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  1. sorarulz
    o crap, i'm gonna turn on Jakku, its just the rebelious part in my character. I'M GONNA BETRAY HIM! I'M GONNA HELP SORA! *dances* Well, that's just a guess...
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. sorarulz
    Sakura sits at the counter a little longer, waiting for someone to take her order. Jeez, what's up with this place? She walks over to the window and looks outside. Meh.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sorarulz
    Ember looked around and notice that Alex had made some friends. She sighed and walked down the large, unfamilair hallway of this new, strange school. I don't like this one bit, she thought. She looked around, noticing no one, and continued to walk. She passed by a group of three girls and a boy, but didn't stop until she dropped her CD case, that fell out of her purse. Unfortunatly, the CD case was open and the CD went everwhere. Geez, why me? Ember asked herself, bending down and picking up her CD's. She looked down the hall. There where some all the way down there!
    "Why me?" she mumbled again, to herself.

    Alex walked away from his friends, still laughing and walked right past Ember, who was picking up her CD's. His gray eyes glittered happiness, as he walked toward his class. I wonder how Ember's doing? he asked himself. He sat down in a seat, way in the back, and toke out his handheld scrapbook him and Ember made. Man, I wish we had classes together. We won't even have lunch at the small time! Alex complained to himself, flipping through the book.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sorarulz
    We can start now, i guess.. O! need teachers! sh**
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sorarulz
    yuppers! Characters keep their powers... BUT!, you can't use them in school... sry! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. sorarulz
    Sakura stares at the weirdness.
    "Ok then." she sighs, ordering a coffee.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sorarulz
    takes attention off of My Chemical Romance and stares at Leon from room.
    "Um, Leon, what the f*** are you doing?" Turns to Li. "Watch your back.." fades into the darkness of her room.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. sorarulz
    whoa. It awsomes...
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. sorarulz
    do you want me to edit my post? To meet Leon and Angel... or something?
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. sorarulz
    I guess I should start now...

    Alex ran up beside sprinting Ember.
    "Em, slow down please, your running to fast!" Ember turned on the spot and glarred at Alex.
    "Maybe you should walk faster!" Ember turned back around and ran toward school again.
    "EM! WAIT UP!!" Alex pleaded running toward her.
    (A Little Later)
    "Thank you, and have a nice year in Twilight High." the lady in the office said. Ember and Alex nodded and noticed that morning classes were over and it was near lunch time. She looked around and didn't seem to notice anyone.She looked around and noticed the cafeteria. She opened the door a bit and looked in. A boy with brown hair and a girl where sitting nearby, and it looked like they were talking... Maybe they knew where everything is.
    "Alex, go find some friends or something. Ok?" Ember explained, running into the cafeteria.
    "What is wrong with that girl?" Alex asked, shaking his head at his friend.
    (Few minutes later)
    Ember stood behind the girl and boy. She gentally tapped the boy on the shoulder...

    (PST! Leon! TURN AROUND!! ^^)

    that's right? rite? cause I thought that angel and leon are in the cafeteria, and they just finished their lunch... or something like that....
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. sorarulz
    roar! I are back now! ^^ nice chapters, a little short, and i made a little apperence (Aqua) but that was good. GOOD LUCK WITH 2nd PART! *sits and waits*
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. sorarulz
    Name : Ember Johnson (Em for short)
    Age : 15
    Hair : Golden Brown
    Eyes : Deep Blue
    Power : Controls air
    Gender: Girl and I'm kinda a floater. I'm not a skater, but not a prep either.
    you can have up to 3 characters right? hum, in that case...
    Name : Alex Daves
    Age : 15
    Hair : Black
    Eyes : Gray
    Power : Telepathic
    Gender: Boy, and is a Floater as well. But can fit into the cateragorie of Emo.
    I hope its not to late to post this stuff...
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    Chapter 10~
    Riku and Max ran to Mickey’s side as heartless flooded into the ship.
    “How’d this happen?†Max asked Mickey.
    “I don’t know, but be careful fellas.†Mickey explained, jumping for a nearby heartless. Max and Riku exchanged glances.
    “Contest to kill the most?†Riku asked.
    “You’re on.†Max challenged.
    Ash and Misti sighed.
    “Geez, what was with all the heartless?†Ash asked.
    “I have no clue, but something’s up.†Misti answered, looking around cautiously. Link and Ilia ran up, panting and wheezing.
    “Just secured the West Wing.†They reported. Ash and Misti nodded and turn. Link turned to the East Wing.
    “Where’s Sora?†he asked. Ash turned, in horror.
    “I don’t know.†Ash began. “Last time we saw him was… I don’t even know.â€
    Ilia looked from Link to Ash. “Well we’re not gonna find him by sitting here and arguing.†Link and Ash nodded. Ash turned to Misti.
    “Misti you stay here, and don’t go anywhere.†Misti nodded to this command and ran toward Kairi and Michiko.
    Michiko looked at the heartless with her angry green eyes, one taking form of Conan. She shook her blonde hair and the image was gone. Trevor… she thought, I’m going to avenge your death. She plunged at a cluster of heartless, slashing them to black clouds. She turned to Kairi and Misti. Trevor’s broken glasses dangled from a chain around her neck. She tucked them back under her shirt and ran after Kairi. A misty figure floated where Michiko was standing. His blue eyes shined a ghostly light behind his black hair.
    “Don’t worry Michiko.†He stated.
    Link and Ilia turned to each other as the floor caved in.
    “LINK!†she screamed, wrapping her arms around him. Wet tears soaked his shirt. He wrapped his arms around as the floor fell. Link let go of Ilia, as he hit the floor. He groaned, as Ilia lay motionless next to him.
    “Ilia?†he asked. She opened her eyes slightly and looked up at him.
    “L-Link?†she asked, her voice faint.
    “Hold on Ilia.†He pleaded, picking her up, like a bride. “I’ll get you to safety.†He ran out the door, dodging the heartless and people fighting. He entered his room, and laid her on the bed. Her breathing was faint.
    “No, Ilia, don’t.†he pleaded, holding her hand and crying.
    “Link.†Ilia mumbled. Link shot his head up. “If I never knew you, if I never felt this love I would have no inkling of how precious life can be. And, if I never held you I would never have a clue how, at last, I'd find in you the missing part of me.†She quoted. Link’s eyes filled with tears.
    “Ilia. I love you, and please don’t go.†Ilia smiled, with the last of her energy.
    “I love you too.†She closed her eyes, her breathing slowly returning to normal.
    “Ilia.†He whispered, kissing her on the cheek.
    Riku and Max collapsed on the floor, backs to each other.
    “Twenty- six.†Max reported.
    “Thirty.†Riku notified. Max sighed.
    “Fine, I have to do your chores for a week. PLUS, mine.†Max groaned. Riku grinned and stood up.
    “Nice try though.†He ran after Mickey, Max following not to far behind.
    Ilia opened her lazy eyes slowly and adjusted to the bright sunlight that filled the room. She looked to her left at Link, who was sleeping in a chair. She sat up, noticing the bandage around her waist. She looked over at the table; bandages and tape cluttered it. Link’s eyes slowly pried open.
    “I-Ilia? You awake?†he asked.
    “Yeah.†She looked in Link’s blue eyes. “Did you stay up all night, bandaging me, and watching after me?†Link blushed, looking at his shoes, and nodded.
    “Kinda. I really didn’t mean to, just kinda stayed up.†He mumbled. Ilia smiled. He’s acting like a little kid. She thought. Link looked up. He smiled weakly and Tray walked in.
    “Hey, how are you, Ilia?†he asked. Ilia smiled and nodded.
    “I’ve been better, but ok.†She explained. Tray nodded and picked up used bandages off the floor and gathered the bandages and tape sitting on the table. Jordan stumbled in and almost spilled orange juice and scrambled eggs all over Tray.
    “Opps.†He mumbled as Tray walked out of the room, cursing to himself. He set the tray down and turned to Link and Ilia. “Eggs?†he asked. Ilia laughed and nodded. Jordan handed her the plate, almost spilling it everywhere.
    “Jordan, just leave the orange juice on the table please.†Jordan nodded and walked out. Link turned to Ilia.
    “These are pretty good!†Ilia exclaimed. “Really good!â€
    “Yeah, everyonesays that Tray is the best cook on this ship. Makes the best food.†Link explained. Ilia nodded and set her empty plate on the side of her bed. She pulled her blanket over her head and fell asleep. Geez, does she get enough sleep? Link thought.

    Chapter 10! Huzzah! Enjoy my peoplez, and like my work! ^-^
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Archives
  14. sorarulz
    Sakura sighs at the petty attempt from Li. She takes out her back-up Clow Cards.
    "Stupid, I stole yours." She takes out a card with fire picture. "Firey!" Fire covers the watery figure and the figure dissapears. "Feh." Goes back into room and turns My Chemical Romance on.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. sorarulz
    hum, this may sound like a repeat.
    Tsubasa, xxxHolic, Cardcaptor Sakura, Fruits Basket, InuYasha(Older Teen), Chobits (OT), um, FMA, Death Note, +Anima, Negima, Angelic Layer, Kingdom Hearts(yes they have a manga), uh, and, um...... uh..... aw geez, it was like the BEST manga ever! um......... don't tell me! don't tell me!! o, Paradise Kiss(OT) thats a good one, kinda confusing, but good.

    All of those are mangas i've read or are reading. Trying reading Tsubasa, xxxHolic, InuYasha, Negima, and +Anima, those are my favorites.
    Good Luck! ^-^
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. sorarulz
    name-Sakura Avalon (or Kinomoto)
    anime/manga- Cardcaptor Sakura
    personality-hype, nice, a little slow, hard worker. and i like Li Syaron.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. sorarulz
    Stares at Link with rage and turns back to her "How to kill Li Syoran in 10 mintues" book.
    "BwHAHAHAHA!!" she laughs evily.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. sorarulz
    yea, you can be Larxene. The characters on the list are my favorite characters, and the bigger roled characters, but that's cool. Thanks!
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. sorarulz
    This is an RP for Legend of Zelda (any of them) and Kingdom Hearts. Major roles will be posted here (in this post) and you can add smaller ones. Ok! Lets start this! btw, HIGH SCHOOL TIME! Yes, they go to High School.
    Characters: (smaller ones you can add)
    Link- TwilightBlader
    Zelda- sorafangirl
    Ilia- sorarulz
    Ganon- Final Form
    Minda- sorafangirl
    Saria- Final Form
    Tetra- Final Form
    Aryll- sorafangirl
    Kairi- kasai
    Axel- Haseo426
    Roxas- sorarulz
    Namine- sorarulz
    Olette- naminestwinsister
    Hayner- kh_namine_kh
    Pence- *Hippie Jesus*
    Larxene- koolashley
    Mansex- Principal:
    Saix- Assistant Principal:
    Aerith- Nurse:
    Marluxia-Home Ec:
    Vexen- Science:
    Zexion- Math:
    Luxord- Reading:
    Xaldin- Gym:
    Lexaeus- English:
    Ansem- History:
    Xigbar- Achery Club Supervisor:
    Yuffie- Art:
    Leon- Wood Shop:
    Cid- Computer Exploration:

    You can fail classes, pass classes, start food fights, and everything else go can do at a High School. (sorry guys, G rated, but cussing is alowed!)Add smaller characters that I skipped over, and fill in these parts!
    And the main goal here is to have fun!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorarulz
    Thread by: sorarulz, Feb 29, 2008, 416 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. sorarulz
    Sakura wakes up and watches Li and Lurico fight. Stares at Squall pulversing the wall. Turns to Dark and Link. "Are we the only normal people in this building?"
    Turns to Li. "And Li, call me Sakura for Pete's sakes! Not Kinimoto-san!" Sakura walks in her room and slams door shut, turns on the CD player and turns Greenday up really loud.
    Post by: sorarulz, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home