she's bi-polar well I'm insufferably emo sometimes its 12:30 here and I'm too tired to be sad but if I go into a fit you'll know it
I for some reason didn't think the ending was all that good the only great parts are when micky goofy and donald are re-united with their respective party members lol and the roxas and namne parts I didn't cry unlike normal but I did get the goodebumps when I saw auron turn into pyre-flies
NAHHHH is that somehting a mother should do?
NO don't cry -sama means high respect kaa-san (means mother)
".......uuh CLOUD-SAN!!! oblivion-sama's scaring me"
wow this place is active I'm glad I joined and got it jap-san
konichiwa cloud-san JAF-san (I find a nickname for everybody sooner or later)
*pats oblivions head* its ok don't cry
well its the natural order of anything that isn't understood just theories (first law of science)
hi everyone I'm the new guy I joined because I want to improve my skills heres my deviantART for anyone thats intersted and theres a emo corner? *plops down with a sketch pad and starts drawing* "I'm home YAYZ"
have a little priest-sweeny todd soundtrack
yea it worked I used my youtube downloader to convert it but anyway yea I can't wait for the demo to be released I'm guessing at the square enix party alot will go on
well I think xemnas visits aqua's armor because he is terra's nobody (xehanort and terra look ALOT alike besides the hair color) but a good theory but why would xemnas have that kind of affection for a new recruit?
purely awesome and thanks for the download link arch
just because they arent huge parts of the story dosen't mean that this couldn't happen and that this isn't a valid theory were stating our idea's its open for discussion but not about whether it should be here or not forums are for intellegent discussion on a variety of topics if you say things like this your 1: insulting the maker of the thread, 2: making a a-hole of yoursel, and 3: deafeating the purpose of the forum. if you don't have something to contribute to the discussion than do not post ok and @repliku: very valid points and I will take them into consideration I am a firm believer in the terra is xehanort theory (somehow terra's hair was changed to white and lost his memory and ansem found him thinking he was MX and trating him as such) the resemblance is uncanny. but again all very good points
uuh your callin aqua terra lol but yea I agree she needs some faults to be more....I dunno accessible to players to make her feel like she's human
I'll add yours to the front
thats a great challange the only problem is that you will have to bring your own music because the beeping would drive you mad but 'll add it to the top
well what I can figure out now KH1: alot of things one being able to fight alongside jack skellington that was awesome, the end wqas so emotional that I cried so thats up there, and well the opening was amazing and I love simple and clean so that was awesome CoM: playing as riku, beating it on the day I got KHII (I didn't get it till late 05), kicking vexens butt (it was the end of the year at school and me and one of my friends just took turns trying to kick his butt and we finally came out on top at the main end of the day) KHII: beating sephiroth for the first time, beating xigbar while alot of my friends were at the library with me (the battle was EPIC) and the end of the game (even though it sucked really and was too easy)
but this isn't about who is MX and his connections its about DS so lets try to not go off-topic