Ok Im adding a bit more to both characters now so that Arunex has a story
I made two! Name: narxulia (ranliau, pronounced ran-li-o) Number (I-XII): XI Title (the ___ ____): The Metallic Manipulator Gender: Male Element: Metal Appearance: Marluxia's brother, so therefore looks like him only taller and with silver/grey hair. Weapon: Normally a silver scythe, but due to power over metal he can create any sort of weapon as long as their are materials around. Personality: Always angry and intolerant. The slightest thing ticks him off. Bio (no short "he/she remembers little of his/her past". Make a story for him/her.): Marluxia's older, and more skilled brother. Both lived and worked in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden and loved nothing more than to grow and harvest crops earn munny. Marluxia especially loved to grow cherry blossoms, however Ranliau was more fascinated with crafting weapons out of metal. His expertise in this not only got them munny but aided him and Marluxia in combat. With a seemingly infinite supply of weapons theres plenty to train with! However, as fate would have it he and Marluxia were killed during the first heartless raid on Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden. They fought bravely, wiping out almost all heartless they came near them. But as they fought they were injured by a crowd of fools, running to escape the hordes of heartless. Because of the townspeoples selfishness, Ranliau and Marluxia both lost themselves to the heartless. Their nobodies formed in Twilight town and their skills in combat were noticed by the organization. Narxulia has a special hatred for Sora, seeing as he killed his own brother and is relentlessly hunting him. When he hears of the keyblade wielders grouping together he is very anxious. Just for fun, Theme Song: I have no idea. KEYBEARER TEMPLATE Name: Arunex (pronounced Ar-un-ex) Gender: Male Race: Human Allegiance: Good Keyblade: Arunex, surprisingly wields four keyblades: Fenrir, Guardian Soul and both ultimas. He always has two of them floating behind him much like Sora does in his final drive form. He switches the keyblades around when fighting and the ones he isn't using act on their own accord. Appearance: Short brown hair and deep green eyes. Young but tall and although he doesn't look it quite fit. Personality: Calm and serious. Always trys to get the more important things done first. Bio (same as above): Denizen of a large cluster of islands far west of Destiny Islands. He obtained his keyblades in a smiliar manner to Sora which was heartless attacked his island after he was looking for something there. His skill with wielding mutiple weapons and his strong hearts issued him four keyblades instead of the usual one. After his islands were destroyed he arrived in Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden a long time before Sora did. Maleficent questioned him and ordered him to leave but he stood and fought, wounding Maleficent and escaping on a ruined gummi ship. He wandered the worlds until he met with King Mickey, who told him of the keyblade, the heartless, nobodies and the organization. Arunex is now thought to be scouring the worlds for members of the organization. Theme Song: N/A
XD Those are funny!
Pop cans! lol. When I first saw the secret movie I just went "Omg! Its Roxas!" But I read somewhere that all the characters except for mickey in the secret movie are new =/