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  1. sorarulz
    Sakura nodded. "Ok..." She looked around.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. sorarulz
    ok, I guess we can start now.. but anyone that has only 1 or 2 parts, you can sign up for the teachers.. its just we have none.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sorarulz
    um.. who's Aryll??
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sorarulz
    ((OT: Sorry I was gone, I guess I'll get Sakura back in there))
    Sakura is shocked by the noises coming from the back, the four year old drinking to much coffee, and taking dog/ cat things.
    "What kinda cafe is this?" she asks a boy standing nearby.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sorarulz
    can you let Aqua kiss Sora.. if Aqua does betray Jaaku... then helps Sora, if was thinking a kiss wouldn't hurt, since Aliza got one on Sora... *cry* My Sora- chan
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  6. sorarulz
    Sakura starts to read "How to kill Li Syoran for Dummy's"
    "MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" she laughs evily while sharpening a knife on a rock..(0.o)
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sorarulz
    Thanks, I'm not really good about writing poems, I more of a story writer, but I could actually relate to this. It got easier when I started out with; "May be I like being me, maybe I like being imperfect, and not following what everyone else is doing. Maybe, I like being me, and not someone else." On my Myspace. It then grew a little in a blog I posted, and then I added some more, like the winter and summer thing, and being boyish. It was fairly easy, becuz I actually do wear black in the middle of summer.
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. sorarulz
    Um.. who's Saria and Terta?

    I'm Namine.. sry..
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. sorarulz

    ~The War~

    ok, ok, I'm so sorry I haven't gotten a chapter out in a while. My computer decided to screw up, and not let me on Word, so chapter 11 is going to be delayed untill i figure out what is wrong..
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Archives
  10. sorarulz
    This may be a poem, but I don't know...

    Maybe I like being me, maybe I like being imperfect, and not following what everyone else is doing.
    Maybe, I like being boyish, and not girly like most girls.
    Maybe, I like wearing black in the middle of summer, and tank tops in winter.
    Maybe I like my clothes, even if they went out of style 2 or 3 years ago.
    Maybe, just maybe, I like my life, and like being what I am.
    Maybe, I’m just diffrent, and I like that.

    It really describes me, and i like it alot.. maybe I can submit it in a poem contest somewhere... hm...
    Thread by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. sorarulz
    Ok, I noticed that everyone has asked for one character. You can be more than one, if you want, and you can be a teacher (which is cool, cuz then you can make your character pass that class)(But I'm sorry guys, only up to 3 per person, cuz I don't want one person taking all the good characters..) I still need to add more characters and teachers, but so far, so good. And for the sake of this thread, make Other Characters, that aren't in either game, please. It adds more characters, so its easiler to relate to High School. I think that's it.. later!
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. sorarulz
    "YOU BETTER NOT KILL SYAORAN-CHAN!" Sakura yells, ripping Li's Clow cards into nothing.
    ((She is like REALLY crazy.. at least I'm not killing...)) ((HEY! CAN I KILL SOMEONE?? :D))
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sorarulz
    (OT: Am I like invisible or something....??)

    Ember shrugged. She didn't seem to notice the girl who had sat next to the sleeping girl. She threw her empty chip bag in the trash and left. Now what? She asked herself. She walked out the front doors of the school, and headed down the street. She looked around, looking at all the diffrent stores and shops, finally stopping at Hot Topic. Hey its worth it... She went inside looking around in the jelwery section, them picking up a pair of watermelon earrings. These look cool.. She put them next to the register, and the cashier rang them up. Ember handed him ten dollars, and got back her change, and left. She put the earrings on and looked into a nearby store window.
    "Don't look half bad." she mumbled to herself, pushing her hair golden brown hair back. I wonder what Alex is doing at the moment?

    Alex sighed and picked up a black T-shirt. He placed it on the counter, and the cashier rang it up. Handing the her twenty dollars, Alex noticed he only had a dollar left. Well that's great. The cashier handing him his T-Shirt and change, and Alex left Hot Topic. He sighed and walked throught the streets, looking around at all the stores. He looked up ahead at a girl with golden brown hair. Ember? Earrings glistened through the hair. No, Ember doesn't wear earrings. The girl turned and continued. I really do wonder what she's doing now..
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. sorarulz
    Ember rushed over to the last CD and stuffed it in her CD case. Zipper it closed, she walked around. Geez, this school's so big. Growl..
    "I must be hungry.. I never did eat breakfast.." Ember rushed down the hall. I remember the cafeteria being around here somewhere. She stopped at the double doors and opened them. No one was really in there, execpt a girl, sleeping at a table. She walked over carefully, not waking her up, and set her bag down, then buying a bag of chips. This can hold me.. right? Ember sat down next to the sleeping girl, a tapped her on the shoulder, then sat an waited for her to wake up, eating her Doritos.

    Alex sat and stared at the scrapbook longer. I wonder what she's doing at the moment. God, do I miss her. Alex looked up the ceiling, slowly closing his eyes. God I'm tired, I never got any sleep last night. His eyes slowly opened then closed, and he was asleep.

    (Off Topic: I know, I was gone forever, and ever, but I'm back.. and still lonely.. no one talks to me really... not even Alex.. sad..)
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. sorarulz
    Aqua's mine right? I haven't been on here in EVER! but if she is, its fine! ^^
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. sorarulz
    Sakura walks threatly over to Li.
    "I have a figure.. its hidden under my costumes.. you f*** b*stard." Sakura looked down at the laptop and whips out a hammer, beating it to a pulp.
    "MWHAHAHAHA!!!" runs back into her room and shuts door, turning on Marilyn Manison.
    OT: I'm crazy now... for sho
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. sorarulz
    fine.. you get a break... your only human.. or are you? -.-
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  18. sorarulz
    sh** a whole week! That's bullcrap...
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Archives
  19. sorarulz
    *yawns* Do i have to keep camping out here? *lays back down and falls asleep*
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. sorarulz
    Once again Sakura rushes out of her room, noticing all the banging and screaming.
    "SHUT THE F*** UP!!!!!!!!!" she screams. It seemed as everyone stop what they were doing... Sakura sighed, and rubbing her neck, she walked back into her room, and turned on Soulija Boy.
    OT: Haha, Sakura's mad, you made her ALL mad, now you guys are gonna get it! ^-^
    Post by: sorarulz, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home