Ya know, i've always wondered if they had shirts underneath their coats......I think they'd have to wear something, like some of you guys have said previously
lol cool! Will do Thanks much peoples ^^ :D
I 3rd that! lol they'd be soooo cute too! & I'd be able to hug & cuddle them (I love cats ^^)
Hi can I join the family? I'm REALLY into drawing ^^
hmm...I was thinking, if Marluxia ruled the world it probably would be all flowers & pink lolz basically Spring throughout the whole year!! Its like think of all the peoples who get hayfever & all that....They'd be in serious trouble!!! I've got a feeling that if Naminé ruled the world everything would be like the white room - white & have pictures on the walls....maybe she'd let you draw on the walls! ^^ Oh! If the Organization actually took over the world I'm sure they'd force us to wear those coats of theirs...I've always wanted one of those :P And we'd be able to have hair that defys gravity If Kingdom Hearts in general took over!!!
10+ start to finish....I don't even know why I played it so much! Its an awesome game! Plus my friend is borrowing the first one off me
That's deep! I think that's a philosophical question. No one for sure does know what happens after death but I think there may be a life after it.....
I had major troubles trying to beat normal Marluxia!! I lost count of how many times I attempted to try & beat him but I know it took weeks! *laughs* but when I beat him, I was sad. Hades was another I had troubles with but that was in Riku's story. Probably because I couldn't be bothered fighting the heartless & leveling up. I was flying through Riku's story till I got up to him. It didn't take as long as Marluxia though :D
Marluxia's cool. Thats why he was in charge heheh! :D Na umm...That's actually a good point about Luxord. Maybe Luxord would gamble a bit too much if he was there lol
Id be a Nobody!!! ^^ They rock! If I was one then I'd be able to join Organization XIII!!! YAY! Then I'll be able to hang out with marluxia & Demyx heheh! go me! :D
I agree with peoples when they say Zexion because he does look like the type to be able to do that sort of thing. Plus hes smart. I could see Xigbar trying to do that, failing & then sniping it I could see Axel giving it a go, failing & burning it hehe Demyx could give it a go but I think he'd fail Larxene, to me, doesn't seem like the kind of person that would want to give it a go & would rather laugh at their stupidity when they fail I could see Marluxia giving it a go, nearly getting there but then failing I wonder if Saix would go psycho at it if he failed....heheh! :P
Man you guys stole all my favourite quotes *laughs* just kidding! :D my favourites are: "Got it memorized?"-Axel "Ohh...I'm not gonna break the toy...Just play with it. I'm not stupid!"-Larxene "Oh we do too have hearts...don't be mad"-Demyx Run, Run away!"-Demyx "Now thats just plain rude!"-Demyx "Hey, you guys are looking lively"-Demyx "Dance, water, dance!"-Demyx (man I have a lot of favourites from him :P) "Ahead lies something you hold dear...but in order to claim it you must lose something first"-Marluxia (this is what i read on the english translation of RE: Chain of Memories) "I need more rage....I need more hearts"-Xemnas "You're Bizzare"-Sora (talking about Demyx) "Okkkaaay..."-Sora (watching Demyx run passed) "This is My story...and you're not part of it"-Auron "That's easy! Its......"-Donald (In Castle Oblivion talking about the castle where Sora became a heartless (Hollow Bastion)) I have lots more but I just can't remember them...man i hate it when that happens!
I voted for Chain of Memories instead of the remake because although its for PS2, its only released in Japan at the moment (I hope this will change ^^). Chain of Memories is in english so thats why I like it plus the first battle with Marluxia is more harder in Chain of Memories than in RE: Chain of Memories apparently
Hiya! & welcome ^^
I voted for Kairi because, well, peoples are right, she's friends with Riku & Sora so she'd know some moves from them.
Hey theres a petition going around already the URL is http://www.petitiononline.com/KHremake/
Oh! You're not the only one! I cried!! It was soooooo sad!!! :( i didn't really want to beat him but I had to to go on to Rikus story *cries* I just love him sooooooooooo much! I feel so bad about it..... *cries more*
Hiya peoples! *waves* Just wanted to say that i'm new here & to say hi
I picked Marluxia because hes my favourite & I love him!!! :luv: