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  1. Hell-Sing
    Alucard released his firm grip, and looked at the group in front of him, no change in his expression, still smiling.

    "What a pathetic bunch of sniveling cowards." Alucard declared in a slightly sarcastic, yet amused tone. He looked them all over, a slight sneer in his smile, as he returned to his earlier position at his seat. Once again, he crossed one leg over the other, and leaned forward, intent on once again ignoring the group. His blood itched for combat; he needed to kill, to watch the fear in his enemy’s eyes. Ironically, he hadn’t given his name to them yet. But, he honestly didn’t care. Just like his current form, his name meant nothing. It was an enigma that turned into an enigma, tracing back to his origins.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Hell-Sing
  3. Hell-Sing
  4. Hell-Sing
  5. Hell-Sing
    "Help? My Masters orders coincide with that. I would've preferred the Police Girl helped me. She may be the lowest of the low, but at least she isn't a 'human'." Alucard smiled, a single pentagram clad glove extended to meet hers. While he could pull her hand straight off, it was unnecessary, and against orders. And he was still a gentleman, to a very small degree. At least the gloved black pentagrams had meaning to him, and she shouldn't be able to read the occult seal from her position. At the least she wouldn't know what to do with them. Only a Hellsing could release the seals, or in other special circumstances.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hell-Sing
  7. Hell-Sing
  8. Hell-Sing
  9. Hell-Sing
    "Tools? Only the weak are tools. Those who fight- No, those who REFUSE to be as such will get their hour, their time to trample the weak!" Alucards words increased in loudness until the end, words echoing off the tram's walls. He gave a slight nod where the girl had been. She had been like Schrodinger. Omni-Present and un killable. Well.... thinking to himself, he gave a devilish smile, as he slowly rose up from his seat. He wasn't certainly alive now .

    Deciding that these various specimens would be of no harm, Alucard slowly placed the Casull back into his crimson jacket, twisting his head slightly towards the group, smiling. He was still wearing his signature orange glasses, light reflecting from them, causing an eerie glow. Of course, the fangs in his very white smile were slightly more noticeable than that. Though gravity was strong, he could deny it, and as the train lurched forward, he didn't move an inch, simply standing in place as if nothing had happened.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Hell-Sing
  11. Hell-Sing
    Not even looking up to see the standoff, Alucard slowly slipped his hand into his jacket, a slight chuckle escaping his lips. Oh yes, how amusing, oh so how amusing. However, games came after his temporary Master was found. Sir Integra had given him very explicit orders. And how her words burned his blood. She was an inspirer, a true leader of men. She quite reminded Alucard of his old days, when the blood of his enemies flowed freely into the earth, and they were impaled upon stakes and poles. Oh yes, the old days. How he hated the ignorance, but loved that cold, merciless war against the enemies of the church and the God who had betrayed him.

    Finally reaching the pure silver weapon in his breast pocket, Alucard pulled out the massive remake of the Casull line revolver in semi-automatic form larger than the largest of pistols. Except for his Jackal, of course. After the barrel was full out of his crimson coat, with a slight after image behind his hand, the beautiful silver barrel was aimed at the witches head instantly. Still looking at the floor, and not at the others, he let another chuckle escape his fang clad mouth. Oh yes, amusing indeed. Who were these people? Dogs? Humans! Monsters....
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Hell-Sing
    Oh yes. I have an outline of it now, but more details will come after I Google a few things. It's coming along nicely. Of course, if everyone wants it to stay at a casual level, I won't use the late plot. But I do have plans for a few "Threats" to the club.

    I suppose I'll start a rule section and such first.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Hell-Sing
  14. Hell-Sing
    It's modeled after Stan's place. So yeah, it's more of a hang out thing. But there will be a few threats here and there to the Club, and we will have to deal with them. Over time, and if it survives, it may get more serious. If that's wanted.

    But anyway; It could also be a place that our OC/CCs come to hang out from their universe (Canon) or even other RPs(If that's okay).
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Hell-Sing


    Why does everyone get an answer that works perfectly fine, but isn't "the" answer?

    You got it right in context. The real answer was "Alcohol".
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hell-Sing
  17. Hell-Sing


    Today he is there to trip you up and he will torture you tomorrow.
    Yet he is also there to ease the pain, when you are lost in grief and sorrow.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Hell-Sing
    It's an enemy species that could in theory wipe humanity off the face of Earth. If they sent in a single soldier, asking for peace, and the Apes attacked(And they will) do we have a right to kill them then? But that Ape in the end was about to kill James, till Caesar intervened. So they were already shooting to kill us back. So in turn, if a soldier was sent in for peace, he would be killed. Justifying the destruction of their species, as they’re just as bad us as; but worse still, physically stronger. Humans don't suck; we have every right to fight for our survival against the apes. We've been killing each other for years. Now there's a species just as intelligent as us. That means they're just as bad as us. Most likely worse, as their evolution was rushed. Who's to say they won't destroy humanity, and become worse to the planet? The one apes almost attack proved that. Their intelligence will be their downfall, as is ours. They'd become just like us. Most likely worse, as said before. And Patman, a simple pass of an A-10 Warthog, or a small squad of troops would suffice to eliminate them. I'm sure there was some shred of order at that point; otherwise untrained un armed James would've never got there in the first place. Then again this is a movie, and untrained people generally beat those who’ve actually been in training all the time in movies. But meh.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Hell-Sing
    Before I go into detail about this, I thought it might be a good idea to see some opinions on this. Basically, I wanted to make a casual Role Play that could turn into something serious later on. Just a place for our OC/CCs to relax, talk about old war stories, and kill each other. (Maybe)

    Basically- Heroes/Villans from all universes go to the Inventory to play cards, drink, talk, spar, troll, play video games. Just a sort of club. It's a no fire zone- Don't start trying to kill your arch nemesis, or everyone in the club is obliged to beat you to a pulp, the same goes with the security. If you've got a problem, take it to the Sparing room.

    Also, this could sort of be a break area for your CC/OCs- They can even come from other RPs, in theory. Exchange war stories and such. This RP will start casual, and may or may not get more serious as time goes on. And of course, any character from fiction is allowed into the place, same goes for Original characters. Villain, or hero? It doesn't matter.
    Thread by: Hell-Sing, Aug 17, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hell-Sing
    Patman, at the last point, any Military force with remote competence could destroy those Apes within a few minutes, more if they ran. Honestly, even with the virus going around, the Military could simply burn the forest down(Extreme measure) and shoot them while they ran. Or simply walk in the forest, infantry only, and shoot them. Or use an A-10 Warthog. The apes should be dead.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 17, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media