Chapter 6~ The Secret ****************************************** Jordan wrapped his arms around Michiko, as she cried. “Trevor!†she cried out. Jordan’s look softened and his eyes stared to tear up. “Ch- Chill out. Pl-Please, Michiko.†He stuttered. “Jordan, don’t go.†Michiko demanded softly. ************************************************************* Kirsty stared emotionless at Conan and Zen. Zen smiled and flipped a swift, and Kirsty’s blue eyes turned a deep and evil red. Conan grinned grimly. “Good, now, she can finally kill Sora and that pest, Link.†Conan assumed. Zen removed the wires from her, and she stepped down, slightly wobbly. Conan and Zen exchanged evil glances. “What’s your mission?†Zen asked. “Kill Key-Boy.†Kirsty pointed out. ****************************************************** Sora stretched and stared out into the mass amount of twinkling stars. Kairi’s auburn blew in the wind. Her blue eyes stared at the slow sunset. Sora looked over at Kairi, a light blushed spreading over his face. “Um, Kairi.†Sora muttered. Kairi looked over. “Yeah Sora?†“Nothing.†Sora lied. JUST TELL HER! He screamed in his head. Kairi shrugged and turned back to the sunset. I can’t… ******************************************* Misti and Ash sat in their room. Ash turned his iPod up a little, as Misti read her book. Ash inhaled. “Misti.†He stammered. He turned off the iPod and Misti looked up from her book. “Yes Ash?†she asked, a little annoyed. Ash gulped and a blush spread over his face. “Um, well… I… um…†Ash sputtered. “Out with it!†Misti yelled, still annoyed. Ash gulped and inhaled. “I like you.†He shut his eyes closed. Misti sat in her chair, and stared at Ash. “What?†she asked, confused. “I- like- you.†Ash repeated, syllable by syllable. Misti shook her head. “Did you just say you liked me?†Misti quoted. “Yeah…†Ash answered uneasily. “Well, cause, I like you too…†**************************** Sora and Link ran, side by side, toward the north wing, heading toward the attack. Misti and Ash ran behind them, panting and wheezing. Sora halted as he saw the brown haired, blue-eyed friend. “Kir- Kirsty?†he stuttered. Kirsty turned to him, her blue eyes red, and her face expressionless. Sora gasped. Link growled behind him. “CONAN!†Link shouted. Conan turned, his grim grin showing behind his collared shirt. “So, we meet again.†Conan mentioned. “Yeah, after you left our battle, then killed Michiko’s best friend!†Link shouted, unable to control his anger, and charged at Conan, keyblade at hand. Conan sighed and blew a force of wind at Link, pushing past Misti and Ash, and slamming him into a wall. Conan teleported to Link, sighing as he stared down at the weakened Link. “I dreamed this would be a real challenge, but this works too.†Conan explained, raising his sword over Link. Neiko turned, but was unable to move. “NO!†A small voice yelled over the crowd of rebels and Liege members. Link turned his weary head to a small girl, dressed in white, with white hair, white eyes, and pale skin. “Don’t hurt Link.†Link’s half closed eyes widened. “Zelda?†he questioned. “Stop, you’ve killed enough people in your life time, Conan.†She lectured. The fighting seized as they all stared at the small ghostly girl lecturing the feared Liege member. “Who are you to know, Zelda, you’re dead.†Conan laughed. “Thanks to you.†Conan’s laughter stopped as he stared at Zelda once more. “What did you say?†Conan asked in a threatening voice. “Thanks to you I’m dead, and you can’t threaten me, cause I’m a ghost.†Zelda sassed back. Conan’s look darkened. “Just cause I can’t kill you, doesn’t mean I can’t kill your boyfriend!†Conan shouted, bringing the sword down toward Link. A flash back of Zelda’s murder flashed in front of his eyes. “N- NO!†Link yelled, his keyblade stopping Conan’s blade. Conan’s eyes widened with shock and fear. “Stop now.†Link pulled himself up with his keyblade. “N- no way.†Conan stuttered, tripping backwards. Link held the keyblade at Conan’s throat. “You imagined this as a challenge, and boy did you get one.†Link quoted, pushing the keyblade through Conan’s throat. Sora gasped. Link’s eyes slow closed as he fainted. Sora ran over, before hehit the floor, and held him up. He turned back to the small ghostly girl. “It was to much for him.†She explained, in a small, whispery voice. Sora nodded, as she and Conan’s body disappeared. The Liege members ran out and headed toward their ship. Sora looked at Kirsty before she jumped toward her ship. Kirsty…
HE'S OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD! THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!!! lolz... nice though, but this Fan-Fic proves Riku is a little stupid in the head....... god, he should have said "Screw this house. KAIRI! SORA! WAIT UP!!" nice tho, can't wait till the next chapter! *sits patientaly.*
ok, I'll find a new one Render: or Any Specific Colors: Hum, A hot pink, some blue, and a little sky blue would be ok. Text: Total Sora Junkie!! Anything else: My name up in the corner in hot pink plz. will those renders work?
Arg. I may sound noobish, but I've actually not that good and video games, but love them any way. Um, anyone know how to beat Hades in Olmipus Colesium in CoM? I've tried, but I can't... :/ plz help
Thanks! I never knew I was that good at writing poems. I made this cause I was bored, and I was thinking alot about my crush, but thanks guys.
:P I really didn't know where to put it. And I'm actually the speaker describing my crush. He's really cute..
naw, makes more... lol, Saix is being attacked by dogs. *starts laughing really hard* O, one moment (Breathes) Ok, back. I actually got in trouble for laughing, cause all my little siblings were asleep, and I was laughing really loudly.... and My mom was all like "SHUT UP!" lol... nice work! MAKES MORE!!
Chapter 4~ Darkness lies within Riku stumbled back to his room, into his bed, and began thinking about the orb. It just appeared, like she has magic or something. Riku thought. He turned over and faced the window. “Just a few more days, then I’ll be back to Sora and Kairi.” He mumbled, falling asleep. ************************************* Link stared at his small picture of Zelda. Her graceful smile, beautiful purple hair, and her bright blue eyes, staring back at him. “Zelda..” he whispered, tears falling from his eyes. “Link?” Michiko asked, softly, not to scare him. “Are you ok?” Link looked around at her, and nodded. “Yeah, just thought of some painful memories.” Michiko nodded, and walked off. “I wish I could just call them painful memories.” *************************************************************** Riku looked over at the clock. “Ugh, is it already morning?” he asked Max. Max stretched and nodded. “Yup, bet it is.” He explained. Riku nodded and jumped out of bed. He grabbed his black T-shirt and slid it on. Mickey slowly opened the door. “You guys awake in there?” he asked. “Yeah.” Max and Riku stated in unison. Mickey nodded and walked off. Riku looked out of the window, and the girl in all white was by the rails. Her white hair blowing with the wind. Riku rubbed his eyes and looked back down; she was gone! Max tapped Riku on the shoulder. “Come on, or we’re gonna get last calls on breakfast!” he explained. Riku nodded and headed toward the kitchen. Strange, he thought. ****************************************************************** “Come on Zen, locking Kirsty up isn’t gonna help. We should throw her in Hades’ pit.” A boy suggested, his collared shirt covering his mouth.* Zen shook his head. “No, we still need Kirsty. She could be of use to us, brainwashed. That little act of her’s, letting Kairi escape, was a rebel shining threw.” Zen chuckled. “She has just realized that she doesn’t want to be a part of the Shadow Liege.” The boy shifted his weight on his other leg. “Whatever, just hurry it up. Link owes me big time.” The boy stated, staring at the stars. “And I won’t lose this time.” ************************************************************* Ash threw two poke balls and his Pikacu and Squirtal appeared. “Pikacu thunderbolt, Squirtal water beam, now!” Ash commanded. He unknown figure sprinted toward Ash, then disappeared. Ash’s face filled with fear, as he looked around. Misti threw out a poke ball and looked back over at Ash, her sea green eyes widening. “Ash!” she shouted. Ash looked over at her, when the unknown figure appeared behind him. It placed a knife up against Ash’s throat, as Ash’s eyes filled with tears. “Misti-“ he whispered. The figure’s black collared shirt came up over it’s mouth. “Where’s Link?” it asked. Ash squirmed. The figure pulled the knife closer to Ash’s throat. “Where is he?” Misti’s widened eyes filled with tears. “I- In the west wing, holding back an attack of heartless.” Ash choked out. The figure dropped Ash and cut an x in Ash’s back. Misti ran over to the panting Ash. “Ash?” Misti asked. Ash looked up at her and smiled. His gray eyes shined then he fell unconscious. “ASH!” ************************************************************ The figure hurried toward the west wing, teleporting away from rebels and heartless. He came to a halt, as he spotted Link, panting and staring at the stars. The figure smiled and teleported to Link. Link jumped back and his blonde hair ripped by his face, as the figure appeared in front of him. “Its been a while, hasn’t it, Link?” it exclaimed. Link’s eyes widened with fear. “You- your supposed to be dead!” Link yelled, summoning his keyblade. The figure shifted his weight. “So, you do remember me.” The figure grinned grimly. “Good, this battle will be interesting.” Link held his keyblade out in front of him, as the figure brought a sword down on top of him. “What do you want here, Conan?” Link asked, blocking the attacks his opponent was throwing at him. “To get even with you, of course.” Conan stated, his grim smile spreading across his half covered face. Neiko ran into the room, throwing a Chinese spell slip on the back of Conan. Link stared in fear as Conan fell over, his eyes widened. “Good, Ash was out cold because of this bugger.” Neiko explained, looking at Link. “You ok?” “Yeah.” Link puffed. He stared at the picture of Zelda that slipped out of his pocket. “Zelda, your death will not be ignored.,” he mumbled. ****************************************************************** Another Sorarulz background story time. Conan’s shirt is similar to Sasuke’s shirt from Naruto. Neiko is a wizard… from China, but still. In the Next chapter, someone will fall in love, one will fall, and one will reveal a terrible secret about Zelda….. ALL THAT AND MORE IN CHAPTER 5! THIS HAS BEEN A SORARULZ BACKGROUND STORY TIME!!! XD Chapter 5~ One will fall *************************************** Ash breathed lightly as Misti carefully put another wet cloth on his forehead. Link leaned up against the wall, staring at Ash. “I’ll get him for this.” Link mumbled. Misti stared up at Link. “It’s not your fault.” “Yeah, Conan was my opponent, and he got away. It’s my fault.” Link stood up straight. “Listen, Misti, it is my fault. I should have finished Conan off in Hyrule. But I was so young, I couldn’t kill another person.” Link explained. Misti smiled slightly and nodded. “I get it.” She turned back to Ash. “You should go check on Sora and the others.” Link nodded and ran toward the east wing. “Ash, you’ll be fine.” Misti whispered, kissing Ash’s cheek lightly. ******************************************** Sora and Kairi panted and leaned against the wall. “That’s the biggest flood of heartless I’ve every faced.” Sora exclaimed. Kairi nodded. “Me too.” She panted. Sora elbowed her in the arm. “You’ve never faced heartless… oh, wait you have.” Sora corrected himself. Kairi giggled. Link ran up as Sora and Kairi stood up. “You guys ok?” Link asked, worried. “Yeah, why?” Sora replied. Link away from Sora and Kairi. “Ash got hurt, by my enemy, Conan.” Link turned to Kairi’s worried face. “He’s fine though. But Misti’s not taking it lightly.” Kairi let out her held in breath. “Thank goodness.” She stated. Link smiled and turned. “Let’s get back before Misti starts worrying about us. But we need to go get Cloud, Leon, Tidus, Yuffie, and Aeith. So, let’s go get them.” Sora and Kairi nodded and ran after Link. *********************************************** Michiko and Trevor put there back up against each other. “Ready?” Trevor asked. “I was born ready.” Michiko answered. The jumped away from each other and started throwing attacks at heartless. Michiko finished killing a large body and turned to see Trevor. Her eyes widened. “TREVOR!” she yelled, running toward her injured friend. Trevor fought off the last heartless as he collapsed, his glasses breaking. Michiko ran over and set his head on her knees. “Trevor? Trevor, please don’t go.” Michiko pleaded, staring at the large stab in his side. “Michiko-” Trevor started. “So, my attack caused some damage.” Conan stated, teleporting by Michiko. Michiko held Trevor closer, as Davy Jones appeared. “Hand over the boy.” He shouted, his tentacles flapping. “NO! TREVOR!” Michiko yelled, as Trevor slowly disappeared, leaving behind his broken glasses. “TREVOR!” No special extras execpt Ash is OK.
I meant to edit it. i meant.. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!! KILLING MICKEY!!! OMG! YOU MUST BE INSANE OR SOMETHING!!! you're gonna lose some readers.. and its gonna be funny.. btw, I'm working on chapter 4. But I have A bad case of Writer's Block! OMG!! So, it MAY be today, MAYBE!
WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!! KILLING MICKEY AND RIKU!!! OMG! YOU MUST BE INSANE OR SOMETHING!!! you're gonna lose some readers.. and its gonna be funny..
Naw, what about Axel, and Zexion and.............. AXEL!!! aw come on, Axel told you he liked him, and now your not Rhaxs (sp), your Sarah. Does Sarah run into Axel again? Then they'll be together FOREVER!!! o, annoying... sry..
I'm suffering from Writer's Block, so, 4th chapter will be dlayed.. STUPID WRITER'S BLOCK!!!:crashcomp:
kewl, just *not to be rude but* HURRY! *has seizer from lack of story* *growls*
His Black Hair His Brown Eyes His Smile that makes my day better His sense of humor It makes me blush. The Way he talks, he sounds smarter than he is. He's a year older than me, but still so nice. I don't know him much, but he's so very cute. I like him so much. As shy as I am, I can't talk to him. He seems to see right through me, and see why I talk to him. He seems so nice, like nobody else I know. And when I talk to him. I can't see anyone else around us. Only him, and his dark honey eyes. He's going to high school next year, and I'll be left behind. But I'll go through 8th grade, and I'll wait, till that day I can be with him again. I'm on his Myspace, I have his cell number. By destiny, I also have his address. I wish he liked me back, but I'll wait till the right time to ask him, "Do you like me?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know, it doesn't even ryhme, I'm not even sure If its a poem....
Render: Any Specific Colors: Hum, A hot pink, some blue, and a little sky blue would be ok. Text: Totaly Sora Junkie!! Anything else: My name up in the corner in hot pink plz. Thanks!
Chapter 3~ Everything Back Kairi looked out at the ocean, her blue eyes scanning for any trace of Sora. “Sora, where’d you go?†she asked herself. “I’m right here, but I’m not Sora, such a shame.†A man explained, stepping out of a dark portal. *************************************************** Riku opened his eyes the slightest bit and stared at the ceiling. It was his bed, on Mickey’s Gummi Ship. He looked around and saw Max sleeping in another bed. Riku sat up. What a dream, he thought. He rubbed his head, as he got out of bed. He walked down the hallway, scanning for Mickey or anyone else. A girl at the end of the hall stared up at the large clock hanging on the wall. Her white hair made her presence ghost like. Her pale skin shined in the light of the moon. She caught a glance of Riku and looked over. Her eyes were white as snow, as she stared at him, emotionless. “Hi.†Riku choked out. The girl held her arms out in front of her. A small glass like orb appeared, glowing a bright yellow. She closed her eyes, as the orb floated above her head. She mouthed a few words and the light coming from the orb started to fade. She opened her eyes and stared at Riku. “Riku.†She mumbled. Riku blinked as the orb floated into his hands. “What is this?†Riku asked, staring down at the orb. He looked back up, but the girl was gone. What was that He asked himself. ********************************************************** Kairi jumped back. A girl walked up beside the man, scanning out in the ocean. “Zen.†She whispered. Zen turned and slapped the girl. She fell on the warm sand. “Quiet Kirsty!†Zen turned back to Kairi. “Now, where were we? Oh yes, Sora.†Kairi looked down at Kirsty, who was softly crying. “Sora seems to be in grave trouble-“ “NO! HE’S FINE! KAIRI DON’T FALL FOR IT!!†Kirsty yelled. Zen turned to her, his expression grim. “QUIET KIRSTY!†he yelled, raising her by the neck. Kairi’s eyes flashed back to what happened to Tidus. “NO!†she tackled Zen. Kirsty fell a foot away, her breathing uneven and heavy. “You, I tried to warn you-“ Zen explained, his voice demonic and evil. Kairi’s black sleeveless jacket blew in the wind as Zen stood up. Her blue eyes showed courage and strength. ‘Just have a little courage, Kat, it’s nothing big’ Tidus called in her head. Just a little courage, and that’s all. Kairi thought. Zen grabbed Kairi by the neck. Kairi grabbed Zen’s hand and tried to pull it away. Kirsty’s expression turned angry. “I’m not letting you do this to another one!†she shouted, jumping on Zen’s arm, then biting him. Zen released his grip on Kairi, who fell on the warm sand, feeling her neck. *************************************************** “Ugh.†Sora complained, rubbing his neck with one hand and placing his other on his chest. “What was that?†Link looked over. “What?†he asked. “I felt like I was being strangled.â€* He answered, still rubbing his neck. “Air pressure, maybe.†Link explained, turning. “Yeah.†Sora mumbled. ************************************** Kirsty stood in front of Kairi, summoning a dark portal behind Kairi. “Go!†she shouted. Kairi looked up. “Now!†Kairi nodded, a touch of courage. She ran through the dark portal, looking back at Kirsty. “Thank you.†Kairi told her. A large grin spread over Kirsty’s face, as Kairi’s vision of Zen and Kirsty disappeared. Kairi closed her eyes. A rush of air made her eyes open. She looked around, and saw she was on a giant Gummi Ship. She stared up at a boy’s eyes. “Neiko.†He answer, the again, unasked question. Kairi nodded. “SORA! YOUR GIRLFRIEND’S HERE!†Kairi jumped back as Sora entered the room, staring at Kairi. “Kairi?†he asked. “Sora?†“Yeah.†“Oh my gosh, is it really you?†“Yeah.†“Are you ok?†“Yeah.†Sora ran over and hugged Kairi. “You’re ok!†Kairi coughed. “Sora I can’t breathe!†“Oh, sorry.†Kairi smiled. Sora smiled, his childish looking his eyes gleaming. I’m back with him, but where’s Riku? Kairi thought. ********************************************* SORARULZ BACKGROUND STORY TIME!!! ““I felt like I was being strangled.†He answered, still rubbing his neck.†Remember what Kirsty said in the 2nd chapter? ““Listen, Zen, I don’t think this is a good idea.†The girl explained. “The girlâs and key boy’s hearts are linked. Whatever happens to Kairi, happens to Sora, three fold.â€â€ Sora’s feeling what Kairi felt, when Zen picked her up by the neck. Well, since I had just thought about it when I finished. Sora only felt a bit of it, not 3 fold. THIS HAS BEEN A SORARULZ BACK GROUND STORY TIME!!
*agrees with KingdomKey 13* Make like a "2 Years later" when Axel runs into you again, but your not a ghost..
Sry SRY SRY SRY SRY!!!!!! OMIGOSH! SRY! I didn't know how to make you act, and since you haven't seen Sora in a year, and he left you in Twilight Town, I didn't think of anything, but you get nicer... PROMISE!! and the competion over Sora begins, MWHAHAHAHA!! ;) Chapter 8~ "You know her?" I asked, looking shocked. "Yeah, her name's-" "Haruki." Kirsty finished. "She's a ghost that follows Sora. Poor Key-Boy." She imitated Sora's pose. "Stop that." he said, commenting on the imitation. "Yeah, what Kirsty the imitator said, she's a ghost, that follows me." "Why?" "I look like-" "Roxas." "Stop finishing my-" "Sentences." Kirsty giggled. "Stop-" "It!" "ARG!" Sora hit his head on a pillow. I stared as Kirsty laughed and laughed. I giggled a little. Sora stopped and looked up at me, then glanced at Kirsty. "LOOKED AT WHAT YOU HAVE-" "Done." Sora growled, and I tapped him on the shoulder. "What about this girl?" Sora nodded. "The point is, we think she was a nobody that hung around-" "Roxas" Kirsty said. "And then Roxas dissapeared, leaving her alone, so she's following me around-" "Thinking he's Roxas." Kirsty cut in. "But she keeps saying 'Stay away from Sora.'" I said. "She's following me, right now, but she just stays hidden. So she probally heard my name a couple of times." Sora said, rubbing the back of his head. "I tired, I need to get back to bed." I said, rubbing my eyes. Kirsty sat on the floor. "We're staying in here." she said. "Yeah." Sora agreed, sitting in the chair. I nodded, closed my eyes, and fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sry its so short! And, there, SoriKai, your character not as mean now!
AW!!!!!!!!! NAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wow, look at all the exclamtion points..) NAW!!!!!!!!!! NAW!!!!!!!!!!!! NAW!!!! *continues "NAW!!!"ing for an hour*