No kidding. He fights like an enraged gorrila whos family just died. Not very silent or heroic is that?
Fold of course! The probably throw the grenade at whoever threw it to me.
Vexen, especially when he laughs. I think that's all I need to say...
Wow this is more popular then I expected O_o
A few people are gettings sidetracked. Marluxia teleports next to sora and WHISPERS something SHORT into his ear. Sora then has a sorta shocked reaction and is cursed. Look for Marluxia fights on some random site to see. Soras reaction in most posts also seems to be WTF?? try and be original, it makes it funnier =) Marluxia: Im trying to distract you for a second Sora: Wha-*gets cursed*
At the beginning of the fights against Marluxia in khfm+, Marluxia teleports next to Sora and whispers in his ear and then gives him the number curse thingy. But what does he say? Thats what I want you to make up ^_^ try and be as funny as possible. Marluxia: Your flys undone Sora: What?!? Marluxia: *Curses Sora* Edit: People STILL aren't getting it. it goes like this: Marluxia: *Something funny* Sora: *Funny reaction* Two lines, a funny comment and a reaction from sora, Ok? It's ment to be from the organization XIII refight against him where he goes and whispers in sora's ear and then curses him ok?
Man...That looks....SO DAMN FUN! I REALLY want KHFM to be released in english, although I doubt it will be released in Australia T.T Well I can keep hoping and if it doesnt I can always just hit something.
Yup Auron. Stronger than the others, faster than the others and smarter than the others. Honestly, can you see Minny or Ariel winning against him?
I am SSSSOOOO gonna buy it. I got a sample of the first few chapters and its so funny when you first see Vexen, Zexion and Lexeaus! Vexen: Zexion, what did you detect in the castle? Zexion: ... Vexen: Talk Zexion. Zexion: I made these pickled vegetables! Vexen: WHO CARES?!?!
((Dude...He just started to fight Darkside...Don't you read the posts before?))
If I could vote twice it'd be for Marluxia and Roxas but seeing as I could only vote once it was for Roxas due to personal preference. Why either of them? Marluxia is powerful in many ways, combat, intelligence and leadership. Combat: being stronger then most members of the organization, intelligance: formulating a plan to overthrow the organization and leadership: convincing two (three if you count Axel) members to work with him and succesfully command them according to his plan. Roxas, powerful also in many ways, mainly combat but also in determination. His fighting skills are greater than probably everyone except for Sora and Riku. That's shown when he wins his struggle tournament without using any of his power, beating Axel (Who in my opinion is a very powerful organization member.) twice in a row and also being able to almost defeat Sora AND Riku who are probably the most powerful characters in Kingdom Hearts. Determination is shown when he does whatever possible to find out why he has the keyblades. He stopped at nothing to learn and eventually he did. The nobodies he commands also seem to be stronger than all the other nobodies.
((Arunex isn't my organization member, Narxulia is, Xaren.)) "What..." Arunex started., looking up at the two powerful being that had just formed. He turned to Exis, Dean and Krystal. "Ok, Exis and I get the Darkside, and you two can have the Thorn." Arunex ran up to the base of the Darkside and helped Exis up. "Come on!" Arunex roared and summoned his keyblades.
((Just one quick post before I leave)) "Jordie wake up!" Dean called. "Come on Jordie!" Krystal yelled. "Altogether?" Arunex suggested. The five of them counted down, "One...Two...Three, WAKE UP JORDIE!!" "OK! I'm awake!" Jordie replied sitting upright only to jolt back down due to immense pain in her side. "Don't move." Arunex instructed. He held an arm out and muttered softly "Cure." The pain of the wound was soothed but it didn't heal it completely. It would have to do that by itself. They were in the Usual Spot, Jordie lying on the couch and the others standing around. "Thanks." Jordie said. "So what now?" "I assume we stay here and wait for Mickey." Exis replied. "That's it. Only this time let's try not and get into a fight with any organization members!" Arunex joked. The five of them laughed and tried to relax. How long would it take for Mickey to get back?
Arunex arrives shortly after to see Dean and Krystal's swords grappling with Verxy's and Exis standing there doing nothing. "Huh...?" He heard Exis say. Arunex had no time to see what the problem was. Here was the leader of Organization XIII! Arunex immediatly hurled Guardian Soul towards Verxy and then performed a Sonic Blade, charging after the flying keyblade at tremendous speed... ((I gotta go now))
Arunex turns to the Struggle Promoter. "Really sorry!" He yelled and summoned all four of his keyblades. He too rushed off to the Usual Spot. ((Oh yeh and it's brought not brang/brung))
**The Usual Spot** "Hold it right there!" It was Dean and Krystal, each holding their swords. "Let Jordie go!" Krystal yelled and slashed at Verxy with her sword. **Sandlot** "Ok..." Arunex muttered and studied the board. "You're fighting Seifer and i'm up against Hayner. Game starts in five minutes."
"Wait, they're announcing it." Arunex whispered to Exis. As the Struggle Promoter began to speak of the rules and who fought who, Arunex turned to Exis. "Are you a Keybearer?" He asked to which Exis nodded. "I'm Arunex, Mickey is gathering all the Keybearers together. Something to do with Organization XIII." "The group Sora finished off?" Exis replied. "Yes, but apparently the group Sora killed was not the only Organization. Mickey said he'd explain when he got back." The Struggle Promoter had finished speaking. Arunex and Exis already knew the rules but they lacked their opposition. Forunately a board had been put up depicting who would fight who. The pair walked over to the board and examined it, reaveling Arunex would fight...
((No problem, editing it so it makes more sense would work.)) Arunex had left the Usual Spot shortly after dropping Jordie off and calling Dean and Krystal to help her. Why? The Struggle Tournament was starting. Arunex hurried off, bading the others farewell and entering the Sandlot. Upon arriving, he saw many usual competitors such as Hayner, Seifer and Setzer. "Wonder if anyone else I know will show up?"
((So you know SoraXKairi, Arunex was already helping Jordie...))
((Ok...To be honest a guy with power over bacon, a piggy keyblade and a poor bio...Doesn't seem to suit this. Darkness you keep doing things that seem...Well, unnatural. Verxy instantly appearing behind Mickey and then Link coming by and bashing him with a keyblade that smells like bacon? Then Mickey instantly killing the head of the entire Organization? Doesn't exactly suit the story if you know what I mean.)) Arunex was going up Market Street and towards the Station. He planned to board a train to Sunset Terrace. "Maybe I can get a quick view from the top of Sunset Hill. I've heard it's nice." He said to himself. He noticed a few people around doing jobs. A boy performing in the street by hitting a ball, someone delivering papers on a skateboard and another guy was pushing a heavy cart of something or other up the hill. He chuckled at the group of hard workers. Arunex didn't see the need for money and had fun without it. As he arrived at the station he saw Jordie. Her side was bleeding. "Jordie!" He called, rushing to her aid. "What happened?!"