Are those kitties cheering for my success?
Sorry for taking so long to reply, people! O.O I do not eat my own kind! Make them fly cookies? Soku... haha I tried that for a name, and it was taken. Nah, I am the true Frog Prince- meaning I need no princesses to show my true form! I just like commanding teh frogs. So I stay a froggie. When I am human, people think I am weird. Mostly because I try directing traffic to move for me and the big metal frogs don't listen. -grumble grumble- Don't worry, I'll follow the rules- only because they all go by my Frog Prince rules and do not interfere with them. >_> <_< Otherwise I'd have to do my FROG PRINCE CHANGE and make em more FROGLIKE. But they're good. So we're cool. Frog will do. Or Froggie, I suppose. I'd say Glenn, but I don't think many people would get the reference. I am not the kind of frog who jumps across traffic all hesitant like. IT STOP FOR ME! -ribbit- An honor, sir/fair lady. Skyler could be either a male or female name, sooo... Aww! Your mood is sad? Feel better! Ribbit! I wanna be a member of the Hollow Bastion Committee! And if I reach the level, can I stay at it despite the posts? O.O
And considering I just took a ceramic frog and took a photo of it on a chair, I shall be known as the FROG PRINCE. -points at profile pic- ^_^; Nice to meet you all!