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  1. chula-claire
  2. chula-claire
    OOC: I know... I should know better. :sweat: But anyways, too bad the fun, schweet Halloween party as the school is happening around the time Rei and Axel will get back. I wonder if either of them will feel like going... hmm...

    Rei nodded, smiling up at the Redhead. "Yeah, positive." Reaching into her small change purse within her jeans pocket, she pulled out a small, gold sphere. Rei held the munny between her index and middle fingers, leaning against the counter beside Axel and resting her chin on her other hand. "Two Sea-Salt ice creams as well, please," she told the cashier.

    And sorry about the shortness, but I wanted to at least get it moving again because I've been away for so long :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: Sorry guys, but what with school and extra curriculars, I'm having to cut it down to one RP. So I'm going to drop this one :( I had fun with the time I contributed, but I've just been way to busy. See ya .n_n.
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
  5. chula-claire
  6. chula-claire
    Rei noticed Axel tensing a bit after she mentioned paying the higher cost. It was obvious, at least to her, but she held her tongue and nodded as he countered her. But even still, she shook her head when he asked if she wanted anything on it. "Nah, I'm not too fond of super sweet stuff." She smiled truthfully, because she was telling the truth, after all.

    OOC: *yawn* sry about another lame reply. =^.^= (kitty!) I'm tired and my feet hurt xD. tonight was homecoming.
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire
    Axel's eyebrow rose as the lavendar feline crept towards him. It's smile flashed as it whispered into his left ear, and he sudennly felt the tape recorder materialize in his pocket. Uncrossing his arms just long enough to reach for it, his gloved fingers slipped over it uncaringly. Turning it over and glancing at it, Axel shrugged and tossed it roughly towards Larxene. Hopefully it hit her square on the face.

    Despite his utter boredom after all the feeble attempts to get at each other's throats, Axel leaned forward and tiled his head from side to side, loosening up. His nerves were shot, but at least they were finally getting somewhere.

    OOC: sorry about the lame reply, I'm uber tired :sweat:
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
  9. chula-claire
    OOC: Heehee, nice one Twilight :D I <3 Larxene, even tho she's making fun of Axel :( And really, I didn't realize how slightly intricate his dialogue was xD. AP homework is frying my brain, making me smart. Ugh!

    Axel blinked, leaning back into his chair and turning away. Hmph. He had let his absentmindedness get the best of him. Although his vote was concrete, he thought back and re-evaluated his reasonings. What the hell had he been thinking?! That must have been it. He wasn't thinking.

    Damn it, this was getting out of hand. He knew why he was so edgy, and Axel bit his tongue. The absense of his best friend had fueled his out-of-character actions, it had been pestering him ever since he "woke up." He longed to simply see him, just to clarify that he still existed. Then agian...

    He had had a dream, or rather, something like a dream, just after he had faded. It had seemed so inexplicably real, the hues of the brilliant sunset perfectly accounted for. He had been sitting on the clock tower... with Roxas. And they had been talking about... the heart? Yes. That was what little he could still remember. Axel supposed that this was simply undeniable proof that there was something more after fading. Or else, why would he be dreaming if he was already dead?

    Truly, the only thing he cared about at this moment was getting out of this Godforsaken place, meeting with Roxas, and finding out and devouring whatever was the cause of all of this. Larxene could call him selfish for that, why not? Why keep her from her fruitless fantasies? It was inevitable anyway, and he could care less.
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
  11. chula-claire
  12. chula-claire
    OOC: :D I reread my reply, and after reading your responses, it apears it was sufficient enough ^^ This is fun. But be warned, Axel's gonna get inside Larxene's mind one of these days and really stump her.

    Axel couldn't help but grin at the blonde's dumbfounded expression, however short-lived it was. But as she counterpointed his words, he reassesed them. "I suppose you could say that Xaldin has a stronger threshold for controlling his sadism." He shook his head, dismissing the matter, for now, as he let the subject drop. Only, the pink-headed Pansy King had to bring it back up.

    Axel hadn't missed his moment of humor prior to Larxene's outlashing, and had half-expectede such a reply. He straightened his back ever so slightly, almost subconsciously, and leaned forward to speak directly to the man. "I believe the dispute was between Larxene and Xaldin, am I correct? Not to mention the mere hipocracy within your own statement. Perhaps I had laid the layer on too thick, but that doesn't matter. No one here can claim they are of entirely good morals. Besides, what really matters is that we send someone that will get the job done. We decided to vote, and I voted apart from most of you." Axel rested his arm on the seat, sifting his weight after being still for that amount of time. "And this is going to need a group effort." He glanced back at Xemnas. "Seeing as how we've decided the 'who,' let's get to the 'how.'"
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. chula-claire
  14. chula-claire
    OOC: ALAS!!! I have returned =D Excited? Of course you are. And btw, I think I'll post of pic of myself too, then everyone will be doing it! Deathsight, Kitten, and I will influence u all!

    Rei simply rolled her eyes at Axel after the Larxene comment, already feeling considerable loosened up. The air between them had relaxed after the moments of turmoil. But as he took her hand abruptly, no matter how casual, it sent a chill throughout Rei's entire body. It wasn't an unexpected reaction, but just a forbidden one. Didn't she just tell him that she had accepted the fact that Axel was with Larxene? Now she was involuntarily breaking that promise.

    She wasn't supposed to feel this way around him anymore. But the attraction that had grown past it's due date lingered with her, almost unwilling to leave. She shook her head slightly as she let Axel lead her, dumbfounded, to the food stand. He mentioned something about funnel cakes and no pretzels, so Rei just nodded silently. She could have bet munny that she was flushing, her face felt warm despite the cool breeze coming off the ocean. Or it could have just been the fact that he was so close to her, leaning against the counter like that...

    Rei shook it off long enough to find her voice. "... H-how much are the funnel cakes? I call whichever's more expensive." She mustered up whatever courage she had left and smiled brightly, giving him a quick, friendly wink. Even this simple gesture was making her feel higher than a cloud. She hoped that the dispute that had occured earlier hadn't strengthened her feelings for him, rather than dismiss them as they should have been...
    Post by: chula-claire, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    OOC: I was gonna come back tomorrow, but I guess I'm replying now, why not? :D

    Rei looked back up at Axel, his skin appearing auburn in the low sunlight. She actually grimaced ever so slightly, thinking of actually walking up to Larxene and working up to an apology. It was going to take guts, guts that she hopefully still held intact afterwards. If it came down to a fight, it would be pretty. But... Rei's face became unreadable as she contemplated Larxene's other possible reactions.

    There was going to be hatred. Yes, hatred for sure. And resentment, let's not forget that one. But perhaps, a level of understanding... eventually? She wsn't going to know until it actually happened.

    But Rei couldn't help but noticed Axel's reference to "last night." He said it hadn't really been a fight, but it made Rei suddenly curious. It was obviously after the dance, and after he left her room. So... he went to Larxene's after that? Or they met up somewhere. It wasn't any of her business, but...

    After clearing her throat of the lump that had been accumulating, Rei spoke. "I'll manage. I can't avoid apologizing. It was... childish of me."
    Post by: chula-claire, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: .n_n. I'm back.

    Axel's arms tightened against his torso as the attention of the room fell upon him. He consciously relaxed, sitting further towards the edge of his seat. He cleared his throat and swallowed hard. "Even though this wont waver the odds, I am voting for Xaldin." He eyed the blonde meticulously, awaiting her reaction. "We have to consider which of the two would be the most trustworthy. If we question how reliable our representative will be, then why send them in the first place? Not to mention we'll be needing some amount of charisma for this." Axel leaned back against the stiff rear wall of his pedestal once again, becoming comfortable and glancing around the white room. "If the Keyblade Bearers and their alliances are interested in aiding us, then we must uncover their intentions entirely. This is prudent, obviously, and we need someone to negotiate if their plans aren't quite so favorable. This is an endevear that I doubt the Organization can pull off solely.

    "I believe that Xaldin is fit for this assignment, and much more capable than Larxene, the alternative. He hasn't shown a record of untrustworthiness, and dfrom my experience, he's very convincing.

    "We can't afford the meeting to be jeapordized by an individual that could possibly pursue their own interests instead of fulfilling their assignment. We need te cooperation desperately from all sides. Not to mention, it would be a valuable asset to have our thirteenth chair filled."
    At this notion, Axel glanced at the empty seat for a mere second. The acknoledgement of Roxas, once again, was bound to recieve prejudice. And he didn't give a flying damn. Let Larxene throw pitiful accusations at him. F*ck that.

    "I am just concerned about the reliability factor. I'd want someone dependable to be sent." That was his decision, and if anyone had a problem with it, they could shove it. It wasn't as if his vote affected the outcome unless Xemnas had an epiphany.

    OOC:Sorry about my post, it wasn't as well thought out as I had anticipated :sweat:
    Post by: chula-claire, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: Sorry about the absence guys. School is really rough with AP classes and all. I'll reply soon, and I've got a pretty good idea on what Axel will reply with. :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: Uber gomen for being away, school is taking up a lot of my time and I'm blocked :sweat: But I'll get on this the next time I'm online :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
  20. chula-claire