Ressurect! I miss him! Then again he's your chaaracter you can do what you like with him. Tifa looked at Clouds sword, she couldn't do anything, was this the end? "I'm not afraid of dying," she said sadly.
Damn timezones, I always miss the important parts because of them.
"Roxas" she said "I think we'll have to enter her mind to save her"
"I think something's going on in her mind," Tifa said, "I've seen somehing like this happen before."
Tifa looked at Kairi, "What do you think's happening?" she asked Roxas.
Tifa hoped that they could make Kairi feel better.
Tifa looked at Roxas with fear in her eyes, "Does this mean that..." she couldn't even finish her sentence.
OK, I guess ANF is more hyper than I am! XDDDDDDDD But I ended up singing Ayumi Hamasaki's Decision lyrics out loud and then Koda Kumi's Ima Sugu Hoshii, ooer, I really wouldn't recommend looking at the lyrics for that one. It 's a bit.... you know. Tifa nodded, she was glad that Kairi (even though she was unconcious) and Roxas were with her and that she wasn't alone.
Tifa decided to warn Roxas of another danger they were in, "Sora, Cloud and Sephiroth are after me, they want me to turn to darkness and Sephiroth looked pretty much more insane than usual the last time I saw him, I'm lucky to have escaped." OMG, I just had coca cola! Now I'm even more hyper!
Tifa looked at Kairi, "I hope resting works" she said.
ummm..... I don't really know. Tifa looked at Kairi, the potion didn't seem to be working.
Nooooooooooooooo, she's just embarassed, I end up blushing when somebody compliments me.
Who's TKM? "You could have done it without me..." Tifa said blushing a little.
"Thank you Roxas," Tifa said, "You were amazing out there!"
Oops, I should really pay more attention.... I think I've gone hyper.
Tifa was trying to help Kairi, she saw that Roxas had beat Xigbar, "Roxas! Please help" she asked. How did Tifa know his name? That is one of the great mysteries of life.... (or because I felt like it)
Hehe, my mum and my dad are going out and my sister didn't want to be alone with me in the house, kind of makes you feel unwanted, but oh well I've got the computer back! *Looks around* Noooooooooooooo, I missed Dawn, damn it my sister is evil! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil I tell ya!
Sorry I've got to go, my sister's kicking me off.
Say it loud and proud and with a French accent! I was doing that yesterday. Roxas felt better, now Tifa tried to help Kairi.
Tifa held out her hand, "It's your choice, you can choose to fade, or you can come back."