A recap would be nice, I skimmed through really quickly and I can't seem to make sence of it all.
I'm back, sorry I haven't been on for a while...
Tifa teleported next to Kairi, she saw what they did to Cloud, she felt angry that they filled him with darkness again and hse couldn't do anything about it since she was a ghost.
Yay! The top two places are taken up by two of my favourite popstars! (Koda Kumi and Utada Hikaru)
She smiled, "Thanks," she said, "But I think this is a battle I've got to fight for myself."
"I don't know, but as long as it's possessing my body, I can't become whole again."
"Yes Cloud, it's me... she said sadly.
Tifa heard Saxor's message, it had been ages since she had seen Cloud, maybe there was a chance he missed her. She teleported to where he was.
Tifa walked around, she wasn't quite sure which world she was in, it was a weird feeling, she could just walk staright through anything.
Tifa felt herself slip from her body, she was no longer part of it, she had become some kind of ghost, "Well," she said to herself, "At least I'm away from that... thing" She teleported out of the realm.
I'm sorry that I haven't been on in a while.
"I'll try and observe his movements, I can't be much help physically, you know, with being possessed and all, but I can be of help mentally."
"Please keep Sora hostage..." she said telepathically, "If you feel like it, that is."
Tifa thought to herself, she realised that if Sora was kept hostage in someway Kairi would be safe."I've got a favour to ask..." she said telepathically, she wasn't expceting it to be accepted.
"It's Tifa" she said, trying to sound stronger than she actually was, the truth was that her energy had almost gone.
I just saw it a couple of days ago, it was one of the best movies I've seen in a while, it was hilarious.
It's already 10 in the night where I am, I'm lucky, the internet usually goes slow for me by this point in the holidays. Tifa tried to contact Sephiroth, even though she was cut off from her spirit, she could observe every single thing which was happening. She didn't know whether she could trust him, but he seemed to be against Sora at the moment and that was all that mattered at the moment.
Nope, I've been reading, hehe voodoo dolls, I'll have to remember that for a future siggy.
I'm sorry I haven't been on lately, I haven't been able to get on early enough, I blame time zones and the hectic Christmas schedule isn't helping.
Tifa tried to contact Roxas, "Roxas," she tried to say, "Please help Kairi..."