OOC: A looooooong time. :D *fangirl squeal*!!!!! Good for me, huh?
OOC: Hehe ^^; But yayay!!! Everyone is coming online.
Rei just gave Axel a raised eyebrow as she shrugged, reaching down to grasp the bottom of her shirt. Pulling up teasingly, she lifted her shirt over her chest and above her head. She felt the string on her bikini top fall down gainst her bare back, the warm wind soothing her skin. Tossing it at Axel's face, she giggled as it lingered in his tall spiky hair. Wagging her finger, she rested her hand on her hips. "Alright now, let's see somethin' come off you. One by one, fair's fair, Spike." She started clapping her hands as she laughed, waiting earnestly. "Come on, let's see the merchandise! Chop, chop!"
OOC: :cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime::cryinganime: I lost a sweet post!!!!!! Now I feel really drained... Rixa-put her staff in the ground and has black wind and aura circulating it. Asked Xandlei to put his hand on the staff. "You may be dizzy after... it'll be fine yadayadayada." Larpex-Saw a puddle, got the water, purified it, and focused on open wound. Rambles about taking Toxcst back to his room, getting him something to eat, taking care of him, anything to make him feel batter yadayadayada.
OOC: Last post for today, seeya guys ^^. And these are some more of my art if you wanna check 'em out. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/Nelly023.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/Larxel023-1.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/ClaireBear023.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f371/chula-claire/Axeldoodle023.jpg Rei nodded, contemplating on this possibility. "Yeah, that's probably it. But holy shiv in the kidney! What kind of power would that be? Although, you know, I would have gone with alien abduction." Laughing, she came back up to Axel's side and sighed. "But now I'm kinda wiped... wanna call it a tie for now?"
Reixa smiled at Abexecca, nodding as she stepped aside and summoned her warriors. Raising her arms as well, she began to form a large auric field around them. Plus, whenever Xandlei launched his attack, it would pass through Rei's aura and intensify. Larpex looked over at him, uttering a small cry of acknowledgement and happiness. "Yes... Toxcst." Leaning down to his face, she took in his scent serenely and kissed him gently.
As Rei sat in the cool sand, she sighed from fatigue as every ounce of the nausia left her body. Still holding her head, she gazed over at the redhead confusedly. "Axel? Did that... happen to you two?" Lifting her knees and jumping up without a problem, she began stretching her legs, still a bit sore from their impact to the ground. "That couldn't have been overheating or overwork, it was too random. It was simultanious too, right? Weird..." Taking deep breaths, her heart had been pounding fifty million beats a second.
Larpex was constantly on the move, looking out for any signs of Toxcst. But within minutes she had spotted a large, black lump on the ground below her, seemingly a person. Suddenly appearing by its side, she knelt down cautiously and reached out to remove the hood. Her eyes widened as she gasped in an ecstatic and somewhat mortified breath at the sight of Toxcst, his silver hair flowing around his skull. "Toxcst? Toxcst! Are you alright?" Quickly raising her hands to rest on his back, she began to heal his wounds.
OOC: That's alright, but Aaron's really shy and still likes her. It's not he'll say anything about it, but he does care for her. *wink wink* ^^ "Oh... fine, thanks. How about you?" After he had said it, he automatically began looking at his forearms. He had muscles... pretty decent ones too. Sure, he could work out more than he did... Brushing off the topic, he began thinking about what this Leon guy had said. "I've heard about that, it's supposed to be like a long sword with a gun shape, and it can shoot fire, right?"
Aaron took a seat a bit nervously near Xangel and Leon, a tad confused. How did it taste? What the hell? Clearing his throat a little, he fiddled with the collar of his shirt and waited for her response. Ohmagod, major block xDD Rei began to run as fast as she could without triggering her element, coming back to Axel's side. As she inched forward, she made a face at him teasingly. "That all you got, gramp--" Suddenly, she began to feel slightly light headed, her face heavy. Feeling her energy slipping away, her body forced itself to fall down. Landing on her knees, she held her forehead for moment. After a few seconds, however, she looked up, feeling as lively as ever. "What... the hell was that?"
Larpex turned her head when she saw the explosion in her peripheral vision. Raising her arm, she sent a cooling splash of water towards Xandlei, soaking him in healing remedies. But within moments, the poison-filled pigeon fell into her sight. It was extraordinary, and obviously an enchantment. But who controlled poison...? Toxcst!! Larpex lept for the note attached at its leg, opening it feverishly. As she read the words, she felt a sudden wave of nostalgia that intensified as soon as she read the last line. "Love, Toxcst..." Reixa had knelt down to Xandlei's side as she heard Larpex mumble a familiar name. Looking up inquisitively, she stood. "Toxcst?" Peering over her friend's shoulder whilst watching the enemies, she read the note scrutenizingly. "So, he's back? And he needs help!" Larpex nodded, her eyes shining with wetness as she looked over at Reixa, Cepxis, and Abexecca. "Let me go to him, I'll hel him and bring him back. Then we can all defend out home." Stepping aside with the letter clutched in her fist, she waved and disappeared into the atmosphere.
Larpex stood by her friends, holding her sword firmly in her palm. "But it's five to one now. Do you have a deathwish?" Holding her sword out in front of her in both hands, she chose a stance and prepared herself. What should we do now? If he's going to keep fighting then we all have to team up and defeat him. But is he going to take that risk? Reixa held her head, feeling a little dizzy after that large attack. Brushing it off though, she stood next Xandlei and the others, ready for battle. Seeing Xandlei's hand, she blinked, suprised that he was keeping himself focused enough to handle it that well. "Good job, Xandlei. Just concentrate, and the aura will do as you tell it. Be creative."
OOC: Heehee... *evil grin* sorry 'bout that Xiggy ^^ Reixa heaved as she became short of breath. The water had helped, but a large scar had formed where the wound had been, and it was still very sore. Capable of standing straight, she glanced over at Xandlei apologetically. "I'm sorry, I should have known better than to make you fight. We haven't even trained yet." Shakign her head, she looked back at the others. Cepxis, Abexecca, and Larpex were pretty much unharmed, and Xaldin had protected himself. Xigbar, however, was kneeling on the ground, injured from the attack. Clenching her fist, Reixa yelled out to them. "It's five against two, possibly three. Can't we just settle this?"
Reixa managed to sit up, wincing as the tear in her skin widened. Yelling out, she layed back down on the ground. Closing her eyes and clenching her fists, she used her unharmed arm to lift her body up off the ground. Finally, she stood, holding her injured shoulder. Glancing over at Xigbar and Xaldin, the lances were circling both of them in a clockwise motion. Planning her next move, she rose both arms and began to make an auric wave. It traveled in a counterclockwise direction, against the lances. As it passed over them, each lance began to crack and erode. Within a few moments, they had disappeared. Taking her chance to attack while their shield was gone, she made the wave of aura fall on top of both of them, covering the rea in which they stood. It then imploded and sent dust particles in every direction. Larpex summoned a large wave of water to assist Rei, every droplet headed towards the enemies. It collided with the ground and froze underneath them just as the aura closed in on them. Looking over as Reixa lowered her arms in exhaustion, she whipped her arm to send a glowing sphere of healing water that landed on her arm.
OOC: Alright, it's not that big of a deal anyhow ^_^ Reixa knew that the attack on Xandlei was only a diversion to make her snap, but she couldn't help running over to him. Standing in front of him as the Dragoons appeared, she shielded him just in time to be hit by the long, red blade. The tip dug into her shoulder, and she exclaimed in pain. She fell to the ground with a loud thud, her arm throbbing. Larpex moved away quickly, one bullet having hit her lower left arm. A few drops of blood fell to the grond as she revealed herself, standing next to Abexecca.
OOC: But hey, Larpex is in the atmosphere and invisible, so how can Xigbar see her to attack? I can edit it to feet instead of inches if you want, but your characters have only been attacked once. And I didn't forget about Xigbar, I was just waiting for your reaction.
OOC: Yay! Hi Star :D Larpex decided to remain in the atmosphere, since these two Organization members hadn't fought her yet and were unaware of her abilities. Decending in the water droplets within the crisp air, she began to hover directly above Xaldin's head. Seeing as how she was constantly moving, it would be almost impossible for her to be hit. Inches away from his skull, Larpex sent hundreds of sharp icicles at his head in a feverish attack. Reixa disregarded Xaldin's comment with a smirk, knowing that they had noticed her methods. "What's wrong Ponyboy, you don't like my sense of humor? Too bad I don't have one..." Averting her gaze to look at Xaldin, she shrugged. "And so what if I'm talking to people? It's not like they could do anything to such a 'big, strong man' such as yourself. Oh, and you've got a little somehing hanging from your nose, it's been bugging me." Reixa watched, almost amused, as the ice came out of thin air to strike Xaldin's head.
OOC: Ya missed that one, Fire :D Rei kept running with full concentration, but was a bit flustered as to why Axel opted to give her a head start. Looking to the side, she smirked at the sight of the redhead, jogging beside her in a cocky manner. "To the water, how about it?" She turned her head again, looking straight on at the beach. It was getting closer and closer... "You know, I don't appreciate you holding back. Give it all you've got!" With that, Rei kicked against the ground hard, pushing her body even further along at a faster pace without breaking sweat. "That is, if you can go faster!"