Tifa didn't know what to do, she saw Cloud get dragged away from her, she had no idea what had happened to him.
"Luxord, are you daring to mock me?"
Axel looked at Sephiroth, "That is no way to talk to him..." he said, "Remember, we want to get into his good books."
Axel sighed, "We're in for a long day..." Tifa looked down at Kairi, she still showed no sign of waking up.
Axel looked at Saxor, "The change is astonishing..." he said quietly.
Axel nodded, "Be careful though," he said seriously, "He can be cunning when he wants to be."
Axel made a portal and stepped into the area.
I've got to go, it's getting late, damn timezones!
"I'm glad you're back as well," she said, with a small tear falling down her cheek, "Sora pretty much hates everyone at the moment." My little sister has been listening to Hannah Montana all day, *Bangs head on table* It's been torture!
Axel nodded and created a portal. Tifa looked up and saw Cloud.
Sorry I haven't been following much lately, I'll change it.
"I'm in the The Land of the Dragons..."
"OK, Il guess I'll carry on waiting for any signs of life in Kairi."
"But I feel like I have to do something..."
"Sorry for eavesdropping, but I can help if anyone wants."
"What? Mako? I didn't know he was that insane!" Lol, those are some big mood swings!
"She still hasn't moved an inch." Since when were Tifa and Sephiroth on speaking terms? I just had that thought for a while....
Tifa felt useless waiting there to see if Kairi would wake up and she didn't know what had happened to her.
Tifa was still near Kairi, she hadn't made any sign of movement.
Tifa was still near Kairi, "Will Cloud be safe?" she asked Sepiroth,