*Pops out of a hole* Hi guys! How is everyone?
1. Xigbar*** 2. Demyx** 3. Vexen* 4. Larxene 5. Marluxia 6. Roxas 7. Lexaeus 8. Saix 9. Luxord 10. Zexion 11. Xemnas 12. Xaldin 13. Axel - That was fun. XD
Awesome stuff, there. Much better than I can do. XD
*Breaks out the champagne* WOOHOO. XD I'm good, I guess.
Yay, the site's back! So, how is everyone today?
KH1, KH2, and I hope to get CoM sometime this year.
Was it good? EDIT: Shoot, I leave to go get cereal and I new page pops up! You people are fast! EDIT: Wait, no! There wasn't a new page. Now I'm confused. *Pout*
COOKIES?! You guys'll never get rid of me! XD *Ducks in cover*
Oh well. XD Hello, Bunterx. ^_^ ....That was scary. XD
Uh... Hi new family! :D I just wanted to introduce myself, and stuff. So, um... CELEBRATORY BACON FOR ALL! 12 hours? o_o That's awful. Well, when you do finally get on the plane, watch out for snakes! ...I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. XD
Mine is wisdom form. It's so pretty and... BLOO. xD
Female - Agatha or Rebbeca Male - Theodore Yep.
Sora - Xigbar Donald - Demyx Goofy - Vexen Bwahaha. xD
o_o I don't know about you, but to me this website looks like a joke.
Well, one day I was watching some show on G4 (Back when it was TechTV) that was reviewing KH1 (They gave it a 5/5), and I thought it looked like a pretty cool game. A week or so later my mom took me and my brother to Movie Gallery (A store where you rent movies/games, kind of like Blockbuster), and I saw KH on the shelf and grabbed it. The rest is history! XD
HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! ...That's about it for me.
Xamsidon. o_o Sounds a little like a dinosaur. XD
Atlantica was INSANE. I kept forgetting that you had to use the right analog stick to move up/down. And the second Ursula battle drove me nuts. (In the end, I just stayed away from her and let Donald and Ariel attack her until she had just a sliver of HP left. XD)
Hello, sweeties! I'm Poppy the (Un)Amazing! :D I've been a Kingdom Hearts fan for about, uh... maybe 2005? I can't really remember. Anyways, after much lurking around, I said, "What the heck, I might as well join!" And, well, here I am! XD Besides being a KH fan, I'm also a fan of Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pokemon, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yay.