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  1. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    "Roxas, do you know where your power's are?" she, or rather it, asked, it was enjoying every moment of this, it had been a while since it had been able to toy with anything.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    That took a while to read, everything happened when I was asleep or when I didn't have internet access cus I used up all my bandwith.

    Tifa, still possessed, walked up to Roxas, "Do you wonder why this is happening to you?" she asked him eagerly.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Jack looked at the charts, he had been persuing the Fountain of Life for a while, however the complicated codes meant nothing to him, "Why are these things never easy?" he said in a frustrated tone. He had left his son for a while now, he felt quite guilty for leaving him, but he kept pursuading himself he would be forgiven if he returned with everlasting youth for himself and everyone he wanted to share it with.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    ooc: Is Jack aware that he has a son?
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Can I be Jack Sparrow please? I know I'm a girl, but I really want to be Jack Sparrow!
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    I can't do anything either until RRMS comes on... unless something random happens.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Roxas did too, they're both in the realm of dead, but death has possessed Tifa and Roxas is looking for a away of escape.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Dunno, whatever you decide, I'm going to ressurect Tifa sometime soon, I'm excited for Christmas!
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    ANF! It's great to see you! Where have you been in the past few days?
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    "Roxas, it's simple, I can't let people escape my realm and to do that I need to possess people's spirits, you're on your own now, Tifa can't help you..."
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    ooc: This new skin does take a little getting used to, I'm OK with it now.

    Tifa walked up to him, "Have you wondered what happened to your powers?" she asked, "Or what's happened to Tifa?"

    I'm currently on my school holidays, so I don't have to leave early like evry other day! *Does hyper bounce on the bed dancing*
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa, or rather the spirit that was possessing her waited for Roxas' response, in her hand she held Roxas' powers.

    ooc: Have you ever wondered what happened to Sephiroth's parents?
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sunshine Sailor Senshi

    Fame RPG

    Welcome to my RPG, this RPG will be based on fame and stardom, wether it may be music, acting or fashion.
    You may make up your own agency or label, or just an OC who joins an agency or label, you may of course switch or join mutiple labels or agencys if your character has had enough with one or feels like crossing over to fame outside their contry.
    You can have up as many characters as you want, make sure you can handle and use that many characters though.
    These characters can involve anyone from the actual person desiring the fame, to the publicist, the stylist, an obsessed fan, anyone involved within the world of fame and stardom.
    Parodies of a star are allowed as long as you don't use it for bashing purposes.
    Your star can be from any country as long as you don't mock the country and use real names from that country. You can of course have stars who don't come from the country they are famous from.
    Your characters can do anything as long as it's realistic and is suitable for younger role-players.
    I will start with a label or agency and an OC to give an example. I will edit this description if I can give anything in more detail.

    Name: Aimi Shimatani
    Country of origin: Japan
    Career: Music
    Date of Birth: 12th February 1989
    Label: Kingdom Music
    Personality: Bubbly, friendly, can be shy sometimes.
    Appearance: Long Brown hair, tanned skin, pretty, has a round-shaped face
    Entered fame when?: Just started
    (You may use a picture for your description if you prefer)

    Name: Kingdom Music
    Country of origin: Japan
    Speciality: Music
    Year of founding: 1975

    You may start when you feel ready.

    Aimi stared out at the rest of Japan, she got picked from an audition of many people to become a popstar. She was worried, she wanted to be famous, it was a dream she had since she was walking and talking, but she had heard stories of how artists were dropped because they had different views than their agencies. She had to make sure she could carefully make her moves, one wrong move and the paparazzi would snap that moment on camera and sell it to the tabloids for a high price and then everyone would be saying awful things behind her back. "I hope everything works out well." She said to herself.
    Thread by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    The spirit that was possessing Tifa heard Sora's voice, "Well Sora," it said, "I don't answer to orders, in fact I'd suggest you'd leave the spirit that I'm possessing, or you'll end up trapped like little Tifa here... forever..." While still possessed, Tifa walked slowly over to Roxas with a smile on her face, it was a kind of smile that suggested that she had him where she wanted him, "So Roxas.." she said with a malicious tone in her voice, "Are you looking for a way to escape my world."

    ANF hasn't been on for a while, I wonder where she's gone.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    It's OK, I kind of feel bad for pointing that out now.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    The new skin is awesome! I love it! I'm trying to post around more for my KH Vid's anniversary resolution.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Right I'm not that good at recaps, but all that's really happened is Saix joining the Sora squad and Roxas and Tifa are dead. You do kind of need to resize the sig though, because it's kind of stretching the page really badly.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Same here, I had to have mine re-formatted becuase of adware, I've already pre-ordered the latest album. I've already listened to the previews of the album.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Music
  19. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa's head started to hurt, "Roxas..." she said weakly, "What's happening?" She fell to the floor breathing heavily, her eyes rolled back, as if falling into a trance, something had taken over her, a smile formed on her face. "How easy she was to take over." said the thing that had taken over her and was using her spirit's voice. Death had completely taken over
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
    Tifa looked in the distance, she could see a portal forming, "What's that?" she pointed. It looked quite tempting, but she wasn't sure if it was just an illusion.
    Post by: Sunshine Sailor Senshi, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home