In terms of power and strength I'd have to say it goes: 1.Xemnas (kinda obvious) 2.Marluxia (Lord of Castle Oblivion, Has 3 forms whereas everyone aside from Xemnas has 1 and a considerably good fighter) 3.Roxas (Keyblade wielder. Not much else to say.) 4.Axel (Second hardest boss in CoM and although portrayed not as strong as the rest of the Org. I think that's only because it was in the beginning of the game. He seems incredibly powerful.) 5.Xaldin (Well we saw him in beasts castle.) 6.Xigbar (He can teleport and shoot from a distance at incredible speeds. If not for the fact he needs to reload he'd be nigh invinvible.) 7.Larxene (She is very fast and can clone herself.) 8.Saix (A faster and stronger form of Lexeaus.) 9.Lexeaus (Immensly strong, only very slow.) 10.Demyx (He himself doesn't fight to well, but his water clones and power of it help) 11.Vexen (Quite weak =/) 12. Luxord (Cards to fight?) 13. Zexion (In the refight, he doesn't fight at all. He ensnares Sora in a book and gets them to do the dirty work. But regardless, Zexion is easily one of the smartest in the Org. and doesn't need to fight.)
Marluxia: Ring Jing Phonebook Toilet seat green Mushroom French Emu Penguin Sora: O_O What. The. Hell. *Cursed*
I think theres a button or link you can click to make the box go away and the thing come up. If not try another computor.
Unlike more than half of the people here im going to help you. Ok first off, have you set recovery questions? If you have then thank whoever it is that you worship because as soon as you answer them and change your password you get your account back. Second you will NEED to change your password to something completely different. Go to recover a lost password and answer AS MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU CAN. Doing so you WILL get your account back.
I shall return *carries confetti-zooka out and before leaving fires several shots into the air making it rain confetti* :D
Dammit! *Hit hand on organ causing confetti-zooka to fire into the roof* The church is gonna collapse!
*speeds up organ music*
*loads confetti-zooka with a confetti ball and unsheathes Keyblades* if burnitup doesnt come soon...
Your on time. But wheres the priest gone?!?
Good idea. *starts to play organ badly* Ahem, Burnitup if you would *hands Kairi her ring*
Here ya go *hands Roxa$ his ring* Now wheres KairiXRiku....
XD *polishes diamond rings arms confetti-zooka*
I'm not late then ^_^
*rushes in with 2 cases containing rings and a confetti-zooka* Hope I'm not late!
Please don't tell me I'm late OR early caus im going in like, 20 minutes or something =/
You'll get there. Wish i'd filmed it...Alas...
=3 Marluxia: *obscene language* Sora: Dude! It's a *obscene language* pg rated game! *cursed for naughty words!!*
Ooh, I'll be either the guy who gives the couple their rings or the guy who throws confetti at people :D If I can make it that is...
Marluxia: Flowers are PPPPUUUURRRDDDYYY Sora: THEY ARE NOT! *Is cursed for not liking flowers*
Yay for you both ^_^ Now I wanna do something...Oo, I'll throw confetti!