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  1. Hell-Sing
  2. Hell-Sing
    "It's simple, really. I want to be your weapon. I want to kill all those who would dare to stand in your path, those who would end you. It's quite...simple in that regard." Alucard stepped forward, motioning to the coffin.

    "The Bird of Hermes is my name. I eat my wings to make me tame. I am tame to you, and you alone. And only you can allow me to unleash my full power."
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Sep 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Hell-Sing
  4. Hell-Sing
    "You misinterpret. This is not a contract per say, but a binding. I get nothing out of the transaction... excluding the capacity to eradicate your adversaries. I will become your servant, your weapon. There's nothing I want in return, other than a worthy Master, and urchins to slay." Alucard intended to get through this quick- He planned to talk to the man wearing red. He had sensed something... special about him. But not supernatural. And his words were slightly funny to him, as he was as real of a vampire as you could get. More fun, it would seem. The more fun, the better off he was.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Sep 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Hell-Sing
    "Your blood is all you require, my Master. One drop for me, and one for the place I was born." Alucard smirked, looking back at the black box a few feet behind him. It had a few words engraved in it, seemingly by knife.



    The Count looked back, smile undisturbed. They should be able to see the words fairly well; the fog had dissipated somewhat. This was fun, so far. Though, he smelled hypocracy on this planet.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Sep 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hell-Sing
    "Before the contract is complete, you must do two things." Alucard kept his smile on, amused. He wasn't necessarily amused, more along the lines of excited. His Coffin was his own kingdom, born anew. And it was highly involved with his powers, amongst other things.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 31, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Hell-Sing
    "Blood, please. When we hit land, that is." The black dog spoke out loud, fading from existence slowly. On the sandy beach, a thick fog had rolled in. And at the edge of it, was a man in a crimson Victorian era jacket. Upon his head was a matching wide hat, red glasses reflecting the light, and a snicker on his face. His white fangs easily seeable at this distance, with his wide grin. He kept his hands at his sides, and didn't speak.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Hell-Sing
    The dog looked eyes with Jotaro, another eye appearing, between the ears. These new pair of eyes opened, as they bared down at different members of the group of their own accord. Suddenly, the wolf/dog opened its mouth, revealing two human eyes within, staring at Jotaro. Under the eyes, a crimson clothed hand, with a white glove emerged, with a small piece of paper, untouched by salvia. The hand placed the document a foot in front of Jotaro, and then retracted back into the still open mouth. The eyes were still present, watching the humans every move. The 'normal' and other eyes watching other members of the group.


    (Document- Written in blood)

    My sincerest regrets at not being able to show you my true form- But alias, I have orders. And though you may be my temporary Master, her orders will always outrank yours. Control Art Restriction has three distinctive levels, my Master. Use them wisely, and use them sparsely. You can now communicate with me at will by telepathy at any time, to give me orders. To a degree. It's not something you can causally do however, and only use it if your life is on the Brink, or if control art restriction is needed. Oh. And as my Master, I'm obliged to offer you a drink of my blood- As I expect you would me. But if you're a real human, then you wont need it. At least, not yet.

    -Sincerest wishes, the No-Life King (Or Count, if you prefer it) Alucard
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hell-Sing
    A small dog, with a gray and mangy fur coat clambered aboard the floating vessel, if you could call it that. It shook its self, sending a splatter of water in all directions, as it rested its self directly in front of Jotoro. It didn't look diseased, and there was something dark, but something else... Royal, about it? Other than that, it simply looked like a normal dog, tongue lolling out its mouth, a slight tail wagge here and there. It was far bigger than the largest of dogs you would see on Earth, yet it looked docile. Weirdly, for a wild dog, one couldn't tell the breed, and it was surprisingly fit. Yet it seemed domesticated. Most likely looking for its master, as it was friendly enough, though it held no tag. Other than a few weird things such as those, its only physical deformity, if you could call it that, was the fact that.... It had hellish red eyes.


    "I'm fine with it if you are." Sypha looked at the respectful man next to her, ready to rock and roll. She probably would've said that, if she knew what it meant. And what Rock n' Roll was, for that matter...
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Hell-Sing
  11. Hell-Sing
  12. Hell-Sing
    "Interesting. Take point." Sypha sighed, and placed the book back into her pouch. She didn't bother to re button up the Robe. It gave a slight flutter as she waited for the man to make an approach. Though she had the dirty, patched, and old clothes of a peasant underneath her high quality robe, she didn't care. If people wanted to judge her, they could. Being a Witch, she got that a lot.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Hell-Sing
  14. Hell-Sing
    Sypha gave up on trying to count the seconds between when someone asked, and the voice answered. It didn't really matter much, she guessed. Belnades went back to reading her book, fliping pages with her mind at times.
    Post by: Hell-Sing, Aug 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Hell-Sing
  16. Hell-Sing
  17. Hell-Sing
  18. Hell-Sing
  19. Hell-Sing
  20. Hell-Sing