((Very last post. My birthday is on Easter :D ))
((Just in case you guys didn't see before I have to go, cya.))
Last post, I gotta go. **Twilight Town, Sandlot** Arunex quickly found himself bored. He thought about how many other keyblade wielders there were in the universe. Then he calculate how long it would take for King Mickey to get to all those worlds. He sighed and decided sitting around bored wasn't the best thing to do. So he decided to explore the town of Twilight. He had only been here once and that was when he was hunting a certain Organization member: Saix who had just been there looking for Axel. Arunex then remembered how close he was to seeing Sora that day. He was about to leave when he noticed a fat, moustached man in green and yellow clothes began setting up banners and posters with a few assistants. He noticed Arunex. "Oh, you here for the struggle? Your a bit early. Come back in an hour or two and we can get it started." He said. Struggle? Oh! The towns favourite yearly event. Arunex loved to compete. Especially if he won. He was going to enter The Struggle tournament! After all, he did have time...
((I realised. Im hoping Twilit will revive him though otherwise it messes up Narluxia's bio. But if he doesn't decide to change it, it just means I gotta do some editing.))
((Still, its a bit early for him to know and also not care. So how bout he just doesn't see what he's doing?)) "You know I do!" Narluxia roared. "Why bother asking?!" Verxy glared at him. "You CANNOT go alone. As I said, i'm not underestimating Sora as Xemnas did. You are going with others and THAT'S why I asked." Narluxia scowled and retreated to his study, not caring for what the rest of the meeting contained. Verxy acknowledged the prescence and information Maxisy had given him. "Good work. I will gather a group to attack Twilight Town. But now..." "...Any volunteers to help Narluxia fight Sora?" Verxy asked. For some odd reason, nobody wanted to go with the easily enraged manipulator to fight someone who had wiped out 1/13 of their organization. Except for...
((So you know, it's Narluxia and Verxy wouldn't know he was scheming but he would probably wonder where he is. Oh and cheese rules. Chocolate milk =)))
((Anybody else going to reply or just me and Jordie?)) The very top of the organizations castle, far up floating just above the clouds which could only be reached by special means is where the organization gathered. It was gleaming white, tall chairs surrounded it. They gained in height as the ranks grew. In other words the bigger the chair the higher ranked you were. In the tallest chair sat a figure. A figure of immense power and darkness. What did he want? Why had he called the entire organization? Nobody knew aside from himself. But he was about to tell.
Arunex just smiled and headed for the Sandlot. As he did he caught a figure in the corner of his eye dressed in black. When he tried to look they were gone. "Ugh...I must be tired..." **The World That Never Was** Although Narxulia had gone into the castle and it looked as if he was going to the meeting he wasn't. He had teleported to a secluded area of the castle. His private study. "They can hold their meetings...I'm staying here!" He declared. He furiously began to work at his desk on some sort of plan. A similar plan to that of Marluxia.
Arunex smiled at his new friends. "I'm Arunex, denizen of Radiant Garden and wielder of four keyblades." He introuduced himself and shook hands. His face suddenly turned serious. "I've come here because of Mickey. He told me something is happening with Organization XIII. Apparently the group Sora defeated wasn't the only one. Mickey said he'd be back once he rounded up the rest of the keybearers." "So what now?" Dean asked. "Whatever we want I guess." Was Arunex's reply. "I'll just be in the Sandlot waiting for Mickey and the others. You guys go do whatever you want."
Arunex fought against the samurai while the other two fought the pair of high ranked nobodies. The samurai slashed downwards with its right and had its' left sword in a defensive position across its' face. Arunex blocked the sword with Guardian Soul and flinged the sword into the air. He kicked the nobody in the stomach and threw Fenrir up after the samurai's katana, knocking it higher. He drew Ultima and began rapidly pummeling the samurai with a flurry of slashes and chops. As the samurai was knocked back by one of Arunex's stronger strikes it drew the sheaths for its' blades and used them as weapons. But Arunex, faster than could have been seen threw Ultima at the samurai. It crossed the sheaths but by then Arunex was in front of it. Guardian Sould came flying down into Arunex's left hand. He kicked Ultima up and commanded it and Classic Ultima to fly around him. In doing so it spun the samurai around like a windmill. As they stopped the sword wielding nobody went flying. It crashed into a wall and attempted to get up. Only to have Fenrir plunge deep into it. It vanished, forever into the void of nothingness. Arunex turned his head and checked on the other two warriors and how they were faring against the sorcerer and beserker...
Arunex obliterated the dusks surrounding Jordie and Dean, slashing and twirling. Before long only a handful of dusks remained. "Get up!" he roared. "I can't do this alone!" Arunex ordered Fenrir to float for a few seconds while he reached into his jacket pocket. He produced a mega-potion and threw it into the air causing healing water to spash over the four. As he did, a trio of nobodies, samurai, beserker and sorcerer formed out of nowhere. "Come on! Let's go!" Arunex yelled and made the first moved, slashing at the samurai...
While only a few kilometres away from Twilight Town, Mickey began to inform Arunex on what happened. "It seems that Organization XIII wasn't the only group of nobodies and that they were just part of an even larger group!" Arunex gasped. "What does that mean?" "It means that i'm gathering all the keyblade wielders in Twilight Town and then explaing everything fully. Oh look, we're here." The gummi ship touched down on the outskirts of town. Upon entering the town Mickey explained "There's a wielder here already, I want you to find her and tell her to stay in town while I go and round up the rest of them. Ok?" Arunex nodded and waved goodbye to Mickey as he climbed aboard the gummi ship. Arunex strolled into town and a thought hit him. Mickey hadn't told him anything about this girl! Arunex stamped his foot and cursed. Twilight Town was huge! How was he supposed to find this one key wielding girl? Fortunately for him he managed to find her in a space of four seconds. For not far away from him were three people, two girls and a boy. One of them held a keyblade. They were in trouble. A small army of dusks were assaulting them. Not only that but they were losing. Arunex immediatly called his keyblades, Guardian Soul and Fenrir in hand and Ultimas on back he charged forward.
I play :) Lvl 83, Dragon two hander and stuff. The thing with most of the people I read on the first page is that they got bored quickly. True, but if you bypass the first 40 levels or so and make yourself member and understand all of Runescapes functions it is quite a fun game (Yes the graphics aren't as good as alot of other games but then again I don't really care.)
((Clever)) "Mickey...What's going on?" Arunex asked while dismissing his keyblades. "Welp, ya see it's organization XIII." "But...Sora took them out didn't he?" "I got a lot to explain, come." Mickey replied leading Arunex around the alleyways. They reached the marketplace again where Mickey spoke briefly to Leon and Cid. Arunex picked up part of the conversation and understood that he and Mickey were going to Twilight Town in one of Cid's gummi ships. "Come on, the ship's waiting behind Merlin's house." Mickey said turning to Arunex. "I'll explain on the way."
Id put in this order of strongest to weakest (my opinion) 1. Roxas 2. Xemnas 3. Marluxia 4. Axel 5. Saix 6. Xigbar 7. Xaldin 8. Lexaeus 9. Luxord 10. Larxene 11. Demyx I haven't put Zexion on the list because he hasn't fought anyone yet. (At least until we get the vid of him fighting Riku)
Completed it on standard and then realised what I had to do to get secret ending and made a new proud file o_0 I just beat the 1000 heartless on my proud file
That's a tough fight. Aurons powerful but Sephiroth is fast and has a long ranged weapon (A REALLY long range weapon). I like Auron more so I voted for him but if I didn't like/dislike either of them I probably wouldn't have decided =3 ps. Your sig is awesome AXELmemerised =D
Zexion: Fear the stingyness of my papercutting powers! Sora: NOOOOOOOOOO!! I HATE PAPERCUTS!
XD That was hilarous again! especially Axel in the pokemon world!