Marluxia: BURN BABY! Sora: Wait...Doesn't Axel s-*gets cursed in moment of distraction* *moments later* Axel: You stole my line -.- Marluxia: I ran out of ideas :(
Marluxia: My hair is made from candy floss Sora: Really?!?! Can I ea- *Is cursed BY CANDY FLOSS POWER!!!*
I used rumbling rose because it has finishing plus and allows me an extra combo. So this means I generally do more damage to him so I'd recommend the rose>pumpkin But if you get Ultima id probably use that because it is alot stronger than the two
Spira all the way!
Marluxia: I had cornflakes for breakfast Sora: Cornflakes?!?! *Gets cursed*
Maluxia: hehehe Sora: ? Marluxia: *spits in sora's ear* Sora: AURGH!! *Gets cursed by THE SPIT!!*
Keep em coming Marluxia: There's a cockroach on your hand... Sora: What?! *Looks at hand and gets cursed*
Hard work and reflexes =3
You mean Ven is the light of Sora? That could also work with the bald guy. He could be the light of Xehanort... Maybe Namine being so unique a nobody is because she isn't a nobody at all but perhaps a light?
My favs Hades: Did you forget who you're talking to? I am LORD OF THE DEAD! Auron: wonder nobody wants to die Hades: >:[ Sora: Wow, you're really good. Are you some kind of hero? Auron: No, i'm no hero. I'm just an... Sora: ... Auron: Auron Sora/Goofy/Donald: Wha? Auron: My name -.- Demyx: I told them they were sending the wrong guy :( Axel: I think i'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it y'know? Haven't got one :p Leon: Guys can you get the disc from Cid? We can check on Tron later Aerith: It's ok Leon, I can watch over here while they're helping Tron Leon: What? All by yourself? Aerith: Leon: Uhh, ok *runs off* Leon: *Taps at keyboard* damn! It won't work! Aerith: Let me try Leon: *Looks doubtful then hands disc over* Aerith: *Looks at computor for approximately 3 seconds before inserting disc* Bon appetit ^.^ Leon: -.- Aerith: Don't talk with your mouth full MCP: o.o
ATLANTICA!! ARGHH X( So pointlessly annoying and lame!! If the place wasn't underwater i'd ask Axel if he could come and BURN IT!! BBUUURRRRNNN IIIITTTT!!!
When you start figthing like Marluxia with your scythe from last halloween Hey it's fun...
Heh, I have a normal file as well as my proud one. It's lvl 99 and I decided to try and finish jiminys journel. After attempting several twilight town minigames I thought it'd be quicker to try and beat the game on proud at lvl 47 :D
Well if you saw my other recent thread title :) Woohoo :D then you'll know I just saw the secret movie for the first time. The end states this: Now i've been thinking, what does that mean. After playing around a bit I though of something. Wasn't Namine born when Kairi lost her heart and slept? Kairi did not turn into a heartless because her heart was pure so instead she slept. Namie was born when Kairi slept. Just a thought and there are probably a lot of problems with my theory but worth pondering on
Sure is. Clearer sound, graphics and whatnot
I finally beat Sephiroth on Proud mode at lvl 47 with rumbling rose keyblade :D I also saw the secret movie for the first time so im very happy :) :) :)
XD I get that! Marluxia is evil in those comics!
THAT was funny! XD
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