OOC: I fear for any new CCs I introduce, Wesker is....something else. We never saw his true power. Alucard however, will enjoy fighting someone of that level of power. Spoiler Character: Alucard Age: 598 (Semi-Post Schrödinger. He was transported after being erased from existence.) Sex: Male. Though, he has stated that this form means nothing, and has shape shifted in the past during WW2. Series: Hellsing Picture: Spoiler Control Art Restriction(Normal level)- Spoiler Control Art Restriction Level 1- Spoiler Control Art Restriction Level 0(Aka the original form, Vlad the impaler.)- Ability/Weapon: Virtually every vamparic power in pop culture/folk lore(He rarely uses such powers), The most physically enhanced vampire in hellsing, Resistance to most Vamparic weaknesses, Cromwell invocation/Control Art Restriction, Extreme Regeneration , Hax gun accuracy. Weapon(s)- Spoiler A .454 Casull Handgun with the words “Hellsing .454 Caliber†on the side. This strong pistol is actually a remake of the common Casull revolvers and Casull rounds more commonly used in Colt pistols. The hand gun primarily fires explosive rounds with silver casings. This handgun weighs 2.2 kilograms and is 419 mm long. Though not as strong as its Jackal counterpart, this handgun still will produce recoil that is difficult for any human to control. Spoiler A Black Jackal Handgun with the words "Jesus Christ is in Heaven Now". The Jackal is a custom 13 mm anti-freak combat pistol. It fires custom made rounds which are very powerful. The gun is 30 cm long, 15 kilograms in weight and has 6 rounds per magazine. The Jackal has more firepower than any human can be expected to handle. The rounds are 13 mm explosive shells made with pure Macedonian silver casings and blessed Mercury tips. The rounds themselves are capable of ripping through solid steel or concrete and can stop even the toughest regenerator in his tracks. He tends to favor the Jackal for its destructive power over the Casull. Additional Information: Spoiler Alucard is normally extremely proud bordering on arrogant and constantly walks around with an almost sort of strut. While he believes there is no such thing as an immortal, he usually won't try and hide what he is and is very outspoken never missing an opportunity to sneer at an unworthy opponent. He enjoys everything about war and constantly seeks a rival which will put his abilities to the test and regards those who can’t live up to those expectations as inferior in every way. In battle, he tends to take his invulnerability to the extreme and usually doesn't block a lot of attacks at all. At the same time, he gives proper respect where it is due whenever an opponent gives him at least a worthy challenge. He has a deep loyalty to the Queen of England and to the Hellsing family who, through alchemy, took a good many of the normal vamparic weaknesses away. Alucard while powerful, has a tendency of not being a team player. And by that I mean, he'll rarely partake in a battle his allies are fighting unless directly ordered to do so by his Master. Generally, he will wait until his allies are all but dead, and combat the enemy alone. He most likely does this for the fun of it, and to see if the enemy is worthy. If they can kill his allies(Minus his Master, of course!) then they will provide at the least some fun. Another note about Alucard is the fact that he doesn't take kindly to insults to the Hellsing name, or his current Master. And by not kindly, he'll Quote on Quote "Put a bullet in you." With all of his power however, his attitude almost completly limits it. His Master almost died in the OVA/Manga because he simply wanted to fight the stronger of the two vampires attacking the Hellsing Estate. He simply waited for the stronger vampire "Luke Valentine" as the attackers killed almost every single one of the humans in the estate, and almost killed his master.
Thank ye. I'll contact you from MSN if need be.
Who here divided by zero!?
You can spin, wheel and twist, but it can turn without moving. What is it? ^I will give out hints, if you guys can't get mine quick.
Noose? I think that may be it......
Saxi is correct. Here, have a- Spoiler http://rlv.zcache.com/congratulations_you_win_the_internet_postcard-p2398699835640948757onr_325.jpg
*Cuts head off only to have it regen* Fuuuuuuuuuu I may give out a few hints, if you need them.
lol. Incorrect! Cake or Death!?
I'll talk to you. *Insert Pedo smile*
I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champane bubble. If you look at me, you'll pop. (No googles please.)
Someone just post Superman versus Goku, or Samus versus Master Chief topics. Heck, I'd do it. But then, I'm a little lazy.
I know, it's great. Anyway, I think Notch was adding in Dragons. It says so on the wiki, anyway.
Well, it would seem tC isn't here. If it isn't much of a bother, I need a little bit of help introducing Alucard. I believe one of her CCs has...
Be yourself around people like you. If you meet people not like you; move on. I think everyone above me has it down pretty well themselves.
Yeah, any debate can be turned into something far worse. By that I meant Goku Versus Superman style things. Anyway, we're getting off topic. I think everyones established what's needed to be said. And Fox, I sadly only have Internet Explorer 9. (^Hypocracy about going off topic)
The worst I've seen as of yet is a Flame War. The kind were you debate things. Not saying it's the worst on the internet. There's far worse.