Axel.. cause he's the one who seems to care more.... he's always trying to keep you safe... even if it means slaming you into a bed, so you can't attack people... but ya.. NEXT CHAPTER!!!!
darn, the spelling...... ok, well, I'm gonna start working on chapter 3. Its gonna be manly focused on Kairi and what happens to her. And, YOU! start the next chapter of YOUR story, Destined.
ah! I WANTS MORE! THIS IS GOOD!!! THIS IS REALLYGOOD!!! WOW!! PLZ MAKE MORE!!! (btw, does Axel like your character?)
the chapter you have been waiting for, Chapter 7~ I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to erase the girl's angry face from my mind. I could have sworn it was Kristy, but it wasn't. Who is she? Her blonde hair, blue eyes, pale face, she's no one I know. I got up and headed to the kitchen. I reached in the fridge and took out a soda. I closed it, turned, and jumped back, spilling soda all over me. It was the girl! Her angry blue eyes stared at me, face unchanging. "Stay away from Sora." she said, her voice angry and demonic. "Who- Who are you?" I asked, voice shaking. I felt hot tears run down my face. "Stay away from Sora." she started to pixelate away. "Or else." I breathed heavy, staring at the spot she was just at, tears rolling down my face. Sora burst in, eyes wide. "Mi- Milo?" he choked out. He turned the light on and stared down at me, his blue eyes surprised. Kristy walked in, rubbing her eyes. "What's goin' on, Key-boy?" she asked Sora. Sora ran over to me and put his arm around me. "Milo, what's wrong?" he asked, gentelly. I looked up at him, more tears steaming down my face. "N-No-Nothing." I choked out. He hugged me softly, as I cried more. I can't take it, this girl is to much stress! I told myself. Sora wiped away my tears. "Are you ok, Milo? You need me to stay with you over night?" I nodded slowly, a little embarrassed about this. Kristy's mouth hung open with surprised. Sora helped me up and followed me to my room. I lay in my bed, as Sora brought a chair up beside my bed. "Sora... I'm sorry, I woke you up." I said. I noticed my clothes were soaked with soda. "Um, I need to change." Sora jumped slightly and nodded. "Um, I'll just stand out in the hall." he walked out and closed the door behind him. I grabbed some new pajamas and slipped them on. I stood in front of the mirror, my face red. Sora. I thought. I looked behind me at the door and then turned my attention back to the mirror. I jumped back and screamed. The girl's angry face stared at me. Sora ran into the room, wrapping his arms around me once more. "This time, tell me what happened." he said. "I- I saw a girl, in the mirror, she's been appearing lately, and tell me to stay away from you, but I don't know why." I looked back up in the mirror, my red face stained with hot tears, and purple eyes staring back at me. "What did she look like?" he asked. "Blonde hair, blue eyes, angry face, and pale skin." I said in a rush. Sora started to mumbled to himself, "She's back" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, someone Sora knows.... Sry about Tray, he really didn't make much of an appearance, but he'll appear somewhere in here. *digs threw paper* Hum, any guesses on who she is? :P
yea, I tried to make do with what I had from POTC and pieced it together, I'm working on the 2nd chapter at the moment, trying to make new characters and what not, but its being worked on. No worries, I'll have it out soon! Chapter 2~ The Beginning of It all ********************************** Link flinched slightly as Neiko’s blade pushed into his throat. A small trickle of blood came out. Peach closed her eyes. Link closed his eyes. This is the end, he thought, I’m sorry Zelda. Neiko put his sword back in its case. “Now, don’t get on my nerves.” He turned and walked off. Link stared up at where Neiko stood a second ago. He breathed slowly, taking each breath as a last one. Misti tapped him on the shoulder. “Link?” she asked. Link nodded. “I’m ok.” He stated, standing up. A couple of new people walked in. Michiko balanced her sword on her shoulder. “Is this the party?” Jordan asked, smiling. Trevor came out, wiping his glasses free from dirt. “So, we are missing four players.” Neiko answered the unasked question. Michiko stared at him for a second. “Thank the sea gods for Jones, he’s the one that busted me out of that cell.” Jordan looked confused. “Davy Jones?” he asked, cautiously. Neiko looked up at him. “Yes, the ruler of the dead, Davy Jones.” Neiko answered. “His love, and his only love, Clypso, I’m her reincarnation. Davy Jones knew this, and as a token of forgiveness, Clypso told Jones to give her reincarnation anything they wanted. Trapped in that cell with a bunch of mortals was torture beyond death, so I asked him to get me out of there. As the oath, he had to, or be bound to the East Indian Trade Company forever. Norrington is a smart guy, for an English wimp.” Jordan nodded. “But what I don’t get is, why would Clypso make a reincarnation of herself, if she’s bound to her human bones forever, even as a reincarnation?” Jordan asked, careful not to touch on a subject that was not to be talked about. Neiko looked over at him. “Clypso was a nimb rod in that past life. Ever heard the Pirate song Hoist the Colors?” Jordan nodded at this statement. Neiko smiled grimly. “’The King and his men’ meaning the Brethren Court’s king and the fellow members ‘Stole the Queen from bed’ took Clypso from the sea. ‘And bound her in her bones’ toke her unmortal form, and bound her into a human form, or as most people knew her as, Tia Dalma. The Brethren Court did this so my past life could not cause more pain and suffering than they produced. But, in order to keep peace on the seas, and to rid Jones, they turned Tia back into Clypso. Jack, that witty pirate.” Neiko stated. Trevor coughed. “Jones was cruel. He was feared by the most bloodthirsty pirates. Even my dad, one of the greatest pirates, feared him.” Trevor replaced his glasses back on his face, his black bandana covered in dirt. Michiko looked at Link. “When does Sora get here?” she asked. “No one knows.” Link answered looking at Peach’s painting of her sister. ******************************************************* Sora lay on the beach, staring at the blue sky. Its like we used to be, he thought. Me, Riku, and Kairi. Sora sat up and looked around. The island sounded awfully quiet. He got up and walked to the cave. The door stood open. Sora gulped. No way, we closed this door, what is it doing opened? Sora looked around and walked into the door. Sora closed his eyes and then opened them back up. He looked around and saw he was in a large room. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stared at him. “That’s him?” he asked Peach. Peach nodded. “That’s Sora.” She stated. Sora stared. “So, that leave three more. Kairi, Riku, and King Mickey.” Neiko answered to the once again unasked question. “Sora?” a voice from the back of a large crowd yelled. A girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes stared at Sora. “Macy?” Sora asked in surprise. Macy nodded. “Its me, where’s Hanako?” she asked. Sora and Michiko looked away. Macy’s expression turned grim. “She’s-“ Sora started. “Dead.”* Michiko finished. Macy looked from Sora to Michiko. “What happened?” Macy asked. Sora looked over at Macy. “Should I start from the beginning?” he asked. Macy nodded. ********************************************************************** Mickey raced down a hill, about 50 people following him, including Donald and Goofy. Goofy’s son, Max, ran after then. “Dad, wait! I want to help!” he yelled. Goofy stopped and turned. “Max, please stay here and-“ he started. “No! I want to help with the war.” Max interrupted. Goofy nodded. They ran back after Mickey and the others. They got on another Gummi Ship. Max stood by the rails, feeling as though this would be the last time he would ever look down at his home. ******************************************************************** “MALEFICENT! YOU WITCH!” Macy yelled, after Sora explained Hanako’s death. Sora and Michiko took their distance. Macy looked up to Sora, eyes puffy and red. “Sora.. what about Seoshi?” Sora smiled. “He’s fine, he’s back on your Islands.” Macy sighed at relief. Sora looked at Peach. “What’s going on, why is everyone here?” Sora asked. Peach stared at Daisy’s painting. “We’re having a war with the Liege.” She stated simply ******************************************************************* “You can’t possibly hope to take down key-boy in the war, can you?” a girl asked. The green-eyed guy nodded. “Yes, I can, Sora’s weakness is his love for Kairi, we take that away, and he’s left with nothing.” The man stated. “Then, he’s vulnerable.” The girl’s brown hair fell over her eyes. “We should really keep key-boy’s girlfriend out of this.” She suggested. The man looked over at her. “Quiet, losing patience with me, is not a wise idea. Now, we do as I command. We send Bowser out to get Kairi, and we see how hard it is for Sora to fight, knowing one wrong move toward us, could have deadly effects.” “Listen, Zen, I don’t think this is a good idea.” The girl explained. “The girl’s and key boy’s hearts are linked. Whatever happens to Kairi, happens to Sora, three fold.” Zen nodded. “That perfect.” He exclaimed. The girl sighed and walked over to the window. “I’m so sorry Sora, forgive me will you?” she asked the wind. A tear fell from her eye, making a small wet mark on the window seal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SORARULZ STORY BACKGROUND TIME!! *Hanako’s not actually dead, I just added that to add suspense. Macy, Michiko, Zen, Seoshi, Hanako, Trevor, Neiko, and Jordan are my characters, and my characters they stay. Seoshi, Macy, and Hanako are from my other Kingdom Hearts Story I have yet to put up here. (believe me, I saved you all) Zen, Michiko, Jordan, Trevor, and Neiko are made up on random, but they still have personalities. The Shadow Liege used to be the Shadow Siege, but I thought it was cheesy. Yes Neiko is the reincarnation of Clypso, and those are facts from Pirates of The Caribbean at World’s End, so don’t read that part, if you don’t want it to be spoiled… More Video Game characters to come, and maybe some of yours if you ask. As for the girl who calls Sora “key-boy” we may find out about who she is in the next chapter. (If I can get her permission to use her name…) THIS HAS BEEN A SORARULZ STORY BACKGROUND TIME!!! (brought to you by, home of Kingdom Hearts Clips, and the forums of truth, and suspense.) LATER!
aw, come on, its like awsome, I wants more!!! PLZ!! :D PLEASE!! i'll cry *~* if you don't make more. :'(
Aw, is that it? but its so good! I want more!
you'll have to wait, tee hee. OK FINE! I CAN'T HANDLE IT!! NEXT PART!! Chapter 6~ I looked out the window, staring at all the worlds, as we landed in a small town. We got out and looked around. The place was pretty much empty, execpt for a girl sitting on a nearby bench. I flashed back to the girl who told me to stay away from Sora. My instincts told me to run toward her. As I started she stood up. She looked over at me an glarred. "Hey! Key-Boy, what are you doing here?" she asked, loudly. Sora held his head in his hands. "Oh, dear god no." he mumbled. The girl walked straight past me and punched Sora in his arm. "Key Boy? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! HUH!?" she yelled. "I came to lock up Twilight Town, and maybe you with it." he mumbled. The girl's face flushed with anger. "WHAT DID YOU SAY KEY BOY!?" she yelled. Sora's head slowly had slowly risen to look at the girl. "I'm happy to see you, Kristy." Sora said, gathering up a fake smile. "That's what I thought you said." Kristy said, looking over at me. "Who are you? His girl friend?" I jumped back. "NO! I'm Milo." I said in a rush. The girl's eyes didn't stop glarring at me. She is the girl from Port Royal, I thought. Kristy turned away to Sora. "Hurry up and lock it. You left me here, and the only person I could find was Roxas." Kristy said. "WHAT! I did not leave you here! YOU CAME HERE ON YOUR OWN TO FIND ROXAS!" Sora yelled. Kristy sighed. "Just lock it, so I can get out of here." Sora's eyes met mine. "What?" he asked. "You're not going with us!" Kristy glarred at Sora. "Ok, yes you are." I sighed. That girl really scares Sora, I thought. Kristy turned to me. "Since you have a keyblade as well, I guess I'll call you Key- Girl." My face flushed in fury. "NO YOU WON'T!" I yelled at her. Sora turned and stared at me. The anger drained from my face and I blushed. Kristy started to laugh. "That's the exact reaction Sora had!" she said inbetween laughs. I caught up with Sora. "Now, lets get out of here, ok?" she asked. Sora nodded. We piled into the Gummi Ship and I looked down at the ground through the window. A girl stood and glarred up at me, her blonde hair blowing in the wind. Her blue eyes filled with anger. Stay away from Sora, she mouthed. I blinked and she was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hum. Makes you think, if Kristy wasn't the one telling me that... then who was? Namine? Or one of my own characters, from a diffrent story? Hmm, makes ya think, right?
Gone Forever! BUT I'M BACK WITH... Chapter 5~ I woke up the next morning, the morning light hitting my face slightly. I sat up and looked out the window. Sora and Tray where playing football is the garden. I smiled and saw a new person standing, staring up at my room. Her expression was angry, as she mouthed the words 'Stay away from Sora'. I blinked and she was gone. Sakura walked into my room, followed by Fai. They smiled happily at me. "You're awake! Sora was pacing around this morning, since you seemed to look better last night, he wanted you to play Football with him. But you where asleep." Fai said. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the light. "Oh, I'm so clumsy!" I yelled, getting up and putting my cargo pants on. I ran downstairs to the garden. Sora caught the ball (for once) and I tackled him. Syoroan jumped back as I wresled the ball away from him. Sora breathed deep as I passed it to Tray, who ran and made a touchdown. I jumped as Sora tackled me back. "Ya nimb rod." he yelled. I struggled and got up. "Freak." I yelled back. Kurogane come out, seemingly mad. "Both of you are nimb rods, for waking me up!" he yelled. I laughed slightly and headed inside. Una snoozed carefully, but when I passed, she went off. I turned as she freaked out. I grabbed her, but she squrmed more. I let her go. Donald stared at her. "New world," Donald said quietly. I nodded and ran upstairs. I packed my clothes back into my backpack, when Syoroan walked in. He quietly sat on my bed. "In a rush?" he asked. I jumped, sending my clothes flying. He took a pair of my pants off of his head and handed them to me. "Y-Yeah. We have to leave." I answer, shakly, my heart thuding inside my chest. He smiled. "Will we ever see you again?" he asked. I looked up at him. "Yeah, probally." I answered. He smiled and walked out of the room. Sora walked in, his backpack full of his belongings. "Let's go." he said. I nodded. We went out into the garden. Alex, Sarah, and Luna stood behind Donald and Goofy, as they walked into the Gummi Ship. I walked into it. I looked back, seeing the girl once again, her angry face staring at me. "Stay away from Sora." I whispered for her. I blinked and see was gone. I turned back to the Gummi Ship. Who is she? I asked myself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She will be know in the next chapter!
NEXT PART!! I wanna see more! AFTER I ALMOST KILLED YOU! MWHAHAH!!!!... o, sry, lol, lost my cool, BUT THE COOL IS BACK! :D MORE!!! you too Destinied, put the next chapter on YOUR facficition!
Yes, this is mine, not Destinied, mine. Its based on mostly game characters, with disney characters, and some Pokemon characters. Let's not forget some of my own! So, with out a further adu, I present to you, ~THE WAR~ Chapter one! Chapter 1~ The War Her blonde hair ripped past her face as people rushed by her. She stared with her one blind eye, and wondered, when will the savior for our kingdom come? Michiko glanced behind her, eyes sparkling with joy and fear, anger over years of the dictator of her kingdom, the rebellion that fought bravely, but lost, and the siege and capture of all that had to do with it. Her friends, her family, the one’s she cared about the most, gone in the blink of her green eyes. The guard who gave her this blind eye.. A tap on the shoulder woke her from her trance. “Michiko? Are you all right?” her best friend Jordan asked carefully. Jordan’s brown hair covered his sky blue eyes slightly as he asked this. Michiko looked back at the sunset casting itself over the landscape. “I will be, when Kashi is off the throne.” She mumbled, crumpling a piece of paper up, letting fly away with the wind. ****************************************************** Princess Peach banged on the desk, and silenced everyone in the room. The motors of outside fighter planes buzzed quietly through the walls of the Kingdom. “We have a war in our hands, as the Mushroom Kingdom, the highest ranking Kingdom, we should gather the other Kingdoms as well, to fight this newly appeared enemy!” She shouted above the small whispers of nearby consol members. A tiny boy at the back of the room raised his hand. “Yes, Toad?” Peach answered angrily. “As a war is going on, all rebellions in the worlds will be fighting against the enemy, so if you think that we have few allies, think again. The Kingdoms will have at least one rebellion to fight with, so not only do we have Hyrule’s, Kanto’s, and Disney’s armies, but also we have, Kanto’s, Tsuka’s, and Tomedoa’s rebellions fighting with us, that doubles the amount of fire power we have.” Toad finished quickly. Peach thought for a second, then spoke, “MY GREAT CITIZIENS OF THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM! Officer Toad has a great point. With the Army’s of those who are fateful, and the rebellions of those who aren’t, we have double the amount of people we had before. I order all Armies from Hyrule, Kanto, and Disney present at the castle by tomorrow, along with the rebellions of Kanto, Tsuka, and Tomedoa along with them.” Peach turned to face the giant painting of Daisy. “We have a war to battle with the Shadow Liege.” *********************************************** The wind seemed to slow as Link steadied his horse to a trudge. He looked around with his blue eyes that gleamed with hatred. “Oh, Princess, where are you?” he said to the sky, the darkness creeping on it with every breath he took. He jumped off his horse and looked around. The once beautiful lands of Hyrule darkened and writhed as Majora took over. Link looked sideways at a single purple flower that stood out in the writhing darkness. The flower bloomed slowly, letting the darkness penetrate it, only then to writhe like the rest of Hyrule. Link stared at the castle, once bright refuge for wary travelers, now to be the dark mark that Majora has placed on the kingdom. “I’ll kill him for murdering Zelda.” Link mumbled under his breath. “KID!” a guard yelled at Link. Link spun around, his green hat flying off his head, reveling his blonde hair. The guards grabbed Link by the arms. “Hey!” Link yelled, kicking one of the guards. “You’re coming with us, pip squeak, for being fateful to the fallen Kingdom, and planning a rebellion against Lord Majora.” Link struggled as he watched his horse being bound and gagged. “NO!” Link he struggled harder, trying to break lose of the guards’ grasp. He kicked the guard in the stomach the guard released Link. Link sprinted toward the mountains, his horse behind him. The angry shouts of the guards blurred in his ears, as he ripped through the cold air, his eyes tearing. “Princess.” He whispered, slowing to a trudge. “Zelda.” ********************************************************* “Come on Ash, can’t you go any faster?” Misti pleaded Ash. Ash looked up from the computer, to stare at his friend. “No, Peach contacted us for a reason, we have to help with the battle against the Shadow Liege.” Ash turned back to the computer. Misti looked out the window to the darkening sky, and stared as a star faded slowly, replaced by a dark purple star. “Do you think Link and Zelda are alright?” Misti asked Ash. Ash stood up from the computer and looked out into the night sky. The dark star showed a hint of white, the rebellion of Hyrule. “We don’t know for sure, but I have a feeling something happened, but we should get Link.” Ash suggested sending the contact message to all armies, and to the rebellions. Ash sat back on the couch as Team Rocket bust through the door. Ash jumped up and jumped in front of Misti. Misti got behind Ash’s out stretched arms. “What are you two doing here?” Ash asked, being as brave as he could be. Jessie and James looked at each other and laughed. “Duh, you two are in the rebellion, with Princess Apple or whatever fruit she was named after. You two are wanted.” Jessie explained, walking forward. Misti and Ash backed up. James got behind Misti and grabbed her, putting a hand over her mouth. “Misti!” Ash yelled. Jessie grabbed his arms and pulled him back. Misti pulled James’s hand off her mouth. “Ash!” she yelled reaching her hand out to Ash. Ash did the same, but they were pulled apart. “NO!” Ash yelled kicking Jessie. “MISTI! NO!!” James pulled Misti away from Ash, as Jessie did the same. Ash stopped struggling and looked at the ground, eyes tearing. “Misti” he whispered softly, clutching the seashell necklace the hung from his neck. ****************************************************** Yuffie did a back flip and hit two guards with her knifes. Leon jumped in a sliced a couple of guars with his blade. He helped Yuffie up and Tidus jumped down from a balcony and looked around. “That all?” he asked, as Cloud and Aerith trudged in. “Yeah, me and Cloud toke care of the guards in the East Wing.” Aerith explained, putting away her staff. Tidus and Yuffie looked through the glass and stared at the vast lands of Tomedoa, suddenly darkened. “How could Wakka do this to us?” Tidus and Yuffie asked at the same time. “You guys think he’s with the Shadow Liege?” Leon asked. Aerith nodded. “Rulers that had gone bad, plus the Organization are in on it.” Cloud said. Aerith looked over and smiled. Cloud continued. “Peach asked Ash to send out a contact message, then the rebellion letter, but no one has gotten the rebellion letter.” Cloud glanced at the other window. Darkness covered there too. Cloud sighed and stared at Yuffie, who was near tears. “We’ll be over this war soon.” Yuffie stated, “As long as the final players show themselves, and are present, this war will officially begin.” *********************************************************** “Come on, Sora! Its time to eat!” Kairi yelled. Sora jumped up of the couch and rushed into the kitchen, followed by Riku, his brown spikes as he ran. Riku’s silver hair blew lightly when he walked. They sat themselves at the table and Kairi handed them plates with chicken and rice piled on them. She handed them chopsticks, and they began to chow down. Riku poked around at his rice. “Dude, Riku, you can eat. Go ahead.” Sora stated, mouthful of rice. Sora swallowed the rice and tapped Riku on the shoulder. “Riku, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting strange. Are you-“ Riku stood up, sending Sora backwards out of his chair. “I’m going to bed.” Riku went upstairs to his room. Sora stared at Kairi, who didn’t look away from where Riku sat. “I think it’s this war, against the Shadow Liege, that’s got Riku acting strangely.” Sora explained, sitting back up in his chair. Kairi nodded. “We should be carefully though. Mickey’s letter did say ‘The War is near’ so, lets be very careful around stuff that got us off this Island in the first place.” “Like the cave, it has a door at the back of it.” Sora stated, picking up a piece of chicken. Kairi nodded. “As for Riku,” Kairi looked up at the stairs. “We should just leave him alone.” ************************************************************* Mickey trudged down the long stairwell from Master Yid Sid. He held out his keyblade, attacking any heartless near him. He took out his radio after he stopped, and contacted Queen Minnie. “Yes Mickey?” she asked, in her gentle voice. “Minnie, has there been an contact notice from Ash? Peach told me about it, but her contact ways are down.” Mickey explained, stabbing a nearby heartless. “Yes Mickey, I got it. But only the army contact, what about the rebellions?” Minnie asked, her voice becoming shaky. “I hope Ash and Misti are alright.” “I don’t know.” Mickey replied, his voice turning into worry. “Ash and Misti are always the ones to save us from asking Peach herself. They always send out the notices and announcements. I think something has happened to them.” Minnie gasped on the other side, “Do you think Jessie and James are in the Shadow Liege, dear?” “No way to know for sure, we’ll find out-“ Mickey was cut of by a ring of his radio. “I’m sorry Minnie, its Ash.” “It’s alright, make sure he’s ok, dear.” Minnie and Mickey gave goodbyes and Mickey answered to Ash’s call. “Mickey?! Mickey are you there?!” Ash yelled, seemingly out of breath. “Yes, Ash, its me. What’s wrong? Are you and Misti ok?” Mickey asked, to the scared sounding Ash. “Jessie and James, they captured us, for working with Peach, Misti is another area, but I’m fine. I just hope she is.” Ash breathed heavily, as a large boom went off, and a couple of joyful cries sounded out. “Someone’s breaking people out.” “Ash, get out of there, I’ll send back up, but tell everyone, on ward to the Mushroom Kingdom.” “Yeah, I will, and tell Minnie I hi for me.” Ash hung up, leaving Mickey sorry for him. “Ash, be careful.” Mickey mumbled, sprinting toward his Gummi Ship. ********************************************* Ash ran toward the bright sunlight, onward to freedom. Hundreds of other people dashed with him. A girl who seemed to have torn, and shredded clothes, lead the way. Ash sprinted up closer to her. She threw two poke balls and a Squirtal came out. Ash smiled to himself, them lost sight of the girl. The many escapees ran toward a large Gummi Ship, their only way to get out Kanto. They piled on to the ship, and they headed off. Ash stared as his home vanished slowly. “Misti.” He whispered, staring at his necklace. ********************************************* Misti looked around for any sign of her friend. Her Squirtal dashed ahead and jumped up and down at a boy, who stood at the rails. Misti smiled as she ran forward. The boy’s red cap blew in the wind, and by instinct, the boy turned it backwards. Misti grinned and raced forward. “ASH!” she yelled. The boy turned and his face stunned. “Misti?” he asked. Misti hugged Ash, for what seemed forever. “Ash, you’re ok!” she whispered. Ash’s out stretched arms, slowly brought in, to hug his friend back. Misti looked up at Ash. Ash leaned down and whispered in Misti’s ear. “I’m glad you’re ok.” Misti blushed and dug her face in Ash’s black shirt. This is real, she thought. ************************************** Michiko dug her shoe soles into the ground, as the guard pulled her toward the cell. Her two friends, Trevor and Jordan sat in there, backs to the cell door. Michiko released her refusal, as the guard threw her in the cell. “Trevor! Jordan!” Michiko whispered. Her friends looked up at her. “Michiko!” they exclaimed in unison. The guard knocked on the cell door. “Quiet in there.” He explained, walking into the next cell. Michiko looked at the boy at the back of the cell. “When the war starts, it has no end, unless the savior sacrifices. The War that lasts years, and ends at once. The one and only, the legendary, Keyblade War.” The boy mumbled quietly. Michiko looked at her friends and her eyes showed confusion. “The Keyblade War.” Jordan stated simply. ********************************************************************** Peach and the consol members stared at the screen, as the shadowy figure began to speak. When the war starts, it has no end, unless a savior sacrifices. The War that lasts years, and ends at once. The one and only, the legendary. Keyblade War. The side that survives, will pay a price… “They will and sacrifice a life.” Aerith finished as her, Cloud, Leon, Tidus, and Yuffie walked in. Peach turned her attention to the newly arrived members of the Tomeodoa rebellion. “We were called here by Ash.” Tidus explained. Peach bowed her head. “He’s never failed me, even in times of crisis.” She stated. She looked back up at Leon, “Shadow Liege is going to make their move soon, and we have to gather the others.” “By others, do you mean us?” Link asked, walking into the room, with Ash and Misti’s rebellion behind him. “Link! You came!” Peach exclaimed, running up to her friend. “Where are Sora, Michiko, and the King?” Link asked. Peach looked stunned for a second. “Not here.” She answered simply. “If the last players don’t show-“ Yuffie started, but the boy interrupted. “The War is not official.” He stated. “Who are you?” Link asked, stepping in front of Peach. The boy took out a piece of paper. “The Dark Spot, said to hold magical properties, and magical effects. The rumored to send shivers down the spines of the most fearful and bloodthirsty pirates. More terrifying than Davy Jones himself.” The boy explained, a grim smile spreading over his face. “And, I bring to Peach as a token of gratitude. Michiko Ismano, sister from Hanako Ismano, the keyblade weilder that fought along side Sora. She bears the Dark Spot. She passed it on to Michiko as a family tradition, an emblem, a charm, a charm, with deadly effects.” Link backed up farther, Peach backing with him. “But I cause no harm to you, or your Princess. As you see, it works with the rebellion against the Shadow Liege. It kills those bearing the mark of the Shadow Liege, no one else. As you see, I’m a reincarnation of Clypso, my name is Neiko.” Link stood his ground, still slowly reaching for his sword. Neiko saw how close Link’s hand was to his sword. Neiko quickly took out his sword. Link prepared for battle, by drawing his own. Clack! The two swords hit, and Link was sent backwards, his sword lay a yard away. Peach gasped, and covered her mouth. Neiko put his sword at Link’s throat. “Now, we don’t want anymore Hyrule blood spilled, now do we?” Weh, a whole 5 pages on WinWord, but its done! Ismano? A referal to my character Hanako? Weird...
btw, I NEED MORE!! MWHAHAHA!!! yes. THE WAR. its mine, not your's, just mine :D, and I shall use my own ideas...... ok, maybe a couple pf yours, BUT THAT'S ALL, promise!
Omg! My Heart Stopped Beating!! my... heart... nearly... stopped... when.... Sora... almost... died... OMG!! THAT WAS SO COOL!! *notices droll* *Whips away droll from the 1st chapter. 1 word. DAMN! THAT ROCKED! IT ROLLED! AND YOU BETTER MAKE MORE! don't let sora died plz, as I am a sora fangirl, and if you let him die you will die a slow and painful death, K? a couple of questions, btw.. 1) I've played Legend of Zelda and that crap, BUT WHO THE F*** IS GANON! 2)What with the hatred of Sora much? 3)Star Wars? I got confused there. GOOD STORY THO!!!
EEP! I LOOK SO COOL!! sry, no name or anything, good work!
oh, yeah, that'll be just intresting... its like me and you compeit over who gets to sit next to Sora.... lol
For those of you who actually remember this show, and the mangas, I've been addicted to them, for the last few weeks. ENJOY!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One~ Eriol "Now, I have an important announcement." the teacher said. Li Syaoran, Madison Tomoyo, and Sakura Avalon all exchanged glances. "I would like you all to meet an exchange Eriol Hiiragizawa, from England" A boy, with black hair and dark purple eyes walked in and bowed. Li tapped Sakura on the shoulder. "He has this aura, its almost like Clow Reed's." he whispered. Sakura nodded. "Eriol, why don't you take the seat next to Li." Eriol nodded and walked toward his desk. Sakura gasped. She turned around. "I feel the aura now, its weak, but just like Clow's." she whispered. Li nodded. The bell rang and Li and Sakura sprang out of their seats. "That's strange, this new kid, as an aura, a magic aura." Li said. Madison ran up next to Sakura. "What's up?" she asked. "The new kid, Eriol, has an aura, like Clow's." Sakura said. Madison nodded. "Creepy." she said. Li nodded. "Clow Reed's presence!" Sakura yelled, stopping suddenly. "I feel it too!" he said. Madison reached into her backpack. She held up a camcorder. "OK!" she said. Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes. "O, great key with awsome power, realase to me, the key! RELEASE!" Sakura said. A wand with a circle at the top, and a star in the middle, appeared, and Sakura took out a card. "FLY!" she yelled, tapping the card. Huge wings came out of the back. "Li, Madison, get on!" They got on, and Sakura rose the wand. They looked around, looking at all the buildings. "There!" Li shouted. A shadow moved around on the ground. "The presence is coming from there!" Sakura started flying down toward it. They got close enough to the ground, and they got off. Li looked around. "I don't feel the presence anymore." he said. Sakura nodded. "I don't either." she said. "Should we go now?" Madison asked. Li and Sakura nodded. They walked off and a shadowy person jumped down. "Good work, Sakura, you now know there's a new enemy to face." the shadow said, his dark purple eyes shining. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 2~ YOU WHAT! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Li and Sakura sat in Madison's room, looking at her collection of priceless dolls. "Wow, I heard Clow say something about how cool it would be to have priceless dolls." Kero said with frosting all over his face. Li looked at the huge closet full of clothes. "Half of those are Sakura's costumes?" Li asked, creeped out. Madison nodded. "Yup, and next time we have a problem, Sakura has to wear one of my costumes. Sakura sighed and looked at Li. "You ok? That's the first time I heard you talk since we've been here." she said, leaning over. "Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Are you ok?" Li blushed and pushed her gentally back. "I'm fine, just not talktive today." he said, his blush fading. "Good! I don't know what I'd do if you were sick, Li!" Sakura explained. Li blushed. "Um, yeah, I guess." he said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be back to finish later! But right now, there's a spot on Half Life 2 with my name on it!!
BE Back later to finish! Ok, lets go with this..... unfortunatly, my character is still sick.... :P. CHAPTER 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke and looked around, and saw Sora walking in. He was carrying a large tray, full of food. I stared up at him. "Good morning." he said. He smiled. He set the tray down and handed me a plate of eggs. I took it lightly. A took a bite and stopped. "These are really good." I said, with a smile on my face. Sora shrugged. "Donald and Goofy helped a little, but Tray is the one who helped me actually cook. If he wasn't there, I would have burned them." he said, laughing a bit. "Tha-" I started, but someone screamed downstairs. I ran down. Sora following. A girl with golden hair and jade green eyes and a boy with brown hair and hazel eyes lay on the floor. They looked soaked from the rain and they opened their eyes. Two others walked in and looked around. A guy with black hair and deep rain eyes panted a little, and the tall skinny one with blonde hair and blue eyes bent over to shake the boy awake. "Hey, Syaoran, we're here now, wake up," he said gentally. The boy opened his eyes a little more. The guy looked up at us and stood up. "Where are my manners? I'm Fai, this is Kurogane, Sakura, and Syaoran." He bowwed and Sora bowwed as well. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sora, this is Milo, Tray, and Alex. Are you travelers?" Sora asked glancing over at me. "Yeah, and this is Modaka." Kurogane said holding this small white rabbit like this up by it's tail. "Modaka is glad to meet the two keyblade weilders, Sora and Milo." Modaka said. I blushed slightly, taking Modaka from Koragane's hands. "What brings you guys to Port Royal?" Jack suddenly cut in. I sighed and walked back up to my room. BOINK! Modaka's eyes got huge. "What's wrong little guy?" I asked. "When Modaka goes BOINK, that means a magical feather is near by." he said. I lay on my bed and looked at the wall. "MODAKA!" said someone running into my room. It was Syaoran, his brown hair still wet. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He blushed and picked up Modaka. "Its fine, I don't mind." I said, smiling. He smiled and the girl, Sakura, walked in. "Syaoron, something wrong?" she asked in a quiet voice. She seemed sleepy in a way. "No, just getting Modaka back from Milo." he said, smiling at Sakura. "You guys childhood friends?" I asked. Syaoran's smile dissapeared. "Um, Sakura, can you go make sure Kurogane and Fai are all right?" Syaoran asked. Sakura nodded and ran downstairs. "We are, but she doesn't remember," Syaoran said. My expression saddened. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said carefully. "No, it's ok." Syaoran said. "Well, I'm gonna head back downstairs, ok?" I nodded and he went back downstairs. I closed my eyes. Urg, I feel horrible, I need some sleep. I told myself, falling asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KK! I gots it, Twilight Town. YOU BET ROXAS IS GONNA BE IN THERE! HE'S LIKE OWNAGE (but Sora is WAY better!) KK!
Chapter 3! '~' Finally updated! Omigosh, i was gone was gone 4 a while, so let me just put more in here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3: "Sora, Donald, Goofy, sound good? I've been dying to go to Port Royal." I said. Sora nodded. Donald crossed his arms. "How do you know where not being tricked, Mi- Lo?" he asked. I stared threatenly at him. "How do you know that your mouth isn't gonna get you in trouble?" I asked. He looked around, and his face turned red. I giggled, "Haha, I made you blush!" I pointed and him and jumped up and down. Sora sighed. "Are we going or not?" Alex asked after my jumping scene. "Yeah. No complaints." I said with a smile. Alex nodded and piloted the Gummi Ship toward Port Royal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We got off, and saw a boy around 13, with spiky golden brown hair, fighting Jack Sparrow. "YO! JACK!" Sora yelled. Jack stopped and looked at Sora. "Ah, Sora, Milo, Donald, and Goofy." he said. He looked over at Alex, Sarah, and Luna "Who may these girls be?" "This is Alex, and her two friends, Sarah and Luna, they're traveling with us." I explained. Jack nodded. THe boy with the spiky hair adjusted his hat. "Now, where were we Jack?" he asked. Jack turned to him. "Um. maybe YOU GIVING ME BACK MY HAT!" Jack screamed at him. The hat flew off of the boy's head and landed in my hands. The two looked at me. "Milo, give me that hat." Jack said. "Sucker." the boy said, jumping toward me. I moved and he went crashing into a stack of barrels. Jack took the hat out of my hands and looked at the boy. "To bad, Tray, you almost won that battle." Jack said. Tray looked at me, his sunglasses falling off his face, revealling his hazel blue eyes. I blushed. "Who are you anyway?" he asked. I shook my head. "Oh, um, I'm Milo, this is Sora, Donald, Goofy, Alex, Sarah, and Luna." I said. Something bumped the back of my head, and I turned. It was my floating mechanical strawberry, Una. "And this is Una." I turned back to her. She was freaking out. "What's wrong with her?" Sora asked, bending down next to me, to look at Una. I blushed. Sora, I can feel him, right next to me..... what if I do? I asked myself. Sora poked at Una, who twitched. "I think, there maybe a heartless around here somewhere." Donald finally said. "Yeah, and a strong one too, if Una can pick it up." Sora finished. He stood up straight, turning. He walked toward Donald and the others. His shirt brushed up against my face. My face flushed into a deep red. "Milo, you ok?" Sora asked. I turned, my face still red. "Ye- Yeah." I managed to choke out. He put the back of his hand against my forehead. "You ok? You feel feverish." he said. I looked at the ground. "I'm fine.... don't worr.." I said, but I fainted. Sora caught me and gentally shook me awake. "You just fainted." he said, with a small smile. I looked up at him. My face felt hot again and he picked me up. "I'm fine, Sora." I said. He shook his head. "No your not. We better stay the night here." he said. He turned to Tray. "You know a good Inn?" Tray nodded. "Yup, follow me." he said. Sora started to walk. I buried my face in his shirt. Ok, now I know, I really do like him. I thought. I closed my eyes, and fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SORA! I WUV SORA! Tee Hee.