Axel looked down at where Riku slashed him, "You can do better than that," he teased, "That only created a mere cut." I'll be back in a bit, my mum is forcing me to revise for a science test, damn.
"Would you like us to send you to your friends," Axel said maliciously as he set his chakrams on fire and aimed them at Riku. "I've heard that anyone who tries to get to that world either through death or choosing to simply go never comes back, however you don't have that choice."
"Reminds me of a couple of dead people we know," Axel said, "Exact same attitude, didn't do them much good though, if you know what I mean." Tifa heard a sinister voice in her head, "Welcome to my world Tifa..." it said softly, "Who are you?" she asked, "Why, I'm death of course," said the voice while cackling evily, "All you need to know is that you're in my world and while here, I can take control of your exact movements, thoughts and feelings. In fact you won't even know what's happening." Tifa felt herself enter a dream, a dream, which she might not be coming back from. I'm confusing myself XD.
Axel filled the arena with fire, "You'll be with Tifa and Roxas when we've done with you." Tifa struggled to carry on in the world of death, as she fell to the floor, she felt herself fall into some kind of trance. "Death..." she whispered, "It gets to you in the end."
Axel crossed his arms, "That is no way to speak to someone older than you," he summoned his chakrams, "Maybe we should teach you some manners."
Axel portaled next to Riku, "Are you sure you should be here... alone?" he said with a tone of threat in his voice.
ooc: Wasn't Sephiroth always insane? Axel smiled maliciously, "Of course," he said in a menacing tone.
"I sense it too," Axel said looking around, "Looks like someone's made their return." ooc: I'm going to make Tifa go slightly insane in the death world.
I'm back. Axel sighed, "You'll get over it," he said to Sephiroth.
I'll be back in 10-15 minutes, somebody save Tifa, pweeeeeease.
Even though Axel could feel no emotion, he smiled, "That's good to hear." he said. "They both got really annoying."
Axel turned around to see Sephiroth, "Sephiroth" he said, "Any News?"
Axel was walking around TWTNW, Sora hadn't given him orders in a while.
I don't know what to do with Axel...
Tifa looked around, "I'm dead..." she thought to herself. Tifa's dead, so I'll control Axel for a bit, until someone rescue's her. Copy this link to send this page to a friend: Windows Bashing!
Lol! That was hilarious! Tifa woke up, she appeared to be in a strange place, a blanket of fog covered the area. She appeared to be the only one in the area. I've read too much of the last Harry Potter book...
Tifa yet out a yell of pain, the world around her became a blur, she closed her eyes. It was the end. Now time to find a way to ressurect Tifa!
I've got to go now, I'm sorry.
Tifa fell to the floor in pain, she clutched her heart, it felt like it was burning, anytime she moved was torture. However, she knew that even though she would die, nothing could harm her heart or soul.
Tifa couldn't move, "This is the end" she thought to herself.