If I wanted to play as roxas adn have axel (allie) and axel(boss) duke it out do I use all the codes sepretly or combine it into one code? And what does the Navigational Map Ability do?
Happy B-Day, we gonna miss ya. If I want to play as Roxas and have 2 axel's go at each other can I enter the 3 codes for Roxas, Axel (allie) and Axel (boss) and it work? or does I need to enter all three as one code?
Makes sense. Is it possible to pull in 2 roxas's as allies and like sora as a guest?
How do you even see destiny island i did'nt think it was programed map... Quick question O.K. say lets say I threw in some digits (pete's for EX) into sora's universal thing got a code, coverted it, wha would happen? Would i play as Pete, o would it freeze? (Sry new at this)
Sorry could someone please awnser my question? Thanks:)
Anyone want to throw me some digits I'll test (need to be converted, so it may not be worth the trouble:() O.K. say lets say I threw in some digits (pete's for EX) into sora's universal thing got a code, coverted it, wha would happen? Would i play as Pete, o would it freeze? (Sry new at this)
Once again do you think the dude that hacked the Roxas and Axel stuff do Riku?
So now that axel AND roxas are hacked can we see a future for a playable Riku?
HAHAHAHAHA! 5* on All songs! Took some practice on psychobilly but I got the log guitar (kind of stupid)
I always liked the knights keyblade
I think their all good. but I've 5* everthing on expert....
Yeah I was just wondering were the keyblade came from. But yeah that would be sweet. I was using the open worlds code, are there any fun glitches I should look for?
Oh cool just wondering. Now could someone explain the detection saber to me. Was this originally made on the game or did someone make it up and enter it into the game? And if so what's stopping skiller from hacking a keyblade so it looks different?
I would take about $500 to a dollar store and have fun
Is it possible to pull an enemy into battle with you all the time? And is it possible to affect bosses strength, defense, ect. considering you can affect there health?
Why must you torture us like this Skiller?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Izumi is cool however Roy could own her considering he drew the battle out, Izumi could not stand it (puke up blood)
MOOGLE!!!!!!!! I can make crappy items and sell you useless items!
Name: Riku (I'm going to say this will be in KH3 so lets so he is 5 years older) Health: 20 Bars (yes he is hard, similar to the knight including nedding to be like lv 99) Fight him alone This would be a bonus battle found In Hallow Bastion Where you do the 1000 hearltess challenge Weapon: Way to Dawn Attacks: Regular 3 combo slash telportation (telports in a dark portal, comes from behind, attacks) Slam (slam sword into ground, creates shock wave) Blizzardga, Thunderga, Firega Dark Aura Darkfirestorm True Darkness Darkness supreme Darkfirestorm: Jumps into air, unable to attack him, does dark firega repeatedly True Darkness: Once he gets to about 3 bars of health he goes into his Dark form and this increases strength, speed, ect. Darkness supreme: Transports you to a smaller arena totally black, Including screen (excluding health bar, ect) and locks your magic so you can not use it and does Dark Arua the thing where he attacks and transports from KH1 (Ansem Riku) After winning: Obtain Way to Dawn keyblade and Dark Form ( Keeps party members in besides it being a drive that slowly consumes health but doubles strength and speed) Which ya think?
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