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  1. Roru

    Are those kitties cheering for my success?
    Post by: Roru, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Roru

    Sorry for taking so long to reply, people!

    O.O I do not eat my own kind!

    Make them fly cookies?

    Soku... haha I tried that for a name, and it was taken.

    Nah, I am the true Frog Prince- meaning I need no princesses to show my true form!

    I just like commanding teh frogs. So I stay a froggie.
    When I am human, people think I am weird. Mostly because I try directing traffic to move for me and the big metal frogs don't listen.
    -grumble grumble-

    Don't worry, I'll follow the rules- only because they all go by my Frog Prince rules and do not interfere with them.


    Otherwise I'd have to do my FROG PRINCE CHANGE and make em more FROGLIKE.

    But they're good.

    So we're cool.

    Frog will do. Or Froggie, I suppose. I'd say Glenn, but I don't think many people would get the reference.

    I am not the kind of frog who jumps across traffic all hesitant like. IT STOP FOR ME! -ribbit-

    An honor, sir/fair lady.

    Skyler could be either a male or female name, sooo...

    Aww! Your mood is sad? Feel better! Ribbit!

    I wanna be a member of the Hollow Bastion Committee! And if I reach the level, can I stay at it despite the posts? O.O
    Post by: Roru, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Roru
    And considering I just took a ceramic frog and took a photo of it on a chair, I shall be known as the FROG PRINCE. -points at profile pic-

    ^_^; Nice to meet you all!
    Thread by: Roru, Jun 24, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures