OOC: I'll respond for Rei later, I've got to go soon :D And the avvy? Glad ya noticed :P hehe Zexion strolled down the hallway, headed back outside. He grasped his lexicon in his right hand, and unless you knew what it was, it would have appeared to be your average dictionary. Grasping it in a slightly protective manner, he felt its weight drag him down with each step. It was heavy, after all. Reaching the tree he had occupied earlier, he sat in the comfortable shade. Accepting the atmosphere, he slowly opened the old book. It's pages were filled with ancient lettering, symbols that he could, for some reason, read fluently. But a certain thought plagued his mind as he read. That girl... Angel. For some perplexing reason... she was still on his troubled mind. Aaron sat in the cafeteria, alone, as always. This seemed to be the only place he hung out anymore. He hadn't seen Axel, Demyx, Zexion, Roxas... or even Rei for that matter, in days. He sighed, taking another bite of his second burger, contemplating on their whereabouts. OOC: eh, until I have ideas for Aaron, or at least until Rei and Axel come back, he has nothing to do ^^; Oh boy, him and Zexy are friends... that could get complicated. Heehee, a Zexy-Aaron-Angel love triangle... xD
OOC: Okitay, Axel time again :D Man, I'm wearing 14 beaded bracelets of assorted colors, three random multicolored bracelets (one of which is an anklet, but who cares), an old bracelet that my mom and I made with my nickname on it, a bracelet I just made with my bf's name (I know, cliche, but it's super cute!), a light blue hair tie, and four jelly bracelets formed into a flower (one is folded over into the petals, two cross that one for stems, and one wraps around the stems and under the petal). So all together... 23 bracelets and a hair tie. Yay!! 23 is my fave number! Totally not planned... :D Axel opened his eyes regrettably, having not slept, no matter how hard he tried. He really was rather exhausted, but somehow he wasn't entirely relaxed on a subconscious level. Sitting up lazily, he rubbed his head and fingered through his spiky, bright red locks. Glancing around with a dodgy look on his face, Axel realized how bright his room was. It never used to be... it was usually rather dim and shady. But the light was a pleasant change. Taking a closer look, he noticed that the light was coming from a distinct point. Standing, he stepped closer to the source of the new light. Peeking around his wardrobe, he noticed a good sized hole that had been created in his wall. "Oh... lovely." Sighing, he shrugged and turned back around, sitting on the edge of his bed. Well... I did always want a window... he chuckled to himself. Cocking his head to the side, he thought over any possible places to unwind. It was the least he could do for himself... the last few moments he spent thinking before his death... every memory depended upon Roxas. Wherever he was... It didn't take Axel long to decide. There was a sliver of hope left in his nonexistent heart, hoping that perhaps... Roxas might be there. Stretching his arms forward, he let the darkness consume his form until suddenly, he heard a deep, cackling voice stream through his ears. The darkness disappeared by its own will and left him standing where he had been before, in his room. He blinked, glancing about the place for the strange voices. Unable to sense any being within the room or around it, Axel stared down at the floor in utter confusion. What the hell was that?!
OOC: It's a Harry Potter Puppet Pals quote, and it popped into my head for some bizarre reason xD Rei detected the weakness of Axel's voice, trembling as he discussed his own emotions. She was especially surprised when he rested his head on her shoulder, holding it there closely. His breath felt hot against her exposed skin. She had tensed slightly at the action, but Rei relaxed herself and took a weary hand up, holding his head gently. Her hand went into his hair, past it, and to his scalp. It was then that Rei realized exactly how this was all affecting Axel. He was in far worse mental condition than she could ever be, even needing her to comfort him. She supposed what she had stated earlier was true after all... Nodding slowly, Rei inhaled slowly, only to let out the air in one fell swoop. "Yeah... let's go." She brought her other hand upward, taking hold of Axel's face. She bent her neck back a little to face him without moving his face much, facing him. "Hey... I stand by what I said earlier. We'll only talk about what happened before if you want to. And I don't want our friendship to fall apart because of it." Smiling, Rei gave Axel another tight hug. Ugh... this is super bland, sorry about that. I'm tired and blocked... :D
OOC: Doodoodoo... :D I think I'll wait until some orders from Xemy come, or I'l randomly put in something where he visits Twilight Town sometime.
OOC: All I feel like saying right now is "Alas! A cornucopia of love!" xD Rei's smile widened at Axel attempt to lift her spirits, which most likely was to brighten his mood as well. Seeing the effort in his expression even caused a chuckle from her. She sighed calmly, reaching up from behind his back where her hands were and lightly tugging a strand of his spiky locks. "Sorry to disappoint, Red." Rei felt slightly drained from the entire ordeal, but somehow, it felt good to get the situation out in the open. But... Axel had witnessed her actually crying. It wasn't something she made public, even in front of her family. She had always been a little defensive when it came to that, usually only really breaking down in the privacy of her room. "I... don't do that a lot... outwardly expressing deep emotions..." Rei glanced out to the sea, the sunset still glowing in the evening sky. "I guess I always thought of it as a sign of weakness or something along those lines. And whenever my friends are upset, I'm the one to comfort them." She looked back at Axel and smiled once again. "Not really good when the one cheering the other up is a wreck, huh?"
OC: Super sorry, I lost my post :( So I'm a tad discouraged... Basically, Axel can't breathe, and when he's free he thinks about how foolish Larxene is, sorta thinking that the way he died wasn't a result of karma. But then again, he thinks it was the result of wanting to see Roxas again, doing the kidnapping and such, and it put him in a hopeless situation. Thinks about how Sora reminded him of Roxas immensely, and hopes that Roxas is alive. Blah blah blah, he gets up, ignores Demyx, and portals to his room, but not without sending a small fireball towards the mullet-boy. Okay, I lost that part, so sorry about just giving you a guide of what I had written, I feel drained. Axel re-appeared in his old room, the white walls only half as blinding in the dim light. He peered around, feeling an enormous wave of nostalgia. The comfort of the familiarity was enough to keep his mind in check, not worrying about anything else besides the condition of his dominion. He scanned the place thoroughly, and to his satisfaction, nothing had been tainted. His bedsheets were somewhat made, as nicely as he could have managed, the few belongings that had been sitting on his bedside table were still intact, and generally, the room had the same "feel" as it had when he last seen it. He plopped onto his bed, rustling the sheets befre reaching up to his neck, feeling the red nail marks where the Savage Nymph had practically suffocated him.
OOC: Aww, alright :o And holy crap, I totally forgot!!! xD Haha, now I'm gonna want to make it! And I should... not doing anyhting until 6 today, lol. Rei's strained smile had dwindled as soon as it had come, even as Axel had come closer to her. The warm, comfortable feel of his touch sent the all too familiar chill through her body and mind, the attraction that had been there from the very start. It coursed through her as he pulled her in, his arms wrapped about her in a tight hold. Rei felt her shoulders rise in a subtle shudder as her breath quickened, her eyes now heavier than they had been before. Maybe it was because he couldn't see her face anymore, or perhaps it was because his hold on her made her feel secure, but apparently her subconscious had told her that it was alright to let the tears slip from her eyes. She brought her own arms up under his, holding his back and burying her face into his chest. The few tears felt hot against her face, and she sniffled once or twice. It took Rei just more than a few moments to get a hold of herself, stopping the tears from spilling past her cheeks. It was something she was going to have to face, letting go of her need to impress him, her desire to be noticed by him by means other than friendship, and the picture she had always imagined. She had slowed her breathing to a steady, calm rate, her eyes open and becoming dry. They had been standing there for some time, and Rei slowly began to pull her head away. She looked up at Axel, his red, spiky hair blowing like little needles in the wind. She blinked once, seeing the true contriteness in his expression. And despite the hurt she felt, Rei smiled.
Reixa sat up, pulling up her left sleeve slowly. It moved over the openings in the skin where Xandlei's nails had dug into her arm, and Rei wasn't surprised when she caught a small glimpse of red. Breathing through her gritted teeth, she examined them carefully. It wasn't so bad, but she supposed that the black aura must have infected it somehow, causing the immense pain. Otherwise, she would have been able to shake it off. She looked up, spotting the others near her. Propping herself up on her knees, Reixa reached around Xandlei with her right arm tightly. "...I'm sorry Xandlei, I hould have trained with you sooner... and this wouldn't have happened..." Larpex ran after Abexecca as she ascended, seeign her go to Xandlei. She didn't blame her for wanting to help him... but she seriously damaged herself and took a rather rough beating from the result. Rushing to her side and kneeling on the ground, she lifted her head gently and brushed her hair out of her face. She analyzed the area where Xandlei had attacked her, seeing a few wisps of the dark aura floating about. Looking up at Reixa for guidance, she couldn't help but notice the horrible marks on he girl's arm. "Rei, your arm..." Rei pulled back a bit from the embrace, eyeing Larpex. "Abexecca needs your help more than I do. I'll take care of it myself later anyhow."
OOC: Sorry if this seems a tad short, but I'm going to bed after this one :D And yes! Ah, good times... heehee. But of course, the fangirliness shall never die! :D Rei half-heartedly expected him to say something along the lines of "I do like you and Larxene both and I can't decide" or simply a "no." But with the yes... Rei felt a surge of mixed feelings. A hint of delight, but a sudden realization that this answer was only the beginning of another statement. And sure enough, it came without fail. Although, the fact that he had desired her at that moment and if she had continued... it gave her chills. Rei never intended for that to be accomplished... technically, with the short kiss. But just knowing what would have happened under the opposite circumstance made er stomach turn nervously. It wasn't a negative anxiety, but more of a shocking sensation. And then... the following statement was the truth that she had known for the longest time and had failed to accept. That Axel truly and genuinely felt for Larxene. And it wasn't a matter of who he liked best, but who he loved. Even if he might not have wanted to commit to that entire feeling, Rei could tell. The look in his eyes... Nodding silently, Rei looked down for a second, feeling a small sense of defeat. More like failure... but mostly like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was strange. She wasn't about to stand there and break into tears over the situation, but with the question gone, it both relieved and took away some feeling. Blinking at his final remark, Rei remembered back to not long ago, when Denise had spat her ugly two-cents at her. Finding her voice after Axel's answer, Rei cleared her throat and looked Axel in the eye. "She had said something about how you always had another girl. I knew she was still talking about you as how you have been in the past, and that she was under the impression that we had some sort of 'thing', but..." Rei's voice had carried through the entire statement, but it finally gave out at the end. Shaking her head, she took another deep breath and forced a smile. "But now... at least this is out in the open... right?" OOC: Ha... and I thought it would be too short... :D silly me.
OOC: Yeah, I thought that too, but I guess I'm fitting posting into my schedule these days and I don't have much time for it ^_^; But now, I can because it's the middle of the night xD Heehee. And YES! I loved that part, and Axel's reaction afterwards is kind of a "Heh, i want yer boooody". Or... maybe that was just my imagination... :D Well, it's actually more of a "Pfft, under my hood? Maybe you should keep important facts under your hood missy... but eh, I'll go with it... maybe..." Heehee, see there? Now you've got me rambling... xD Axel watched the blonde's fantastic little light show, watching her for the sheer purpose of entertainment. But of course, the Behemoth's actions were so predictable, Demyx was capable of eliminating one. If she was trying to show off, or rather, show up anyone, she was sadly under-accomplished. Axel put his hand over where his heart should have been, producing a hurt, yet apathetic facial expression. "Ouch, Sparkles! That one hurt deep down..." He was so accustomed to all of the queer jokes and love puns at this point, so he wasn't going to let a weak attempt at an insult strike him down. Smirking, he strolled closer to Larxene. With each step, heat poured from his body and vapor trailed his feet, eliminating any chances for the savage female to electricute him by those means. "Oh, you don't need any help... well, I'd reevaluate that statement if I were you." Axel was that much closer to Larxene, seeing the lines in her forehead deepening in frustration. He chuckled, folding his arms nonchalantly. "Your little sorry excuse for an attack wouldn't have been half as strong without help from that nimrod over there, which is an insult in itself." He was only a mere three feet from her now, well aware that she could strike him at any moment. "And frankly, why should I leave? This is as much my home as anyone else's... but considering you were overwhelmed by a fourteen year old way back when and never even resided here, I'd say that you have no right." Axel shrugged with his eyebrows raised, staring at Larxene indifferently. "Heh... I'm just glad to say that I went of my own accord, rather than have my @ss kicked by a kid, a tempermental duck, and a creepy dog..." Just then, Axel noticed the Behemoth, which had been gaining distance as they talked, engrossed in their hate for each other. (that's one way to put it :D) The misty vaporizing process had created an almost foggy atmosphere, having made it almost impossible to see ten feet past their noses. All he saw was a flash of white tusks and two front legs. Grabbing Larxene by the waist, despite the earful he'd recieve later, Axel lept to the side, gliding across the floor with tremendous speed. He set her down behind him before taking up his chakram, creating wheels of fire around the pieces of clunky metal. The will-o-wisps glazed the floor and traveled towards the Behemoth's feet, making it fall to the ground, injured. Axel flung both chakram towards the soft and poorly armored neck, slitting the throat of the Heartless monstrosity. It let out a desperate cry of pain before slipping away into the darkness, another pink heart sent sailing into the sky. Catching his breath from those few moments of excitement, he turned back to Larxene. Partially to see of she was unharmed, but mostly to smile cleverly in her face. "Now... as I stated before... you don't need help?"
OOC: *gasp*gasp*gasp* okokokok...... hehe, catching my breath there. :D Yeah..... the "more under" part kinda unleashed a fangirl squeal there, and it was loud... and it's 2:00 am... xD Rei had remained stationary, still looking up to the sky, awaiting some sort of response. His silence was antagonizing, and each moment passed by so slowly. Her heart was beating a million miles a minute, yet she remained outwardly calm and serious. Yet she had noticed a certain reaction from Axel after she had pulled away just a second after kissing him. It was sort of as if... no... he was just surprised was all... surely... But as he stood and began to speak, Rei propped herself up almost instantly, with her forearms on the wood and her elbows bent. "I'm... sorry if I put you in a tight spo--" she began to say, but when Axel turned around to look at her once again, her words seemed to vanish. Her eyes widened a bit at his first remark, but the one following brought her to her feet. Looking up at him for a moment only resulted in glancing back down again, more invasive thoughts of Larxene interrupting her mind. She tried to push them away, but Rei knew that she'd have to bring it up. Slowly meeting his eyes again, he spoke before her with an inquiry that made her ponder otherwise. She opened her mouth to speak, but finding a sufficient answer was more difficult than it should have been. Rethinking the question, Rei exhaled slowly. "Well... I guess I mean... did you feel anything besides surprise?" It was the best explanation she could muster. "I just would like to know what crossed your mind as... well, you know." She felt her eyes drift out towards the sun, ideas of the blonde reappearing. It was no use avoiding it... "And... there was something that Denise said... after you left that reminded me of this." She turned back to Axel, eyeing him sincerely and truthfully. "Of... you and Larxene."
OOC: I know!!! She laughs and giggles at everything! I was watching some COM Larxene battles, as well as Axel's, and I just can't get enough of her voice! xD And what did you think of my post? ^_^; heh, be brutal. Sometimes I think my posts are kind of boring, but... eh, just lemme know what you think :D Axel noticed a change of heart (no pun intended) in the beasts as they all turned their heads in unison, staring him down with newfound blood-lust. Seeing them all creep towards him, Axel twirled his right chakram and smirked. "Finally, some action! Bring it on!" Axel threw the chakram at the ready, flames billowing through at least ten Shadow and a few Neoshadow before it came back to his palm. Dimissing both of his weapons now, however, he folded his arms haughtily. He faced the Heartless with a pyromaniac-like approach, raising up one hand slightly. And thus, with a smooth, dry snap of his forefinger and thumb, the remaining few Heartless burst into a series of individual combustions. He watched as each and every one of them smoldered into black remnants, levitating into the atmosphere and releasing hearts. Feeling a wave of accomplishment, as far as a Nobody could feel, Axel produced a portal leading towards the main entrance. There were some supposed Behemoths awaiting battle there, and who was he to deny them and allow the others to solely vanquish them? He wasn't done yet. Arriving a short distance from both Larxene and Demyx, he rested his ight hand on his left shoulder, rolling it back to stretch it out. "Well, this is an unlikely team we have here, isn't it?"
OOC: WHOA!! Heehee, just kiding, I kinda had the feeling something like that would happen :D Geez, trying to give Rei a heart attack? xD Reixa let out an involuntary gasp as Xandlei suddenly grasped her arm with a strong death hold, She winced as his fingers sank into her skin thorugh the uniform, tightening to cut off her circulation. And on top of that, the dark aura was creeping up her arm like a fatal gas, slinking towards her face once again. Rei found it difficult to inhale the gaseous substance, and it only allowed small amounts of oxygen through to her lungs. She began to feel woozy and light-headed, rocking back and forth in the daze. She most likely would have been consumed if not for Xangel, pulling her away after producing a firewall between herself and Xandlei. He seemed to be in a trance of some sort, his eyes as black as night. Reixa felt Xangel pulling at her, forcing her away from the scene. Her left arm, the one that had been assaulted, felt limp and useless as the pain rose. She felt her weight on it as she was being dragged across the ground, and she let out a surprising yelp. Breaking her right hand away from Xangel's grip, she lay on the ground with her arm under her body. Pulling herself up without the use of the arm, Reixa looked back at Xandlei with relentless fear. "W--what are we going to do?! We can't just leave!"
OOC: :) I know, I even checked how the treads were doing from my emails of my subscribed threads :D when I took a break a while back. And Twilight, prepare yourself..... :D I had an epiphany. Rei breathed in slowly, contemplating the idea over and over inside her mind... could she do it? Could she actually settle the matter, once and for all? If she did, it could either make or break her relationship with Axel forever... but she somehow doubted the fact that it would ruin their friendship. It was a funny feeling... but she felt almost certain. There was a bit of a chance that he'd freak out a litte... well, there was a significant chance of that. But... Rei knew it was the only way to uncover the truth without being hurt immensely. Bending her knees and standing from her previous position, Rei turned and slowly opened the shack's door, sunlight pouring in from the late afternoon sunset. She re-explored the surrounding area by aura, finding his solemn figure once again. She mustered up her courage and started towards him. (I'd put more inbetween here, but I have satellite internet and there's a storm coming, gotta type fast!) When Rei finally arrived, the fishy aroma wafting through the breeze, she walked slowly to him. She cautiously sat down next to him, laying down on the wodden surface and looking up to the sky. She held her hands behind her head, her elbows bent. Rei glanced over at Axel, his eyes closed, knowing that he obviously ahd figured out she was beside him. The dock wasn't exactly silent, being a tad old. She took a deep breath before saying anything. "... Axel... I--I don't want to talk about anything. But I... have a question for you. But not about what happened earlier... okay?" Without giving him a chance to reply, Rei took the opportunity to lean over to the side and hover over him for only a moment, giving Axel a short, sweet kiss on his frowning lips. Retreating as her heart beat rapidly and nervously, Rei spoke through scattered breathing. "Did... did you feel anything?... And I want the whole truth, no matter what the answer is."
OOC: Sure thing, Twlight .n_n. but Larxy had her fun, Axel's gonna have his :D But yepperz, they can all meet there and kick some Heartless-behind! Axel peered around the transparent railing supports at the growing number of miniscule Shadow and larger Neoshadow, rising like living corpses of the grave from the ground. They swerved and twitched, making numerous clicks and rustles that echoed throughout the entire room. Thick, growing thorn vines wrapped around and consumed portions of the stairway, making it difficult to walk in many areas. But hey, more places for the Heartless to trip. Tilting his head to the side in a tired manner, Axel yawned before straightening his posture and lifting his arms, still bent upwards. He could feel the heat rising in the pit of his stomach, flowing throughout his entire body in a manner of seconds before unleashing itself through his palms. He extended them outwards, forcing his torso forward as he heard the nostalgic clank of metal, his spinning chakram now still in his grasp. He took a deep breather, smiling sardonically as his adrenaline ws already kicking into action. Letting out a loud chuckle, he raised his chin and faced the dark demons head on. Seemingly gliding forward on light feet, he twisted his upper body in an aerial jump, hitting a nearby Shadow with his back to it, left arm slashing through it like thin paper. The tiny ball of ebony whisked away, its fur shedding and its captive heart sent sailing above their heads. Axel felt the heat intensify within his core as he stared down another Shadow accompanied by two Neoshadow, standing erect and uncaring. Of course, Axel knew very well that these mindless drones would have simply vanished at a cold look, but where was the entertainment in that? He didn't want to be rusty, did he? Of course not. Taking both chakram, he pulled his arms in and moved jerkily in preparation for his next killing spree. Flames reached his fingertips and grew towards the edges of his chakram, growing quickly and spinning. Within a matter of moments his chakram were detatched from his hands and were rotating in midair, the blazing inferno entrapping the three Heartless and sending them to oblivion. Without hesitation, Axel handled his weapons once again and sent flames skyrocketing into the air, and he maliciously created a surrounding wall of fire, hardening lava covering the entire landscape. He grinned wildly as the fire grew to extreme heights, and he glared around with a contemptuous aura about him. It didn't take him long to leap backwards with ease, making his surprise attacks in and out of the firey death trap. His chakram went back and forth from him like yo-yo's, flames trailing behind them with every move.
Reixa watched, mortified and stunned as the darkness seemed to be absorbed by Xandlei and the area surrounding him. "Xa-Xandlei!" She formed a half-infuriated, half-distraught facial expression, hitting the ground hard repeatedly. All she could think of was how she could have helped him sooner... maybe if she hadn't have shown him how to actually use aura just yet... if she would have sticked to the basics to begin with instead of showing off... She felt like she was to blame. How can I ever regain Abexecca's trust now? And what's going to happen to Xandlei?! Practically crawling back to Xandlei's limp body, Reixa put a hand on him gently. "... Xadlei?"
OOC: I think your portrayal of Larxene is amazing! Hehe, and Xemy too .n_n. And awww, thanks! If you guys ever need info on rooms in the castle, go here Axel turned his head at the sound of Demyx's annoyingly high pitched voice, skillfully stifling a laugh at his trivial criticisms. Their eyes met as he came to, and all Axel gave him was an apathetic smirk. Quickly moving his attention to the Superior, he folded his arms and watched the scene play out. Maleficent, huh? The green-faced Wicked Witch wannabe. Hearing Xemnas' comment about how Axel would or wouldn't be assisting in the Heartless genocide, he stretched his arms forward. Hmm... now this is more like it, some leverage. But he had to admit, the remark towards Larxene took the cake. Her lousy, dumbfounded expression as the other two left had Axel chuckling. "Well, well... now we see where the Superior's allegiances lie, don't we? A few minutes on the job again and you're assigned to babysitting!" Making a portal for himself leading towards an infected area, Axel stepped backwards into the darkness quickly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be the one warming up. Tata!" Being consumed by the wisps of black, he closed his eyes temporarily before reappearing at Twilights View, the large staircase leading up to the Hall of Empty Melodies. A good amount of Heartless were about, and no doubt inside the hall. This should be entertaining...
Reixa looked up at Xangel with surprise, but looked back at Xandlei almost instantly. "But... he--!" Trying to grasp her words through the darkness, she moved her face accordingly to avoid it. "I can't just leave him!" But deep down, Rei knew that she was right. There was nothing she could do for him now... Breaking away from Xandlei's aura, Reixa stood up with difficulty, stumbling backwards and falling. She pushed herself away from his body, watching in horror as it was being consumed.
OOC: Okie dokie! :P hehe Reixa felt the surge of dark aura come back at her regardless of Xangel's attempts, swallowing Reixa's face as she got closer to Xandlei. She tried shaking him into consciousness, but she was unsuccessful. "Xandlei?!" She glanced over at Abexecca now, seeing how she was holding up through this catastrophe. Eh... sorry, that's all I've got. I've been writing uber long posts all night, hehe, and I'm all out. Gonna go, cya later :D
OOC: is there still black aura left hanging around or is it all gone?