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  1. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    yeah, I try to be serious and funny, so that way it doesn't put to much gloom on the person reading it. ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    Chapter 9~ InuYasha
    “Ash, you ok?†Misti asked, shaking her friend lightly.
    “Y-Ye-“ Ash stopped as a heartless appeared behind Misti. “MISTI! BEHIND YOU!†The Heartless disappeared into a black smoke cloud, as a figure came up behind Misti.
    “Stupid mortals, can’t defend themselves.†The figure complained.
    “SIT!†another figure yelled.
    “Ow, Kagome!†the boy yelled. Kagome puffed out her cheeks and placed her hands on her hips.
    “InuYasha, don’t forget that a mortal saved you from that fifty year sleep.†InuYasha sighed and looked away, his cat like amber eyes sparkling. Kagome looked over at Misti and Ash.
    “Oh, I’m sorry.†She bowed. “I’m Kagome and this my friend, InuYasha.†She explained.
    “I’m Ash, and this is Misti.†Ash introduced. Kagome smiled. “Thanks InuYasha, for saving us.†InuYasha turned his head.
    “Feh.†He puffed.
    Kagome’s faced puffed out. “Sit Boy!†InuYasha crashed into the ground.
    “Grr. Stop that!†InuYasha complained. His white hair started to turn grayish.
    “InuYasha…†Kagome started.
    “What?†he turned and glared at Kagome.
    “Your hair.†InuYasha pulled some of his hair in front of his face.
    “What the-?†he cursed. “Stupid mortal cr-“ A heartless appeared in front of Kagome.
    “Feh, stupid things.†He launched at the heartless, slicing it in two. He turned to Ash and Misti, his white hair black and amber eyes brown.
    “Drat! InuYasha! You never told me today was the day of the new moon!†Kagome screeched. InuYasha stepped back.
    “Chill ok. I’m fine. I’m just mortal for a f-“ he stopped and looked down. A sword was placed directly through his stomach. Kagome eyes widened as she covered her mouth. “Feh.†Blood poured out of the wound and filled the floor. Ash and Misti backed up. InuYasha closed his eyes. Conan grinned grimly behind InuYasha.
    “Were is Link, and I will spare this half breed’s miserable life.†He explained. Misti and Ash exchanged scared looks. “And you lives. Or die with you little Halfling as well.â€
    Kagome jumped in front of Misti and Ash, a bow and arrow drawn. “Not another move, or you get it, you devil.†Conan stared, his black eyes emotionless.
    “Good luck with that, you mortal.†He pulled the sword from InuYasha. He teleported in front of Kagome. “You’ll die trying.â€
    “CONAN!†Link yelled, jumping off a nearby balcony, and a few feet away from Conan. “I killed you once, I will kill you again.†Link drew his sword.
    “LINK! WAIT FOR ME!†Ilia yelled, jumping off the balcony and landing by Link.
    “Ilia, wait, its to dangerous! You’ll get hurt!†Link pleaded. “Please, go back with Sora and the others.â€
    “No way! I’m gonna help. I’m not leaving behind you. And remember, I was stuck in the twilight for the longest time! I can handle this!†She explained. Link sighed.
    “Fine, but be careful.†Ilia nodded and turned to Conan.
    “Now, you,†she pointed to Conan, “you get away from Kagome, or there will be heck to pay!†Ilia took out her bow and arrows and shot a arrow at Conan. It hit his arm, and blood trickled out. Conan sighed and the arrow vanished. The blood disappeared and the wound healed.
    “What the-?†Ilia cursed. Conan teleported to her. Ilia’s brown hair blew past her blue eyes. Link ran forward, but was frozen.
    “You little witch, you think you can kill me that easily? I’m not a normal mortal, I’m a devil.†Ilia backed up a foot, as Conan grabbed her neck.
    “Ah!†she yelled.
    “You and Link have a close relationship. Let’s see what the little hero does when his girlfriend’s life is over.†Conan summoned a dagger and held it to Ilia’s tear stained neck. “I guess we’ll see.â€
    “L-Link.†Ilia choked out, looking over at Link, as Conan’s dagger pushed in, bringing blood to a small trickle. “H-H-Help.â€
    “I guess we won’t. We’ll see what Link does when you’re dead.†InuYasha choked out, his white hair gleaming in the moonlight. He drew the Tetsusaiga and stuck it through Conan’s chest. Ilia stared as Conan dropped to the floor, motionless. InuYasha whipped the blood from his sword and placed it back in its holder. “You ok?†he asked Ilia. She nodded and Link ran over. He wrapped his arms around Ilia.
    “ILIA! YOU’RE OK!†he screamed, tears running down his face. Ilia’s eyes swelled with tears and she hugged Link back.
    “Feh.†InuYasha complained.
    “Now, why can’t you do that every time I’m on the brink of getting killed?†Kagome asked InuYasha.
    “Cause, we’re not that close.â€
    “Sit Boy!â€
    “Hey- I meant that we are, just not that close, you know, for hugging. KAGOME!†InuYasha pleaded. Link faced Ilia, his blue eyes twinkling with joy.
    “Ilia, there’s something I need to tell you.†Ilia nodded. “Ilia, I kinda- um- like you.†Lins face flushed red.
    “Link-“ Ilia started, but Link kissed her.
    “AW!†Michiko, Ash, Kagome, Kairi, Aerith, Yuffie, and Jordan cried out.
    “Such a happy ending huh? Girl’s about to be killed, and the knight in shining armor saves her!†Kagome cried. She glared at InuYasha. “Yet, I HAVE NO KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR!†She stamped off, leaving InuYasha confused.
    “KAGOME! WHAT DID I DO?†InuYasha rushed after her.
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. sorarulz
    for shizal my homie, you STILL rocking the boat and rocking the creativity corner with your awsome story! keep going my homie! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. sorarulz
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 22, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  5. sorarulz
    ok, do you want a certain name for your home village? if not, I can make one up. Thanks again! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 21, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    Thanks! Writers Block is hurting my stories, but I'm trying! ^^ I'll let you know when the next chapter comes out!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 21, 2008 in forum: Archives
  7. sorarulz
    Any Specific Colors: Hum, A hot pink, some blue, and a little sky blue would be ok.
    Text: Will you catch me if I fall?
    Anything else: My name up in the corner in hot pink plz.
    Thanks! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 21, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  8. sorarulz
    *follows suit of KingdomKey* *glomps Mickey's grave* MICKEY!!! o well, GET OVER IT! *slaps self* *insert dramic music here* AND whether you like it OR not, I'm gonna get a character of mine in there! ^^ and please tell me THOSE HORRIBLE UGLY SCARS that Sora has are gone! *gets up and glomps Sora* SORA! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 21, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. sorarulz
    *insert dramic music here*
    DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ><
    it's great, sora's a ****** *gets hit in the face with the keyblade* IT'S TRUE! Kairi is.... ok? Namine and Roxas are PROBALLY have double thoughts on that "in the bed" thing, and Riku is thinking "I HATE WOMEN!" yeah. *closes i love axel's locker* And how would I know all that? >.>
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. sorarulz
    Can I have one?
    Any Specific Colors: Hum, A hot pink, some blue, and a little sky blue would be ok.
    Text: Total Sora Junkie!!
    Anything else: My name up in the corner in hot pink plz.
    will those renders work?
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  11. sorarulz
    is that all? really? I don't get ti!
    btw, spelling errors because i just paitned my nails!
    but is that all? Destinied is over? really? meany, i'm gonna cry! D':
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. sorarulz
    It's no problem. Its easier, cause now I won't have to ask you all these things!! ^^ yah!!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  13. sorarulz
    Holy frickin' god. It's gonna be awsome! ^^ better than the 7th Harry Potter book's epilouge. ^^ and that says something! WOOT! for shizal my homie, continue, you rocking the boat!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. sorarulz
    OMG! SORA YOU NAUGHTY BOY!! >.< and Riku you two timer! >.< Poor Kairi and Audrey (and I guess Larexene) are caught in the middle of this madness!!! :sparta: but ya, continue! *insert dramtic/ depressing music here, which ever fits* more cliff hangers and supense, of course I knew what was wrong with Kairi from the chapter were they went to the gym (or whatever they did...) and yeah... I won't tell! :stupid:
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  15. sorarulz
    Wow, very descriptive, most of the people that join, I have to ask most of the things you put in, but ok.
    The inn, heartless, sword, hair, and all the other stuff is CHECK!! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. sorarulz
    I Will Not Calm Down!! Cause I Am Calm! Destinied Killed A Legend, Kairi Got A Secret Present Thing, Riku Is Dying (haha) And I My Life Is A Lifeless, Pointless, Cold Shell Without Mickey!!!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. sorarulz
    OOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! sry, 7th grade blonde mind here
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. sorarulz
    AW SNAP! *dresses into black clothes in 1 second*
    "I've know Mickey since...... since... I WAS A BABY! He's always been my shining star for inspiration, but because DESTINIED HAD TO KILL HIM, I mourn his death."
    *cries* AW!! SO CUTE!!! your still a Mickey killer but... SO CUTE!! You should REALLY make another one (kinda like this, execpt it picks off from where this left off) and I'll be there, saying "for shizal my homie! ^^ Your rocking, keep going" all the way intill the end. But seriously my homie, you can't just leave us hanging here. What about Riku? Sora? Kairi's present? Cloud and Aerith? Rinn? Ty? Link? ZELDA? you really made a bad idea ending it! ^^ later my homie!
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. sorarulz
    It's time for some EXTREME things to happen, and secrets to be revialed. ^^
    Chapter 9~
    I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright sunlight that filled the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room; Sora was still in his chair, with Kirsty sitting on the floor. I smiled at them. Are these really what friends are like? I thought.
    *FLASH BACK!! ^^*
    I ran down a large hill, unaware of my surroundings, my breathes uneven. I looked back at the burning village. No, not again. My eyes watered, as I ran along a pond. I slowed down, breathing evening up. A shadowy figure appeared behind me, and grabbed my mouth, picking me up.
    "Ah, I found you."
    "NO!" I screamed, holding my head. Sora and Kirsty leaped up.
    "She's back?" Sora and Kirsty asked, in unison. I breathed uneveningly, tears rolling down my face.
    "Milo?" Sora asked, sitting next to me. "What's wrong?" I looked up.
    "N-Nothing." I choked out, wiping away my tears.
    I struggled to get out of the figure's grip.
    "So, I finally found the devil's spawn, Milo Prescot." I kicked his leg, but he didn't buge. "What's wrong, little devil? Are you homesick? You wanna go back to your village?" He jerk me to stare at the village. "Every where you go, disater and bad luck will follow." I pulled his hand off my mouth.
    I stared at my toast, unable to move.
    "Milo?" Sora asked again. I raised my hand, which was shaking, to pick up my toast. "Every where you go, disater and bad luck will follow." Kirsty stared over at me, with her dark blue eyes.
    "Bad Luck?" she asked. I jerked my head up at her.
    "What?" I asked.
    "Bad luck?"
    "You can say that... I guess." I wasn't able to actually tell them.
    Arg, short, but VERY clue giving, huh?
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. sorarulz
    ... KingdomKey, are you addicted to Riku? >.>
    Anyway!, very nice, its a good story, I would really like more plz! *holds out plate*
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Archives