I do not trust a site that has a creator who stole the idea of the site from others, then paid them millions to shut them up. Nothing explicitly wrong, but I don't take chances with a site that I've heard and seen so much about. And why would they organize a riot over Facebook? Well, anyway, it isn't the fact that they did break the law outside of minor things (Planning to vandalize etc.). They're an example.
Spoiler [video=youtube;pDwvqrSi92Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDwvqrSi92Q&feature=relmfu[/video] Heart attack on crust^
I have a hundred legs but cannot stand, a long neck but no head; I eat the maid's life. What am I?
Well put, Crisp. I only believe human on human murder should be punished more so than that of animals. But yes; we need to punish those who hurt animals more than currently, as we're killing the planet and ourselves. And honestly, Animal cruelty is just wrong. Unlike a human, they can't fight back. But then, humans are sentient, making their deaths more important. Again, there's two sides to each coin, each with valid points.
Well I suppose all we get for now is the computer. Makes me :( We don't even have a channel devoted to games anymore.
Hedehogs go "Meow!". You silly goose! ~~~~~~~~~ You throw away the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, and throw away the inside. What is it? ^ Dat Turkey.
The second one must be used in zombie tag. Must.
Well, I'd like to see Hellsing. But it has like, really really really mature concepts. It's not a show that could be seen on Network I think. Well, the Anime could. Not so much for OVA. I say they should make a channel devoted just for Anime.
It's a byproduct of nature. It comes from an animal that goes "Moo". Tis the Milk.
When an animal attacks a human, that's Nature. If you kill an animal in the wild who is trying to kill you, that is nature. Hunting is nature. Burning dogs alive for lolz is a pervision of nature, and is the same f***ed up thinking that has literally destroyed this planet. Humans are a parasite; but that's okay. The more intelligent the species, the more you need to sustain yourself. BUT. We're now permantly linked to the Earth. Meaning? If we go, it goes. We're thinking we're the best species on the planet. But we can't be on top forever...
@ Chester- While that isn't the real answer, it fits. So yeah, you got that one. But that's not the first/real answer. I'll give out the real answer now, if you want.
And Caesar said- APE SHALL NOT KILL APE.
I say give the dog a lighter/Gas and let it burn them. Not that it would matter to the dog; it isn't sentient of course. But it's poetic irony. I wonder, if the concept of hell in inferno is true, what level would they(kids) go to, and what would the punishment be? Anyway, that's plain horrible. People like that will soon start burning people, after they start with Animals. At least the dog lived.
It's what humans will always do. Take advantage of the weak in their own species, and others. And with our higher intelligence (Well...) and technology, all other species are "weak" to some of us. I agree with the above posts. Our species can be evil sometimes a lot.
It's something Natural. A by product of something. /Hint
(OOC: First post w00t) The various lights shut down for a millisecond casting shadows off of the subway compartment and through that shadow; the No Life King simply appeared in the few milliseconds the light failed. With all of the these various specimens here, this was certainly more interesting than killing a singular ghoul here and there; here, he would no longer have to fight pathetic monsters that don't even live up to that name. Maybe even find a true human, like the late Alexander Anderson, to be killed by. He seriously doubted that, however. Anderson had been the first being to truly challenge him since his third defeat by that mad man of god, Helsing. And though Anderson was a true human, he was nothing like Abraham. No, not even on the same plane, as that one true, human. A man of word, a man who could defeat him the no life king at his best, while being a normal human. Yes, Anderson did use one of the true Nails Alucard now kept in his red jackets pocket now. Before becoming a monster who fought for god, he was no real challenge. But his will.... Alucard simply stared at the floor while he had these many thoughts, and reflections, absorbed in them. His red duster took up far much more space than his actual body, and his hat cut view from his face except for that one singular grin of his. He folded his pentagram clad white gloves, and crossed one foot over the other, and leaned forward absent mindedly. The King is dead. Long live the No-Life king.
Hell-Sing - Account Name. Tyspowerhouse@gmail.com - Mail'. Okay, I'll just have him chill in a seat, then. Who's exactly in the subway? (Eat...
Well, I posted his app, I just need approval, and I'm good for posting. Alucard can't teleport over water, so the Ship's out of the question....
Shoot, MSN won't let me add you. What's currently going on in the Subway? It's not moving, right? I think I'll have Alucard just sit be sitting...
Good guess, but you're off a bit Pawn.