OOC: :D not much for me to say, hehe Reixa felt the calm and soothing heat cover the black aura attackign her body, and it actually helped immensely. She was able to keep holding Xandlei and still remain at a slightly painful state. Not too much got at her, making it easier to maneuver. "That's right Xandlei... you can do it! Believe in... yourself!"
OOC: I wanted to quit too that one time... because I felt like this was an addiction. And it was, and it was getting me in trouble with my family. But now, after a long break, I feel better about it. And it's not like I absoluutely have to be here everyday, or else I freak out. It's a fun, leisurely thing to me now hat I do in my free time :D It's down to a healthy hobby. Rei suddenly found herself walking back towards the beach, seeing a small shack used for people changing into their bathing suits. After checking to see if it was occupied, she opened the driftwood door and stepped inside. She locked the door by lowering the wood plank, sinking down into the sand and sitting heavily. She let her head fall back against the door, feeling the tears she had been concealing pour out in a watery mess. She repeatedly hit her hand against the soft sand, feeling her hand trudge through it roughly and silently. Her breathing was heavy adn low, gasping for oxygen at every other moment. She felt every negative feeling possible for the situation... angry at the truth of the past, disappointed in the bad decisions, devestated by the realization of it, and lonely... feeling sad thinking about how Axel must feel right now. Her eyes closed and pressure building in her skull, Rei inadvertently began to sail across the beach through aura. Her mind went high in the sky, and it wasn't long before she spotted a dark red and grey, morose figure deep below the boardwalk. It was closer out to the surface of the ocean, and it was well equipped for the everday fisherman. She "saw" him lying there, melancholy and distraught. The very sight of it gave her unpleasant chills. And then the debate... whether to go to him or wait for a while... maybe it was best to wait...
OOC: Sorry about the delay again, I've been busy :D And hey, who says you can man-handle my character while I'm away, Twilight? xD Heehee Axel no more than obtained full sense of his surroundings by the time Larxene, that devilish harpy, had him by the neck, and hair. Simply raising an eyebrow at her foolish attempt at murder moments after his awakening, he had no doubt that the Superior would want every wittle member of his possie to be alive, at least for one meeting. And hearing her feeble attempt at a threat was priceless. Hilarious, actually. In moments, he was released, but with an extra present left on his cheek. Flexing his face and opening his mouth, he exercised the bruising area. Yet, he couldn't help but smirk at her insignificant, immature need to inflict physical pain on others. But then again, he did "deserve" it for "betraying" her and Marluxia. But then, that long while ago, staying commited to the true purpose of the organization was important to him. It still was, regaining his heart, if possible, was his only concern. And if he could achieve that without enduring the task alone, that was ideal. It was just the simplicity of the fact that most of the members had lost sight of this objective. They were concerned with using some kid to do the work for them. And we all know how that worked out... Wiping at his face before standing, he walked casually up towards Larxene and past her. Axel glanced over his shoulder at her, giving her a testing wink and a sardonic smirk. "Nice to see you, Lightning Bug. And yes, my nap was quite exceptional, thanks for asking." OOC: How do think I'm doing? I know my style for Axel is very different from yours, Twilight, but whadya think? .n_n.
OOC: Sorry for the delay :) Axel slowly opened his heavy eye lids, seeing shades of red blocking his view. As he moved his weary hand forward to brush it away, sat up stiffly, and unexpectantly leaning against a small step. Glancing backward, he noticed exactly where he had been sitting. One leg bent and up and the other outstretched, he sat on the very silhouette of his chakram in the corner of Proof Of Existence. The nostalgia began to reel through his mind all at once, and it was as if he could feel the morbid sense of sitting on one's own grave. Reaching to his head again to tug at a spiky strand of fire engine-red hair, Axel's eyes drifted from one member to the next. He scanned over the usuals, but had expected to see a particular member. The only one that he was actually concerned about... Roxas... But his friend was missing. Figures. We all get this God foresaken "second chance" and all Roxas gets is another look at oblivion. Damn... they just couldn't let it go. He was shafted once again for the oh-so-terrible-crime of simply existing. Another look past the luminescent blue hue where two keyblades were etched left him seeing a new shade. A blonde one. A small, sadistic grin crept up the edge of his lips as he spotted the fiesty female, sitting erect nearby her partner in crime, Marluxia. Your average Bonnie and Clyde, returned from Hell and back to scheming. And of course... the lab rat. Sheesh, you go through the trouble of killing someone only to have them be brought back in the flesh, ready to chew your ear off for it. Which brought Axel's thought back to the question as to why they were all... well, almost all back. He faintly remembered a voice... but what good did that do if he couldn't emember what the damn thing told him? What a waste...
Reixa ignored the pain to her limits and rushed after Xandlei, embracing him regardless of the consequences. She spoke in a hushed tone, trying to calm him down as much as possible. "Xandlei... I know you can beat it. This darkness doesn't control you... and don't be afraid. All you have to do is believe that you can overcome this..." It was then that Reixa gritted her teeth once more, the entire front half of her body now being eaten by this darkness. But stopping this from hurting Xandlei... was far more important.
Rei reached back to strike Denise once more as she sat up, but the dark undertone of Axel's voice stopped her in her tracks. Her entire arm lowered slowly as she blinked, inadvertently calming herself. But as soon as she glanced back at him, a growing fear rose in the pit of her stomach. "... Axel?" But by the time his name slipped past her lips, she jumped back as he came after Denise. Rei watched as he continuously punched through the wodden structure dangerously close to Denise's head. The crunching wood rang through her ears painfully until Rei had to look away for a second. The maledictions and cursing were so blaring, so explosive... But as soon as it stopped, Rei looked back almost instantly, hearing every brutal and vicious word come out of his mouth. It made Rei's skin crawl. She stared after him as he left, storming through the crowd that had accumulated at this horrible scene. She only looked back to see Denise sit up, and this girl was truly... amazing, in a horrifying and disgusting way. Her auric flow changed from one thing to the next; Bullheadedness, guilt, and then edgy and taunting. Her remark at the arrival of her friends showed a failed attempt to fluster her, but her comeback concerning another girl hit her hard. A distinct image of Larxene arose in Rei's mind, her pretty round face and luminescent golden locks. An image of perfection in Axel's eyes that she knew she could never live up to, and yet, she kept trying. Regardless of the truth, Rei had always wanted to believe that there was some sort of small chance that maybe... someday... she could win his heart. But that sole reminder from a lousy b*tch had to be the one to whip her back into shape. Someone so vile and cruel, that normally wouldn't have fazed Rei one bit, had to bring her down to earth. Rei had hardly noticed the comment about Denise's sister as she took a small step back. Damn it, she was even physically showing a sign of retaliation... But as soon as Denise looked away and began to gossip to all of her two-bit lackeys, Rei took a definite step forward, facing Denise as her friends assisted her up. "Look, I don't have the faintest idea how you find all of this attention and excitement thrilling, but I swear, if I ever catch you around Axel again I will not hesitate to beat the living sh*t out of you. And I'm telling you what, you'll have more than a black eye and a bloody lip if your cheap, skanky ass comes into my sight again." Rei began to walk past her without lifting her heavy gaze. "I hope you're happy screwing people over, because one day it's gonna come back and ruin you. Go back and stand on the corner where you belong, then you'll get all the action you could ever ask for." Turning her back, Rei pushed through the crowd and broke out into a run. She kicked against the wood with immense speed, finally reaching the sand and slowing. She looked everywhere around her in hopes of finding Axel, wherever he was. OOC: Wow, thesaurus.com was my friend in this reply... :D Lot's of adjectives.
Reixa could almost instantly feel the grip Xandlei held burning through her uniform. The thick darkness in his aura was even darker than a normal Nobody would be able to produce, and it quickly met her skin under the clothing. She took a hold of Xandlei's waist and picked him up, placing him in front of her before glancing at where his hands previously were. There was no blood, but a searing pain remained. Ignoring it for the time being, Reixa looked Xandlei straight in the eye. "Xandlei..." she said strongly through gritted teeth, the pain in her arms from the darkness increasing. "Look at me, and try to fight whatever is getting a hold of you... do you understand?" Rei winced once again, and it was difficult to keep her arms raised. "You... can beat it... Xandlei!" Larpex moved forward from the edge of the lake, placing her hand on Xandlei's forhead as Rei talked. She had stored up a great amount of energy in her palm containing the cool water's properties, and it would help the fever immensely. Looking at Rei's arms, her eyes widened in mortification. "Rei... your arms... they're decaying..." "Nevermind that, just keep lowering the fever. I'll-- deal with myself later."
OOC: Oh. My. God. Rei was forcedly pushed aside as Denise went after Axel once more. The entire scene played itself out so quickly, giving Rei no chance to pull out every strand of hair on her head. Getting close again sent her nerves skyrocketing, but kissing him?! Axel had seemed to have control over the situation until Denise opened her big, fat mouth again. The words slinked out of her like snakes, attacking Rei's mind with every fell swipe. The insults were nothing more to her than pitiful comebacks to what Rei had said previously, but the remark about the night after the club made Rei's body go stiff. she couldn't help but look down in disbelief as Denise rambled on maliciously about Axel's past. The girls, the drinks, the sex, the pregnancy scare... none of that seemed like Axel at all. Not the person he was today... Looking back up one last time as Axel gripped Denise's arm and began to drag her away, she felt hot tears and fury rise in her eyes. She rushed forward a bit quicker, gripping Denise's other arm. Her nails dug into her overly tanned skin sharply as she brought back her right hand in a bulging fist. Backing it up with a sharp gust of air, Rei lunged her body forward in a forceful punch, aimed straight at her ugly mug. She winced as pain crossed her knuckles at the contact, she had never punched anyone as hard as she could before.
Reixa quickly clenched both fists, pulling back the white aura as it trailed black aura with it, taking it from Xandlei's body. Patches formed in the smoke from where the white aura had been, and it started to slowly fade away. Rei put a hand aroudn the back of Xandlei's neck to prevent him from falling over, putting another hand on his forehead. It was very warm, similar to when she had gone unconscious so long ago. Reaching into the lake, she cupped her hand to gather some water. She brought it up to his face and let the liquid fall onto his head. It was rather cold, and would help bring the fever down. Rei looked up and around for Larpex, spotting her near Abexecca. "Larpex!" Larpex heard Rei callingg her, and she looked back at Abexecca. "I'll be right back, okay? Please try to stay put, no matter how hard it will be." Sending her a weak smile, she ran towards Rei and Xandlei to see what the trouble was. "What?" she replied, looking back at Xandlei in Rei's arms. He seemed overheated... Try to cool him down, he has a fever."
Reixa took her concentration off her own relfection and looked straight at Xandlei. Taking a closer look, she noticed the gray, smoky concentration of his aura. In a motter of seconds, it became black and sinister looking. Her eyes widened, noticing that her previous attack wasn't good enough... "Xandlei... do you feel okay? Your aura... is pitch black. That's a sign of... pure darkness..." Reixa formed another sphere of bright white aura in her palm. "I'm not going to attack you, but try focusing on this." Rei took her hand and placed it in front of her face, and then she blew on it. Small wisps saild through the air at Xandlei's eyes, and they penetrated the black aura swiftly. They curved and wound themselves around it, while continuing to cover the front of his face. "Try to relax... okay? Think of something happy." Through all this, Reixa was thankful that Xandlei couldn't see the immense worry in her expression and the bead of sweat on her face.
Zexion noticed the conflict on the other side of the pool, and as soon as Angel got up and offered the dark haired girl a tissue, he debated on whether he should assist her or stay put. Well... I don't know the girl very well, and her prep friend seems to be helping... but I wonder how a prep and a skater became such good friends? What were their names... Aerith was the one in the pink bikini top, and... Tifa was the distraught one. Zexion remembered seeing them in the hallway before, and in class. He wasn't really friends with them, but he would probably seem like a heartless (no pun intended ;)) fool if he continued to simply sit there. Mustering up some courage, he got up and strooled to the opposite side of the pool. Coming up to the three females, he cleared his throat and produced a smile. "Um... is there... anything I can help with?" Smooth, reeeal smooth.
Larpex sensed a bit of uneasiness in Abexecca. But as she asked about Xandlei, she glanced over at him. "I was really focused on you... but I believe his aura was getting out of hand. I thought I saw some black smoke too... but Reixa stopped him quickly enough." Larpex smiled back at Abexecca. "But it looks like they're going to start training. He's in good hands." They arrived at a nearby tree in view of both Rei and Xandlei, and Larpex slowly lowered Abexecca. "Now, I think a day's rest will be all you'll need, but be careful not to move to much. You can move your arms, legs, and neck, but try to keep your torso and abdomen level. You had some damage to your lung, liver, and intestine, so if you feel any pain in those areas, the healing process is finishing up." Reixa nodded, leading Xandlei over to the edge of the water. "Okay, we're not going to actually start out with using much aura. Try sitting here and watching the surface of the water. Find your reflection, and watch it earnestly and calmly. If you see any color other than the hue of the water, it's most likely your own aura. But if you can only see a white aura near our head, that's a start. It'll look kind of spiky and it will always be in motion. Oh, adn one more thing, try to make blinking a fast and spread out process, and don't move your eyes from one spot. It may be tough at first, but you'll get it." Rei sat next to Xandlei, practicing the same method herself.
OOC: YAY! We're online at the same time! ^_^ And WTF?!??!?! You had me going there, holy crap! Haha, I don't feel blocked anymore... :D Rei's eyes widened to the size of watermelons at this girl's immature, ****ty, promiscuous, overbearing, boy-hungry attitude. She eyed her furiously as she completely man handled Axel. Not only was it extremely hard to believe, but the fact that some broad off the street had history with him! Rei could help but feel defensive as she began eating at him, pressing herself up against his bare chest. She knew he wasn't hers or anything even close to that image, but it outright made her skin crawl.Only friends or not, she wasn't going to just sit there. The snobbish once-over and nasty chuckle left her fists clenched, not to mention the crude comment. If this girl didn't mind her tongue, her pretty little brains would be all over the pavement. (Sweeney Todd Reference! xD) But instead of approaching Denise in an abrasive manner, she simply took her hand and put it on her shoulder casually. "Sorry... Denise, was it? Cute. I'm Rei, nice to meet you." The ribbons in her hair began to flow in the strengthening breeze, an unintentional action Rei had made in her frustration. "But let me get something straight here." Rei looked over Denise just as she had to her, shaking her head in disapproval. "You know, the only impression I'm getting from your choice of apparal is skanky and... saggy." Shrugging to herself, she kept her firm grip on Denise's shoulder as she looked back at Axel behind her. "Where exactly did you two meet, darling?" Rei gave him a quick wink, giggling and turning back to Denise. Her face was full of pride and confidence, and she was suddenly very greatful for her exemplary acting skiils.
OOC: :D Friday sounds great, I have plans for that night at 8:00 pm eastern time, but that will only take a few hours and then I'll be back.
Larpex smiled at Abexecca, admiring her's and Xangel's job well done. "You'll be fine now, but you need a sufficient amount of rest before becoming too active, okay? You could damage some of the seals on your wounds before they can properly heal themselves." Taking her arms and positioning one behind Abexecca's neck and the other under the backs of her knees, she prepared to lift her. "Do you mind? I'll just take you over closer to the trees where you can relax." Reixa smiled back at Xandlei, standing up and resting her hand on his shoulder. She heard Xangel's compliment and nodded towards her, and then proceeded to look back at Xandlei. "Do you think you're ready, Xandlei? We wont get into any special abilities yet, but I can show you a few things to start out with."
OOC: Haha, does the thought of sexy Zexy in your room test you? xD I'm kidding, I'm kidding... Oh, and Hi HellKitten .n_n. sorry, I don't remember exactly how our characters met, but if you refreshed my mind... :D Zexion followed Xangel back to the pool, eager to avoid the conflict as well. But for some reason... he kept looking at her. What, were his eyes attracted to bright colors like a mindless seagul now? Shrugging the thought off, he simply sighed and stepped into the pool room. The strong stench of chlorine reached his nostrils once again, but this time he had anticipated it. They traveled back to the bleachers, and he sat down in his previous spot. "Uh oh, looks like bad news..." Rei mumbled under her breath. She was just about to loosen her grip on Axel's arm because she had sort of sensed his uncomfortable demeaner, but the sight of this newcomer gave her chills. Busty, brunette, and ditzy. She sighed, wondering what action she should take. OOC: Hmm... should Rei pull a "I'm his girlfriend" to ward "Denise" off? xD Sorry, I was a bit blocked. It's really short... :sweatdrop:
Larpex completed the patchwork, looking back at Abexecca's face. "You may feel a small zap, alright?" Larpex took a deep breath, initializing the seal on the lung. She then sent a surge of energy through her palm and aimed it directly at the seam. Abexecca's upper torso flinched, and Larpex slowly removed her hand from inside her chest. The blue, transparent film disappeared and she glanced down at Xangel to observe her work. "Good job, Xangel!" OOC: Sorry about the choppiness, I'm a bit blocked :sweatdrop: oh, and I've always been pronouncing "Captain Kuchiki" coo-chi-ki. But I just realizd that it's the same spelling as Kuchiki (cooch-ki) in Bleach... hehe. Reixa watched Xandlei with a sense of pity, kneeling down to his eye level. She wrapped her arms around him sympathetically, holding him close to her. "It's... alright, Xandlei." She patted his back softly a few times, and then pulled back a bit, facing him. "Xandlei... you know it's okay to be angry, and to be sad, even though... we're not supposed to 'feel' anything?" Rei held his shoulders firmly. "It's not wrong. But... letting your emotions get out of hand... it takes a lot of concentration to control and use them to your advantage. I think... we should start our training as soon as possible."
OOC: Same here, plans for Monday evening so I'll be on later that night or the next day. But thanks for the add :D
Rei watched Axel with curiosity, a new look on his face of adorned seriousness. But once he had mentioned the snacks and left the truck, Rei snapped back to reality. She seemed to be doing that quite frequently today. Maybe it was the... heat. Rei straightened up and closed her door, making her was around the truck. She still noticed a bit of uneasiness about Axel, so she rushed to his side and looped her arm through his. "Alright, let's go then. Let's forget everything else and have a good time." She smiled cheeringly and led Axel away from the vehicle. She just remained walking towards the boardwalk, where the snack foods they seeked were sold. She could see the outline of seaside shacks filled with novelty items that were popular amongst tourists. "You know, I used to come here when I was little, just to get away from the normality of my house. I lived near Sunset Hill, so I took the train a lot. And no matter how many times I come here, the sea air always makes me feel better."
OOC: I'm waiting for Destiny Star, but yeah......... dare I say it, but did we want someone to rp Larxy for the time being? Just until Nymph is back? *slowly raies hand* I'd do it, heh. Imagine that, rp'ing both Larxy and Rei...... :D