A droplet of blood like a fair ruby was at the corner of her mouth, and the sight of it gave her a sickening feeling. Larpex shuddered, but continued to focus. Releasing a large aqua colored beam from her palm, she brought both hands together to strengthen it. Soon, the beam of light covered all of the wounds in a caressing manner. The external wounds closed up nicely, stopping much of the bleeding, but some of the internal damages were refusing to heal. Backing off a bit and catching her breath, Larpex looked up at the others. "Xangel... help me out here, I'm losing a lot... of energy..." Reixa blinked for a moment, a bit stunned by the sudden change in the air. Stepping towards the commotion, she knelt down to comfort Xandlei. "Hey, hey..." She held him against her shoulder, trying to calm him down. She turned to the others while still holding him. "What could have done this? She wasn't fatally injured just moment ago, was she?" Watching her words carefully as to not upset Xandlei, she corrected herself. "Not that she is now..."
OOC: heehee, nice virginity crack back there :D Oh, btw, I'm back .n_n. And OMGawd, I stretched after reading what you had posted......... xD dang, that's hilarious But sorry, myspace and email... and a long chat with a certain someone came first :o Not to mention I woke up at about 2 o'clock today... heh... only because I stayed up late watching Across The Universe. Rei blinked as she lowered her arms to her sides slowly, only to raise them again to block some of the splash. She giggled as Axel turned with her towards the shore, nudging him softly. "Suuuuure thing, Red. Seeing as how you are blinded by your own haughtiness and salty seawater, you can believe anything you like." She began walking towards the sand, which had a more orangish brown hue in the lessened sunlight, while humming a random tune. "Hmm hm hm... yep, ice cream." Sloshing through the calm water with heavy steps, Rei glanced over her shoulder at the sunset. "Wow, it's beautiful..." Turning around and walking backwards, she stared at it for a while until the deep colors of red, orange, purple, and pink, began to fuse with differentiating mixtures of green, blue, turquoise, yellow, and many more. They intertwined peacefully in an auric glow, penetrating the ocean's surface, which now appeared in red and natural colored spurts. "Ah..." Rei uttered, her eyes fixed on this pallet of paints. "Man, I wish you could see this..." As she took another step back, her bare feet landed on the silky smooth gravel which seeped through her toes. Stopping for a moment, she stood there and admired the wonderful display. Hehe, it's a "The Dream" flashback, in a way...