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  1. sorarulz
    what the **** does Agromorphic mean???!!! ?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?! ><
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. sorarulz
    It will be full of Mansex madness, and a little blood of the Organization members.... like the Ultimate Showdown Organization Style. Wow, that's interesting...
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. sorarulz
    ok, haven't updated it in a while, so enjoy!
    Chapter 2
    Emily and Max sat on her roof, ingoring the loud shouts and yells from the house below.
    "Do they always do this?" Max asked, looking up at the sun set filled sky.
    "Yeah. My older brother and my father have totally diffrent points of view." Emily answered, picking at a small leaf. Max looked over, his brown hair blowing in the breeze.
    "Emily?" he asked, cationously. Emily looked over, her white eyes glimmering with sadness.
    "What's up?" she asked. Out of nowhere, Max lifted off the ground.
    "What the-" Max swore, looking as he slowly rose off the ground. "Emily? What's going on?"
    "I don't know! Um, stop!" she commanded. Max stopped and fell out of the sky.
    "Max!" Emily rushed to the edge of the roof, looking at Max, who was stuck in the tree.
    "I'm ok!" he smiled. Emily sighed.
    "Thank goodness." Emily's look hardened. "But what in the devil's name was that?"
    I know, its kinda short, but like I care! WRITER'S BLOCK IS TAKING OVER EVERY THING!!!!! >.<
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    Chapter 8~ (*sigh* Blank… again)
    Sora parted from Kirsty and stared at her. Her eyes were blue again, but her face flushed in anger.
    “What- was- that- for?!†she yelled. Sora sighed and held his arms out.
    “I’m guilty.†He confessed. He grinned slightly. Kirsty’s angry face softened.
    “You did that to save me?†she asked. Sora didn’t even nod before Kirsty ran up and hugged him.
    “Thank you. I’ve been running and hiding for so long, and when I met you, I couldn’t believe I actually had a friend.†Kirsty sobbed. Sora stared down at her. Kirsty… he thought. He smiled slightly.
    “Chill out, ok? Its fine, I’m fine wit-“ Sora gasped, as a dark energy ball hit his back, sending him and Kirsty to the floor.
    “Are you ok Sora?†Kirsty asked, worried. Sora nodded.
    “Y-Yeah.†He looked up at a girl with green eyes and blonde- yellow hair.
    “Did I hurt the little key-boy?†she asked in a mocking voice. Kirsty covered her mouth.
    “What did you sa-“ Sora started, but Kirsty shook her head.
    “That’s Rikku, she’s really mean, and powerful, so don’t mock her, or you’ll regret it.†Kirsty explained. Sora nodded and looked back up at Rikku.
    “Well? Did I hurt the little key-boy, and his girlfriend?†Sora jumped up, his keyblade in hand, aiming toward Rikku. Rikku sighed and held up a hand. Sora froze at the spot.
    “You should of listened to Kirsty over there.†Rikku fisted her hand and Sora coughed.
    “What the?†he choked out. Rikku held her hand tighter, Sora coughing more.
    “Can you breath, Key-boy?†Rikku asked, hand still fisted.
    “N-No.†he managed to answer. He coughed and fell backwards.
    “Sora!†Kirsty shouted, running over to Sora, who was unconscious. Kirsty placed his head on her knees.
    “Sora? Please, answer!†Kirsty begged.
    “Aw, is little Key-boy sleeping?†Rikku asked, balling her hand tighter. “Maybe I should put him to sleep forever.†Kirsty closed her eyes, a bright light shining over all three of them.
    “SORA!†she yelled, the light shining brighter.
    “What the? What is this?†Rikku asked, unballing her hand. She held her hands up to her eyes. “NO!†The light stopped, and Kirsty opened her eyes. Rikku was on the floor, lying motionless, and Sora was sitting up, rubbing his neck.
    “What was that?†he asked Kirsty.
    “I can’t really explain.†Kirsty said, looking away. Sora smiled and looked around.
    “Maybe we should get out of here.â€
    Ash and Misti looked around, as more heartless flooded toward them.
    “When will this stop?†Ash asked Misti, who shrugged, holding her keyblade out in front of her. The heartless jumped toward them.
    “Ash!†Misti yelled, a heartless bounding toward him. Ash turned on the spot and sliced the heartless down the middle. Misti and Ash nodded to each other and ran toward the north wing. Misti stopped.
    “Ash, its Kanto.†She mumbled. Ash looked around, and noticed it too.
    “Impossible.†He muttered.
    Link and Neiko back into each other.
    “This is impossible.†Neiko panted. Link nodded.
    “Where did they all come fro-†Link started, but a bow hit an inch away from his face.
    “Oops! Sorry Link, you never did teach me the next lesson!†came a voice from a balcony above Link.
    “No way, Ilia?†Link asked, uncertain. Ilia nodded and jumped down.
    “I meant to hit those black things, but I kinda missed.†She explained, her brown hair blowing in the slight breeze. “So, what are you doing here?†Her blue eyes twinkled.
    “Well, um, kinda helping with the-“ Neiko nudged him in the ribs. “What?â€
    “Who is this?†Neiko asked, pointing to the radiant Ilia.
    “That’s one of my friends from Hyrule, Ilia.†Link explained. Neiko nodded.
    “Helping out with this War.†Link finished from Ilia. She nodded and looked Link straight in his eyes.
    “Where’s Epona?†she asked, a slight edge in her voice. Link looked away.
    “Um…†he started, unable to look Ilia in the eyes. “Kinda not with me…â€
    “SHE’S WHAT!? WHERE IS SHE?!†Ilia shouted.
    “Back in Hyrule.†Link mumbled softly.
    “Why is she there?†Ilia sharply asked.
    “Cause I was about to get captured, and I had to escape.†Link looked up at Ilia. “Or get killed. I escaped, but I didn’t have enough time to get Epona.†Ilia sihed.
    “Only the gods could know where it is now!†she rambled.
    Short, I know, a surprise character, yes, taken forever, yes, happy to be on to the next chapter, not really, that means more work for me! >.< a little of Sora, Kirsty, Neiko, and Link, and Ilia, very intersting bunch, huh? Well, enjoy my homies! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  5. sorarulz
    for shizal, keep going my homie! ^^ you are rocking!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. sorarulz
    *steals popcorn from KingdomKey*
    *Cries with Demyx*
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. sorarulz
    k, i can be patient! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  8. sorarulz
    She's in denile, just leave her alone, and she'll be fine..
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. sorarulz
    Naw, no more Axel.... :'( ... OMG! IS THAT A TEAR BECAUSE THERE IS NO MORE AXEL?! I'M A SOR FANGIRL! NOT A AXEL FANGIRL!!! o well.. :'( AXEL!!!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. sorarulz
    not to impatient or anything, but what about me? :'( I feel lonely and left out
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  11. sorarulz
    Hey, KingdomKey, you've been crying for 2 days now, ARE YOU OK? shesh, I'm not even gonna go THAT crazy over Mickey dying!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    ... no, its like all my characters can read minds... like Neiko, how he's always answering questions no one has asked, I thought Tray should get that too, cause its kinda cool, and it would make Tray look cooler! ^^ Self Destruct?
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 11, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. sorarulz
    Mickey Killer.... :P you sux

    (i"m Jk!!!!) () Omg! A Oval!!! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    it's like a bunch of diffrent video game characters and some of my own, plus SoriKai's and Destined's characters, Kirsty and Tray, IN ONE BIG HAPPY FAN-FIC!! ^^ makes ya happy, don't it!

    Chapter 7~ (Blank… Writer’s Block is taking over)
    Link clenched his crutches as he walked to his bed. He winced as he climbed into his bed, bandages on his cheek and legs, scratches all over his arms, and his brain confused and lost.
    “I- I killed Conan.†He stuttered. He gripped the side of the table as he sat up in bed. I can’t believe I killed Conan, Link thought. He stared at the picture of Zelda hanging in his room.
    “Zelda.†He smiled slightly, as Neiko rushed in.
    “Are you ok?†he asked in a hurry.
    “Yeah.†Neiko put a medicine on Link’s arms. Link flinched as the medicine stung the cuts and scratches. Neiko looked up, and smiled.
    “Chill.†He stated, going back to cleaning the cuts. Another boy walked in and held a box of bandages. His spiked golden brown hair covered a bit of his hazel brown eyes. He set the bandages down beside Neiko and looked up at Link.
    “Tray.†He stated in an instant. Link nodded, as he walked out. Neiko put the last bandage on and stood up.
    “You should be good now, so, just get some sleep, ok?†Link nodded and stared at the ceiling, slowly falling asleep.
    Sora looked around in the unfamiliar Gummi Ship and slowly turned the dark corner, careful not to accidentally bump into any of the Liege members. He stared at the large picture of Zen and continued. Kirsty stood at the end of the hall, staring at Sora, with evil, red eyes.
    “Kirsty!†Sora whispered through the silence of the ship. Kirsty ran forward, her keyblade screeching on the metal floor. Sora backed up, as Kirsty brought her keyblade across Sora’s cheek.
    “Kirsty, please, its Sora.†Sora pleaded.
    “I must kill Sora.†She stated, through an evil voice, unlike her own.
    “Kirsty!†Sora yelled, putting his over him, so it blocked Kirsty’s. A siren went off, and Kirsty and Sora were blanketed in red light and screaming sirens. Sora was grabbed by the arms, and forced to stand up. He stared at Kirsty, looking for her blue eyes in the sea of red. A flicker of blue flashed back from Kirsty, as Sora was dragged away.
    “Silly Key-Boy.†Zen intimated. Sora stared up at Zen, his lip bleeding slightly. “Why did you get on my ship, knowing you were gonna be caught soon enough?â€
    Sora looked up at Zen, a grin spreading over his face. “Cause, this is were I was told to go, its fate that I should save Kirsty.†Sora flinched as a small shock wave was sent threw his body.
    “Listen, Kirsty is not anymore your friend, she’s my servant, and slave. She does what I want her to do, and kill whom I want her to kill.†Sora flinched as a stronger shock was sent.
    “I’m going to save Kirsty, one way or another.†Sora announced. A strong shock was sent and Sora screamed. He panted.
    “Now, you’re not going anywhere.†Zen stated, walking toward the door. “Now, be a good key-boy.†Sora looked around, his keyblade laying a few yards away. Sora struggled with the ropes and they quickly snapped. Sora stumbled over to his blade, looking for Kirsty.
    “Kirsty?†he whispered. “Kirsty, you there?†Kirsty and her red eyes stared at Sora. Sora jumped up.
    “Kirsty! Please, listen, snap out of it!†Kirsty’s red eyes turned blue for a second, then turned to almost blue.
    “So-ra?†Kirsty mumbled, in her voice. Sora’s look turned hopeful.
    “Kirsty?!†he asked. Kirsty closed her eyes and shook her head. She raised her head back up and opened her eyes; they were red. “No.†Sora placed his hands on Kirsty’s shoulders and leaned down.
    “Sorry.†He whispered in her ear. He faced the red-eyed Kirsty then leaned in. She’s gonna kill me when she’s normal. Sora thought, before kissing Kirsty on the lips.*
    SoriKai is gonna kill me when she reads this…. Destined please don’t PM her…..
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. sorarulz
    narf arf, I'll make more, WRITER'S BLOCK IS TERRIBLE!!! >.<
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    Chapter will be out tommorrow, be now. nighty night! (PS, WORK ON YOUR STORY!!) This message will self destuct in 5...4...3...2...1... have a nice day!! ^^ *goes boom*
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    ... omg, you getting back on me and the riku thing!! I KILLED TREVOR! NOT MICHIKO!! gosh, meany....
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. sorarulz
    what? what's that all about?
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. sorarulz
    hum, I believe attack should be Attacked. An, its kinda fast paced, try adding a little more detail (wait, I can't spell omoniapoa, but I can spell supercalifragilisticexpealidous, and I'm making corrections in your story for you? That's confusing....) Nice story btw...
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. sorarulz
    Report from Col. William Barret December 16, 2020
    As numerous studies and research leads the Board of Directory toward the impossible, we start to think, What is the impossible? The impossible would be a small nuclear bomb being planted on the Moon, and then to blow up, thus shifting the orbit of the Moon, toward Venus. That has been done. But the impossible I would mention is the unknown being known. The secret of all secrets; witchcraft. As Salem Witch Trials proved that it was possible, back then, a black hat and long black dress made you a witch. But real witches exist today, and since the beginning of time. The witches blend in so well with normal life, with us, and they go unnoticed, until they use their powers, then they're known. As I bring this to a conclusion, I must say, that a real witch make him/ her self known soon.... starting here in Salem.

    Chapter 1
    (6 years after William's report was publictized.)
    15 year old Emily sat up, her silver hair blanketing her white eyes.
    "What time is it, Max?" she mumbled at her friend, who was snoring beside her. "ARG! MAX!" She tackled him, and he awoke with a shock.
    "What? I'm awake!" Emily sighed.
    "Come on, my dad wants me home early tonight." Emily stood up as Max stumbled to gain balance.
    "Ok, fine." Max sighed. He and Emily headed toward the outskirts of Salem, carefully watching the time. Emily ran ahead and stopped at a small sign.
    "Help wanted for cyber farms and projection shops. Hiring tommorrow." Emily read, as the sign switched to the next ad.
    "What is it?" Max questioned, catching up with his friend. Max read the ads.
    "Nothing." Emily answered, walking toward town once again. Max ran to catch up with her. She walked a little faster, unaware of the hill they would be going down. She walked ahead a felt no ground underneath her.
    "Wha?" she asked herself. She looked down and fell. Max ran down.
    "You ok?" he asked. Emily's head tilted to the sky.
    "What was that?"
    Meh, its ok, I'm not good at oringal stuff.
    Thread by: sorarulz, Feb 9, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Archives