Yeah, it seems like SE thinks the only Organization members who deserve merchandising is Roxas and Axel. >__> Do they not know of the legions of fangirls (Myself included) that every other member has? XD
Sweet. I like the new Sora, and that Jack Sparrow. 8D I hope this means that we'll possibly be getting action figures of other Organization 13 members... I doubt it, though. *Sigh*
Mine; Xigbar Demyx Vexen Xaldin/Lexaeus Yay. :]
Madison = Xamsidon Woo. Yeah.
Yep, I've got one. <3 I've had it since, um... 2006? I can't remember. But I'm all set in the DS department. :3 Now, a PSP I don't have. >_>;;;
I want to fight all three Sanderson sisters. >O *Wants a Hocus Pocus world very badly*
358/2 Days focuses on Roxas' time in the Organization XIII while Sora was asleep. ...Or so we've been told. o_o
Terra - 20-23 Aqua - 18-20 Ven - 15/16 Master Xehanort - ...No comment. D: Pretty much the same as everyone else's guesses, lulz.
Maybe about five or so months after it comes out in Japan... whenever that is! (Unless it gets delayed or something...)
My ALL TIME favorite movie? :D ...Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back. :3
Seriously? xD *Deep Breath* Xigbar, Demyx, Vexen, Lexaeus, Luxord, Xaldin, AND... ...Pence. Because chubby boys are love. :3
I'll use Xigbar, Demyx, and Vexen. :3 If this was "Which 5 Organization XIII members will you mostly use in wi-fi?", Lexaeus and Larxene would be on there, too.
Well, all this news is about to make my head explode. XD In the screenshot with Mickey & Jiminy, it looks like they're in that room where Donald found the letter at in the beginning of KH1. I'm probably wrong, though, as I haven't played KH1 in a long time. ...And, Oh, look! There's Terra and the old guy!
Well, that was unexpected! I guess it should have been expected, though. What, with TGS being in two days. Pretty awesome, though! As for what Sora and King Mickey (With Star Seeker) means, I don't know. For the other screenshot... uh, yay! More OrgXIII! X3 Me, too. Looks like I'm going to have to save my money up for a PSP. D: By the way, does any one know what that date near the bottom of the scan means? The one that says 10/19/2007?
"Kingdom Hearts: The Movie" And thats all I have to say about that.
...Did anybody else see that database error a second ago? Hi! ^_^ *Shrugs* Yeah. XD
Aw, thanks. ^_^ You're welcome. God, I'm so polite. XD
That is... PURE GENIUS! I had no idea there were forum awards! *Feels quite stupid* XD
Hello everyone! :3 I haven't posted here in awhile. Too busy becoming a Bleach fan. XD; Now, what's all this talk of cutest couple?