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  1. chula-claire
  2. chula-claire
    OOC: Aww... did I interpret wrongly? Shucks... but I would be disappointed and my hair would gray prematurely if you left.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: Sorry, changing my song to "Easier To Run" by Linkin Park. Last time... I swear. :D

    Reixa rose an eyebrow at Dusxit, her bottom lip lowering slightly. Raising the other one unobjectively, she brought her face back to a neutral expression and nodded in recognition of the greeting.

    She caught Xengla's comment about the girl from the foreign organization being dealt with by another member, finding it slightly curious. But apparently Xengla had it covered, because she created a portal and left the premises. Now Rei was left alone with a bewildered leader, how unappealing. Regardless, she turned to face her Superior with respect. "I don't believe I've formally introduced myself. My name is Reixa, and thank you for allowing me to stay here."

    Reixa tried to smile as pleasantly as she could muster for Dusxit out of courtesy. "Is there anything I can currently do to assist you... or anyone?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    OOC: Thanks for the compliments on my meaty goodness xD. And YAY! *glomps Sirius as he twidles his thumbs unexpectedly* you're staying! <3

    Zexion brushed off his shoulder, noticing some dirt. "Umm... I'm glad you're not injured." He took his hand he had just used and reached to the back of his neck, feeling a miniscule bead of perspiration. He blinked, surprised, removing his hand swiftly and placing it back at his side. "...So, how's your day been progressing?" It was strange, but Zexion was simply talking without paying much attention to anything else but Angel.

    "So we're interested in the dirty details, huh?" Rei turned up a crooked smirk as she contemplated her response. There hadn't been that many boys in her life, once she thought about it. "Well, a few hopefuls have come my way. But no one that I became incredibly intimate with." Rei took a small bite of ice cream before continuing. "As for my virtue, I'm clean. None of those guys were anybody I'd want to do anything with." Rei pressed her lips together, looking down a little. She involuntarily got a visual from when she had used her aura to find Axel, that one time that her female mind had taken over her senses. She chuckled to herself.

    "However, last summer, two guy friends of mine thought it would be a good time to go skinny dipping. That's when I found out Brad padded his speedo for the swim team." Rei laughed at the memory, shaking her head.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
  6. chula-claire
  7. chula-claire
  8. chula-claire
    OOC: Oh, may not have been my particular hottness xD. I have

    Rei nodded. "Yeah, something like that." She took another bite of her ice cream, trying to think of a few good questions. "Sooo... ever chugged a two liter of soda?"

    sry, gtg to bed. Man, this post is so short I wanna stay and finish it. But, gtg.
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    OOC: Yup, I'm everyone's favorite meat dish xD

    Reixa wandered aimlessly through the halls of her current, and hopefully permanent, home. She had just spent the past hour and a half organizing her room, because she couldn't decide which corner her large bookshelf belonged in. Of course, her bed had to be perpendicular to the bookshelf on the opposite wall, her desk near a window parallel to the bed, and then walking room had to be left near the closet. So, in other words, Rei's OCD got the best of her. Her arms were fairly limp from moving the furniture around in an indecisive manner, and they currently swung at the sides of her body, practically lifeless.

    It wasn't long until she heard some fellow members' conversation. She recognized the voices from their introductions: Dusxit, the fool-hearted one (in Rei's opinion, no pun intended). He seemed a little... off to her. Perhaps it was her inability to understand how content he was. Then there was Xengla, the younger girl, who kept her hood up at all times. All she could make out of her face was everything below her nose, except for her deep-hued aura that radiated from her shadowed visage. She seemed similar to Dusxit, apart from her insecurities.

    Reixa simply walked up to the two, without saying a word, and stopped in mid-step. She stood there, waiting for an opening in the conversation. She deduced that it would be impolite to just jump into it, despite the fact that she could decipher their moods.
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
  11. chula-claire
  12. chula-claire
  13. chula-claire
    OOC: Hey, Smexy Zexy time!

    Zexion walked aimlessly through the halls, facing up towards the ceiling. Apparently, there was some sort of party... he wasn't entirely sure if he was going. He had some homework to finish up anyway...

    Suddenly, Zexion felt his face hit a hard surface--a wall. He was so dazed, he lost control and collapsed to the floor. He was sure he had broken his nose or something... It was only a few moments until he noticed Angel, not far from where he sat, recovering from a similar incident. Upon this realization, he swiftly stood up, only taking a split second to rub his nose an inspect for injury. Everything seemed fine, so he dusted off his clothes and tried to the best of his might to appear as if the embarassing blunder hadn't happened.

    He approached Angel, eying her to see if she was injured at all. "You okay?"

    And dude! Awesome example of school uniforms!

    and I finally found a picture that looks like Rei!!!!!!!!! :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    OOC: Eh, if you don't mind giving me a recap... =D That would be nice. Oh, and I'd like to change Reixa's theme song, because Firekeyblade has the same one xD. Soo... I pick... "Decode" by Paramore.
    and this for the pic:
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: AH!!!... hi. I'll have a picture later =]

    Bio: Reixa's Somebody, Eira, was a straight-A student attending a private high school. One day, her world was shrouded in darkness. No one thought anything of it, for this world was constantly under heavy rain clouds. But Eira, who had been practicing seeing aura, noticed the gray hues that radiated from the ground. It wasn't long until she was attacked by a group of Heartless that emerged from the ground, hungry for her innocent heart. Her world was destroyed, and she woke in a strange, unfamiliar world. This is where she resided until she heard rumors about people just like her, people without emotions or senses of being.

    As a Nobody, Reixa soon discovered that along with her sudden ability to manipulate wind, her auric senses had hightened. Her eyes were extremely sensitive to aura, and it was as if aura had become her sixth sense.

    Name: Reixa (pronounced Ray-zah) or Rei for short
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: ~Long, straight, jet-black hair
    ~deep green eyes with gold around the pupil
    ~pale complexion, high cheekbones
    Number(Not for Neutral characters): VII
    Strengths: ~Wind element (superb agility, accuracy, evasiveness, and wit)
    ~ Aura manipulation (seeing others' emotions plainly, estimating their
    movements, physical auric attacks)
    Weakness: Earth-based attacks and excessive physical damage.
    Weaponry: She carries no weapons.
    Personality: She's very introverted and hard to get along with, and she only is open personally with people she knows she can trust. Alternatively, she can be brutally honest in an off-handed way. She has a dry sense of humor, and is extremely intellectual. Her hobbies are reading, drawing, and practicing/studying aura.
    Theme Song(Optional): "Somewhere I Belong" by Linkin Park
    Other: Rei likes to read peoms and short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, etc. She also enjoys intellectual manga's, such as Death Note. In spare time, she enjoys playing the piano.
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: Sirius, you can't leave... I haven't thanked you for the compliment yet! :D Heehee. So what's with my hawtness?

    Oh, and by the way, sorry for being away so long. School... yuck.

    Rei caught a glimpse of Axel's aura as she looked back up at him. The hues changed drastically as he contemplated a reply, moving back and forth between two sides of a silent argument, it seemed. She heard him wave it off, and she thought it best not to pry. If what the clerk said gave him that much trouble, then it probably wasn't worth the trouble. "Okay," Rei said nonchalantly, smiling. She took another bite of her ice cream and tasted the salty-sweetness of its flavor. "Well, I've got an idea." Rei crossed her legs and became comfortable in her seat. "Feel like asking each other random questions? Something like... 'What's your favorite chinese dish?'."
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: Do a Barrel Roll!!!...xD

    Rei had noticed the two of them talking at the counter, but had thought little of it until Axel mentioned something. "Oh?" She felt his fingertips brush against her hand as he retrieved his icy treat, feeling the warmth of his touch. "Care to divulge?" Rei took a small bite of her ice cream, the salty taste reaching her tasebuds subtly before the sweetness of it proceeded.
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
    Rei noticed a bit of tension in Axel's demeaner as she whipped out her munny and asked for the ice creams. Woops. Maybe... that hadn't been the wisest move. Feeling her face grow slightly hot, she mumbled almost inaudibly, cursing. Damn red cheeks always give everything away.

    Rei cleared her throat, waiting patiently for the man to reach into the cooler and grab the blue treats. He returned soon enough, and Rei smiled at him pleasantly as she took them. Turning to Axel and smiling, she winked and moved towards some of the long tables closer to the shore. "I'll wait for 'ya over there," she whispered. Half skipping to lighten her mood, Rei carried the ice creams and soon sat at the table. It was cooling off outside and a gentle breeze was rolling through, so the ice cream wasn't going to melt.

    She turned away and gazed out at the sunset again, admiring the multiple hues as they blended across the horizon. It reflected over the water, which appeared to be a deeper blue with night creeping in. Some of the light refracted through the salty sea, casting beams through the moving water. Rei marveled at its complexity, which in actuality, was rather simple.

    OOC: Yeah, I dropped Soul Reason for this one... but I've always enjoyed this one the most =] Rivals used to be exhilerating and mind boggling, and this one was a make-up-as-you-go-and-see-how-much-trouble-you-can-get-into type thing. And Soul Reason took up too much of my time, figuring out all the plot schemes and how I could contribute. This is more carefree :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Nov 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. chula-claire