Ah, I should actually get some rest... but good to see ya :glomp:
Beats me, but it sure is fun :D
Ello'!!! =D
OOC: Sure thing Kitten (wow, I feel like Godot). :D And no prob Twilight, I've plagued you with my blocked days before. And did you wanna just meet Smexy... I mean, Zexy... again?
OOC: Ok! As you can probably tell from my reply to Soul Reason, Twilight, I am no longer blocked :D Haha, came up with that explanation on the spot too. Wow, I suppose I was inspired. Rei prepared herself as soon as his expression changed to a look of amazement, and his statement of a loss for words. She listened intently as he rambled on continuously, and numerous times she forced herself to stop comparing herself to the blonde. That was the reason why she had asked originally, out of jealously, but she set her mind on curiosity. She was curious, after all. Rei kept her line of vision leading in his direction, no matter how often Axel looked at the sky and in front of himself. Oddly, she wasn't surprised to hear him start off saying they had never really gotten along. She had seen that the moment she had made any contact with them. Not that that experience had been pleasant. They had been fighting then, quite profusely, and Rei had been rammed over by Axel's brooding retreat. But that drive to find the sole reason as to why he was on Larxene's mind... it was obvious that he had liked her since the two had met. He didn't need to say it. But the memory of Rei's prank at the dance made her feel a little tense. "Oh, that. Yeah... I need to apologize," she said, smiling apologetically. It was surprising for her to hear that she gave him a challenge. She saw her little bets as a fun tease, but apparently, she was a fair competition for him. That made Rei smile, and she looked forward for the first time since the conversation had started. The boardwalk was inching closer, but she waited earnestly for Axel to continue. Yet, another word he spoke surprised her. After the multitude of compliments and attractions, Axel mentioned Larxene's ability to be sweet. Rei had yet to see this side of her... but it didn't really surprise her that Axel had. Well... it kind of did. Rei hadn't known how deep he was into their relationship already, in a romantic way. They had just started being this way, as she inferred from Axel's words, the day Rei had met them. His cheeks flushed brilliant red, almost matching his crimson hair. This was also strangely shocking to Rei, she hadn't ever seen him blush. Their eyes met once again, and Rei blinked a few times before he continued. His next few words played out exactly as they should have, him being unsure still of his feelings. That was the Axel she knew. Rei smiled, nodding. "Actually... it's not too pathetic." She hummed a small laugh, turning away for a moment. "But... I think I know now... why you like her so much." Rei paced her words carefully, trying not to sound like she wanted to be pitied. "I could tell you right now what I like about you. And I could sum it up too. But... the way you feel for Larxene, it's different. It's... special." She looked back at him from the corner of her eye as they turned a corner along the wooden surface, closing in on the boardwalk. "But I don't think I can fully understand... until I talk to her. I mean it... I do have some apologizing to do. Not just about the dance either. And... if she's as stubborn and cruel as you say, I think she and I could become friends after a while." Rei laughed louder at her last statement, imagining her and Larxene, even talking to one another. It was difficult, but she could still see it. "Think we'd fight as much as you two?" Rei smiled, turning her head to look at Axel again.
OOC: Just finished "Twilight" *breathes in slowly*. Holy cow... I'm glad I came here to get my mind off it. The first chapter of "New Moon" was at the end of it and I'm super anxious to get it. Like, today, right now. Haha... I could almost take my grandparents' car... but that would be immoral, not to mention illegal xD I've only got my level one license. Plus... no money on me :D. I'm kidding... by the way. But really, I want that book :sweatdrop: Anyways, I thought about Axel's motives amongst the storyline of KH CoM and KH2, and I added it up. So enjoy :D Axel ignored the young man before them, deep within his own thoughts. If he wasn't given the chance to leave this godforsaken world, he'd find a way. With the numerous ideologies about plans, methods, mutiny, the Organization was slowly slipping back to its state at Castle Oblivion. Quite the unorganized organization. Finding Roxas was the utmost priority on his list. Then again... all this talk of the soul and this new life, likely being the only chance they had left, troubled him. If some inexplicable force was holding them there, planning to thwart them somehow, it was most definitely a problem. The only one that kept him here, willing to work with these fellow members. But who knew what it would cause him to do this time around. These "people" seemed uncanny in the area of forcing him to make himself quite unpopular. He was already being bashed by the cruel female, the one-- along with that intolerable flower fanatic-- that had caused the first stages of his traitorism. (not really a word, but I thought it fit.) Axel had always done what was in the best interest for himself. Even joining the Organization was merely a benefit towards him. He was an outcast, unsure about even his existence. But when it became evident that a group of beings similar to him were banding together, it was the most intelligent option to pursue. He wasn't going to get anywhere working alone, and his sights were set on life, as it had been. Gaining a heart was the only path to take, no alternatives. Yet, of course, he was still deprived of one. Axel had suspected that many of the members were suspicious of him obtaining one from his previous actions. But they were sadly mistaken. If he had already gotten his heart back, why would he be sitting here? It was something that he felt he would be explaining to them, sooner or later. But then there was the thought of how Vexen, Zexion, and Marluxia would react. Vexen... his status with the redhead was blatantly obvious. Axel would be sore too if the situation was reversed. And Zexion... he didn't seem too brooding in his position across from where Axel sat. It was then that Axel remembered Riku Replica, how he had deceived him. Yet another display of following his own agenda. He would have to apologize to the replica, either way, and would have some explaining to do. Then, Marluxia. Pretty self explanatory. Axel had lost sight of the man's intentions and plans, so of course, he decided to attempt in stopping him. All in all, it was going to be a rough reunion once they all woke.
OOC: ... wow, I read a lot. xD Axel eyed the other members cautiously beofre waving his hand in alert. "I'll tag along as well. I believe that three members will be sufficient." He had said those words calmly, but his mind was on an acid trip. The numerous theories and contemplations ran through his skull at high speed, ruining any thought process. He was in shock, more of less. But the most important scheme amongst the rest was the solemn question he had asked himself over and over. Was Roxas alive? It was nerve racking, and to tell the truth, it took a great toll on him. Roxas was the only person in the organization that he actually felt ment something to him. Except for, say, Namine and any member of his Sombody's life, Roxas was the only person he truly cared about unconditionally. Hopefully, by some chance, Roxas could be at Destiny Islands. OOC: Sorry about this sketchy reply, I'm a bit blocked.
OOC: And can you change mine too? .n_n. I won't RP for now, I've got Band Camp and then an away game to go watch (football). So I'll be back tomorrow :D Played By: chula_claire :OC: Name : Aaron Age: 17 Hair: Kind of bowl-ish, jet black Eyes: Deep blue Power: Aura Gender: Male Pic: Option 1 Option 2 (minus the earring) Played By: chula_claire :OC: Name: Rei Age: 16 Hair: Jet black, to the middle of her back in length, with a side part and bangs Eyes: Deep green Power:Wind Elements and Aura Gender: Female Pic: Option 1 Option 2 (but not so gangly)
Axel sat patiently and unspoken, his arms crossed casually as his eyes darted from one member to the next. It was a reoccurring habit of his. He was usually silent unless he had information he felt like contributing or he had an argument to uphold. It was the same old routine... Sitting back in his seat a bit, Axel stifled a small yawn. He would have been sitting in the warm sun by now, not in this blindingly white room if not for the portal malfunctions. Maybe Roxas was in that nostalgic town... no, he was sure of it. Something just felt right. Axel could sense his friend within close proximity... but not within this particular world. Damn it...
OOC: Aw... *blush* thanks! I just meant seeing as how 5 and a 1/2 hours a day I have band camp these next two weeks, then school (AP classes), I won't have as much free time. But I can always get on my DS before bed :D I'll still be here. And my previous leave of absence helped immensely with the obsessive part. I was really caught up in it.. probably why the thread was so amazing, everyone put everything they had into this RP :sweatdrop:
OOC: Yeah, I don't mind any criticism. That idea was made up on the spot, so it's still sketchy and all. :D As for the Heartless theory, it could either confuse RPers and drive them away or attract deep thinkers. It could go either way... and it has been quite some time since Nymph replied. I haven't heard from her on youtube either. But perhaps it was too much to handle, all the RP's she was in. Sometimes the best way to control something like that is to drop it. I had to for a while, but I came back for summer .n_n. And I'll still reply at least on weekends.
OOC: I have band camp again, so I may not post as often. I'm on my DS for a while, so I may not be able to work on ur org. card until weekends. But I won't be leavin :D Rei continued to face forward as well, ignoring any impulse to look at Axel's aura, which had been forming in her peripheral vision. Whatever he was feeling right now was his business alone, no one else's. Especially her's... "I... I can handle it." It was then that Rei turned her head in his direction. "Promise." Rei had subconsciously sensed some discomfort whilst Axel walked, his thoughts obviously revolving around the topic in question: Larxene. Rei had silently wondered if something had happened between them between the DDR match after the dance and now. Perhaps the rason why Axel decided to come here with her was to unwind. It made sense, but it did cause Rei to revisit that solemn realization... None of this was for her... but for Larxene. And maybe that was how it was supposed to be. Then again... OOC: But remember, Rei'll need some Tifa-reinforcments back at the school, once Aerith cheers her up .n_n.
OOC: Ello :D I'm ready when you are!
OOC: Oh yeah, definitely keep it going! But I agree with Twilight, starting anew may be the best thing to do. That way, we can make this thread a little more bad@ss like it used to be!!! :D A lot of people have left, and some are new, and it would be a great opportunity to attract new members. We should come up with a backstory as to how the two Organizations became rivals, and we can set a time for when this is all occuring. I think this should be a Post KH1 thread. Just before CoM, and before Sora. A time before the mutinies and betrayals, when Org XIII was recruiting and another Organization (rivals) was as well. We can say that Xemnas' artificial Kingdom Hearts is jsut being born and he has the knowledge to make it grow, and the Nameless Org can be envious of it or something along those lines. A competition for that power, like our original intent. We can have repeated OC's or completely new ones, whatever. But those are just some of my ideas.
Aaron's eyes followed Angel as she started to leave. Leaning forward a bit in his seat, he simply uttered a stutter that was barely audible to himself. "U-uh............" As soon as she was gone, Aaron hit the table surface with his fist. "Shoot..." He snatched up his burger, but simply looked at it before his face. He had suddenly lost his appetite. Standing jerkily, Aaron grabbed a few quarters from his jeans pocket, sprinting to the pop machine. He popped them in one by one and made his selection, Sunkist, and waited patiently. But alas, the hunk of junk whirred and jumbled, but failed to retrieve the bubbly, orange soda. How did she do that?! "Well... eh..." Rei turned her head down as she muttered a rather pitiful response, trying to collect her thoughts. Part of her reasoning was curiosity, but mostly she wanted to discover the components of the blonde's personality that attracted Axel to her. The question had been fueled mainly by jealousy, no matter how much Rei denied it, and that wasn't fair. And Axel's concern for her mental capacity for his answer made her feel rather guilty. More like dirt, actually. Making eye contact, Rei shook her head regrettably. "I suppose it wasn't very fair of me to ask... considering the circumstance." It was probably the sketchiest reply she could have given.
OOC: Aw, thanks :D I thought it was rather plain, but I'm glad to contribute. This thread is gonna be sweet! And it doesn't matter how long your posts are. Everyone here has brilliant ideas .n_n. Axel glanced down at his body, overly cautious after the defective portal. He seemed unharmed, and he didn't feel out of sorts, but the surprise had startled him. It didn't help when a Sniper Nobody appeared behind him, causing chills to run down his spine. He spun around, his chakram summoned and his knees bent. Noticing the intruder's identity, he relaxed and slowed the tempo of his heavy breath. "What do you want?" The silent dialogue ran through his mind as it relayed a simple message. Report to the meeting room. Axel blinked, allowing his circular weapons to disappear in dark wisps. He nodded as the being vanished, swirling its body in irregular twists. He sat back on his bed, spreading his legs and resting his elbows on his thighs. He buried his face in his gloved hands and breathed deeply, attempting to calm himself down. This was definitely too much excitement for someone that just woke up after fading away into nothingness. It was practically instantanious, but the process was overwhelmingly exhausting. Axel glanced up, contemplating his next maneuver.Traveling through the Corridoors of Darkness seemed impossible, at least when going to other worlds. But starting off new by repeating his old habits of tardiness at meetings wasn't exactly the best option to pursue. Not to mention that using portals was the only way to get there. Axel pointed before him at the open space, creating a swirling portal that led to the meeting room. Taking a deep breath, he waited for a few seconds to see if it would linger. Then he stood and observed it carefully. Nothing seemed wrong... He stepped forward into it with precaution, his eyes darting around nervously. Everything was playing out normally, so Axel walked forward into the darkness. In a few seconds, he found himself sitting at his own white pedestal, accompanied by Saix and Xaldin. He sighed, reaching up to hold his forehead in relief. But his mouth remained unspeaking, for he wasn't about to openly greet either man juust yet.
OOC: Ok, I edited my post earlier to follo the plot. Sorry about that ^^; and the random multiple bracelet frenzy? No idea xD
OOC: I'm back! :D And I'm still kind of blocked... :sweatdrop: Rei smiled at the sound of the Sea-Salt ice cream, humming the familiar "yum" reply. "I can't wait." She kept walking for a while, but it took her a moment to realize that she was still holding her hand against his back. Pulling it away, still a tad bit awkward, she placed her arm against her side. Strolling uphill on the wooden surface for a little while, she glanced back at Axel. "Hey... I don't know if it's too soon to talk about it... but what is it about Larxene that you like so much?" Rethinking her inquiry, Rei chuckled half-heartedly. "Well... it has to be something really special. You care about her a lot..." Aaron looked up from the dull tin foil surrounding his burger to see Angel walk past. He watched with a hint of amazement as she conquered the stubborn pop machine, retrieving her beverage easily. He blinked a few times before he set the snack down, gazing at her for a bit. Olette flipped the final page of the book, closing it after countless hours of enduring its sheer bland nothingness. She sighed, glancing at the long page of notes she had recorded pertaining to the essay she was required to write. Government was difficult... but perhaps she could grow accustomed to the heavier homework. But man, was it going to be nerve racking. She was lucky that she was a rather studious person, or else she would be sunk. Zexion felt the pleasant breeze against his skin as he sat beneath the tree reading. It was becoming overcast, and he hoped that the weather wouldn't act up once more.
Reixa looked up at Xangel from where she sat, wincing slightly as she reached up to wipe a drop of sweat from her forehead. She had had to put her weight on her left arm, not the smartest move. Straightening back out, she relaxed the injured arm and sighed. "I'm fine... it's just that my arm is in a bit of a funk here. It's probably infected. I can clean it out later with some more light aura."
OOC: Oh! I totally forgot about Olette! ^^; and blech, I'm sorry about the minimum posting. I'll be gone the next few days, and I'll be back Wednesday or Thursday. Cedar Point and then an end-of-summer bash with my best friends .n_n. Olette flipped through the pages in "A Midsummer's Night Dream," avoiding her homework assignment. Sighing, she glanced over at the large, three hundred paged book titled "Miracle at Philadelphia," wherever that was. All she knew was that it was lengthy and drone. Groaning half-heartedly, Olette picked up the heavy book and opened it up to the first page. She might as well get it over with. She signed up for government, she might as well act like she was enjoying the class she had chosen. Rei nodded, surprised at her own cheery disposition despite the current situation. "Mmhmm, that's right. I had dibs on pretzels, right?" She put a helpful hand on Axel back, leading him forward. She knew that he was rather reluctant to return to an overbearing crowd, as was she, but they weren't going to get anywhere just standing around. She took a step forward, waiting for Axel to follow suit.