"He's incompetent. You're his daughter, then that means you are now my Master, as your next in line of the family name." Alucard spoke with enthusiasm, appearing behind JoJo, as if he had been there already, no longer boxing in her 'Father'. He put the Casull back into his coat, the grin on his face gradually vanishing into a larger smile, that of eagerness. His hands at his sides, he stepped forward next to this girl, and looked slightly towards her, taking off his Glasses. Hidden before by them, eyes blazing a crimson red as if from hell its self. After his glasses were dropped to the floor, he slowly took off his hat, flinging it to the ground as well. It would be the first cerise color this cart would see. Oh, but it CERTAINLY wouldn't be its last. There would be plenty of red shortly enough... "Your orders, my Master!" The Kings voice was seriousness, mixed with raw exhilaration. Alucard was prepared to do battle. Though his body didn't show it, he didn't move an inch, his hands relaxed, and at his sides. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Whatever..." The witch continued her pace, walking ahead of the group, or so she thought. She ignored the beautiful scenery, too much anger in her thoughts at that point. While not all monsters are bad, in her universe, they're all evil. Not so much in others. But then, she didn't know that.
I've only seen parts. I'll have to watch it soon. It sounds fairly good from what I've heard?
That's what I said in the message, of course. While Alucard could do it, much like the rest of his abilities, he doesn't. I didn't break it, as it...
"No reaction? What are you? A dog?" Alucard reached into his pocket, grabbing the Casull, and bringing it out slowly, pointing at Jotaro. "No wonder dogs such as yourself reign over men of the world. Such strong language, and temperment..." Alucard smiled again, waiting for his next reaction.
"Then why would weapons of god, and the light hurt them? If they're so good, then the holiness of god wouldn't hurt them. I've met one Monster who was a good being. And he was the one I would've expected to be the worse. I suppose you're right partially. But it doesn't mean I'm going to stop killing monsters. I will slay them no matter what they say. Because if there's even a snowflake of a chance in Vulcans forge that they're lying..." The mage pulled a dead stop, they were moving through this place quite fast.... "Then I won't let them harm me, or more importantly, an innocent person. No matter what world they're from." The witch started to walk again, going into the lush green environment even further.
"Just like war is in humanity's nature, death is that of monsters. Would you walk up to a wild lion and treat it like a kitten? Even if it follows you, gains new "life" it's still a monster. One day, it will try to kill you, or worse someone else. Just as war is inevitable to humans, death is inevitable to them." The Mage slowed her pace, to allow the girl to catch up. An interesting, though partially wrong argument.
"Monsters are the reason my sisters were killed. All monsters serve one being, and one being alone. Dracul. The dragon. Vlad. Mathias. Prince of darkness. Lord of Shadows. King of Vampires. Master of Death himself. Dracula. They've been trained for one purpose, and one purpose alone. To wipe humanity to the ground, because of his hatred of god." Sypha unclenched her fist, and picked up the remains of her walking stick, the pieces connecting extending to meet each other when she held them end to end. Now repaired, she used in as it should, and continued to walk, knowing the others would follow, and waiting for Rosses response.
"You're a Witch, correct? Witches such as us are trained to use those dark powers, and in limited quantities. But creatures of darkness..." The Witch clasped her fists together even more, as she heard a large 'Snap' as her walking stick broke. She gritted her teeth for her anger getting the best of her, but spoke non the less. "They're monsters. Nothing more. Nothing less. The Vatican trained me to kill them. After persecuting my sisters, but it wasn't their fault. They fell prey to the Lord of Shadows servants. I don't blame them." She had sensed Rose's power, though it wasn't dark. And it was slightly hard to sense it, at that. Not because Rose was weak- It was simply because she was so un aware from the distinct powers witches gave off.... she hadn't sensed another one in years almost. She could sense creatures of darkness easily, when they weren't disguised. Such a pity she had forgotten what it was like to be near people like her.
Alucard smirked, how amusing. This was certainly interesting, very interesting, it was getting better. A REAL fight! Oh yes, but first.... "I was sent to you to by Sir Integra Fairbrocks Wingates Hellsing." Alucard simply vanished, a millisecond later he merely appeared in front of the fake Joturo. Placing his long hands on either side of Sasuke, boxing him to the wall of the cart, making sure he couldn't just 'slip' away. He leaned in closer, a few inches from his face, his red glasses glaring a crimson Hellfire, his white fangs exposed by his smile. "Your inheritance has been given. And the judgment of your righteousness final." The Count gave an even deeper smile, his fangs no longer there, replaced by razor sharp rows of teeth. "Just give up. I order it so. Your powers are useless against me, boy. Jotaro. My powers are beyond such a weak dog’s comprehension!" Alucard gave a final smirk, his blood boiling for what reaction he would get from the disguised Ninja. He could cheat, and read his mind. And if he had opened his senses, and detected the Genjutsu, he could've overwhelmed the attack with his familiars souls, making them take the influence of the illusion. Much like a human shield, but in his mind. But Alucard didn't, nor would ever, operate like that. The closer he got to his nonexistent Morality, the less stale things became. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright.... Where did you get that power? Is it some sort of black magic?" An accusing, and slightly angry tone entered the witches voice. "Because if it is, you will taste my rightous fury!" The mage turned around, her left fist clenched, so much so that her nails were digging into her palm. A small trickle of blood flowed down, dripping to the ground under her clenched fist.
Old vampire movies are great. New ones, not so much. Haven't seen many new good ones as of yet.
Patt Snapper McBane.
That one guy.
It involves dat fog. I think I'll save the bats for his first regen. We need a few good vampire movies. Like a new Dracula movie. Or something.
Guy with awesome avatar.
Guy who gives me dirty thoughts^
When Brows posts, I'll have Alucard start the test, then go to the beach with a dynamic entry. Dracula style.
"I guess. Though a more thorough introduction is needed. I need to know your skills so in combat I can at least know what you're doing." Turning around, she looked back at the others, not worried about an attack.... yet. "We should talk and walk. Teleportation is possible, but I've yet to even learn how to do it for myself, let alone a group. Though I have made progress...." Sypha put the hand not on her walking stick on her hips, and let out a light chuckle. "Sorry about the rambling." The witch turned around and continued to walk towards the heavy brush ahead.
"It doesn't matter. None of us are very stealthy anyway. Well, from what I've seen. In a group, or alone; We're going to be heard. Then we'll be hunted. So individual or not, if someone’s out there, they'll know we're here. It's up to them whether or not to attack us. But I suppose you're right, we'd be safer in a group." The Mage slowed to a crawl, to allow the others to catch up to her. This wasn't exactly the best place to stop, but as she said before, the jig was up. Anyone out there already knew they were here...
Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00gAbgBu8R4&feature=player_embedded ^We are entering a new age in video games. They're no longer textures slapped onto the ground to make it look like the ground, with a few blades of grass. Dirt isn't just a picture now; It's 'actual' dirt in videogames.
Oh my god.... I have to post this new tech vid in the Fun section. Games made with limitless polys.... Alucard test shall commence soon.