his character is in essence a friend that will do anything to protect you. hes been like that since his conception by walt disney as the lovable oaf type character so it is just a representation of his personalty
looks absolutely awesome much better than the last one also thanks for the vid links being recreated because I accidentally deleted my cutscenes and It helps not having to look all over filefront for them thanks again
well timeless rivers setting is a little misleading but its the best drive form leveling spot in the game (except for final thats TWTNW of course) so I like it other than the absolutely horrid music
if thats the reason than first you need to go see a therapist, second stop playing kingdom hearts, and third just try to get yourself together because swearing may be useful for comedic effect or for expressing emotions it is not good for a E10+ game
yep he dead but he died in a blaze of glory
ok heartless are either shadows or neo-shadows when there born only those who are altered by xeheanort were different. also since sora didn't yield to darkness his heartless didn't take the human form that xeheanort's did.
I like him because he was the second most fun fight (the best being axel)
well i guess I counted wrong XP
yea bit weird but funny
I checked them once with my friend David then with my neighbor too its counts differently seriously
digimon ruined me so I was looking for a hat and biyomon in the backround
ultima because of the way it looks plus it has better magic a better effect and its got a longer range
OMG! ya know the stairs in twilight town that they say count differently every time going up and down THEY DO!!!!! go try it I'll wait