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  1. SaiyanSerenityV
    I have Sony Vegas.

    What I did was insert the scene, then cut out Namine's part on the audio, and inserted my own dub in. Since there was no music in that scene, it sounds a lot smoother. <3

    I'm doing my Larxene dub now, but since there's music I have to do the dub for everyone and add music, otherwise it would be choppy and I'd hate it. D<

    EDIT: Finished Larxene. I think this one came out a lot better.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'll probably do a bit as Larxene too, I love being sinister. <33
    Namine, done!
    It's realllllllly quiet, so you may want to turn up your speakers. It's about two in the morning at my place, so I couldn't make too much noise.
    This was also done with a crappy mic. I have a better one in another room, but again, it's late and I can't disturb anyone. D:

    EDIT: I'll have to do Larxene tomorrow. I just can't do her voice while trying to be quiet. D:
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'm doing a scene as Namine, so you can get a feel for what my voice sounds like. I may do a few more with different voices. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. SaiyanSerenityV

    Here's that Goofy/Aerith fic I mentioned earlier. It's super sweet. And it mentions Max! I love Max. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'd suggest going with Paramore. Linkin Park is horrendously overdone. :3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. SaiyanSerenityV

    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'm not really sure who I sound like, but I do have a bit of experiance in voice acting. If I were to record myself saying random things and posted a link to it here, would anybody tell me if I sounded like anyone?

    Because I'm definatly interested in this. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. SaiyanSerenityV
    EXACTLY. Not EVERY attractive girl has giant breats.
    Also, and I cannot stress this enough, VA-J-JS ARE NOT WATERFALLS. I mean, seriously. Any pictures/fanfics I've seen/read have like, liquids gushing everywhere. It just doesn't work like that.

    People really should do research on things they're unsure about before writting/drawing ANY kind of porn.

    Whoops, we did get a little side tracked there, didn't we? ^_^;
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. SaiyanSerenityV
    WMM is really hard to make good MVs with. D:
    I have Sony Vegas, but it's really expensive.
    Anyways, if you look up a few WMM tutorials, there are a few hidden features that may help, though it still can't compare to the rest.

    My personal advice is to find different video editing software. If you look hard enough, there should be a few free programs out there. They won't be as good as the ones you have to buy, like Vegas, but they'd be better than WMM.

    Anyways, what song are you using? Just curious.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. SaiyanSerenityV
    Well, I'm with a guy right now, but yes, I think it's safe to say I am.

    It's so hard to find GOOD Yuri, because most of the time it's written/drawn by guys, and they all have unrealisticly sized body parts and leak like faucets, if you know what I mean. D:
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. SaiyanSerenityV

    I can't like Yaoi AND Yuri? :unsure:
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. SaiyanSerenityV
    AHAHA, you people wouldn't last on GAFF at all. Our drabbles didn't even have actual sex in them. XDDD

    There's a Harry Potter fic on there, in the classics section, called "Lunaticus", in which Harry digs up his father's decaying corpse and proceeds to have extremely descriptive, graphic, maggoty sex with it. I almost threw up after reading it. Horrible images are still burned into my mind. D:

    PedXem is nothing in comparison.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'm not a guy, and I think it'd be hot, it just doesn't make sense is all.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. SaiyanSerenityV
    I KNOW, ISN'T IT? I don't know why this happened, but oh well. Being on GAFF, I've read WAY worse.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. SaiyanSerenityV
    OOH, I FOUND IT. The first of many PedXem drabbles...

    Xemnas gave a low, natural cough. He was unsure as to why there was a naked Arabian peddler standing in his bedroom. How did he get in here, anyway? He was a short little guy; really short in comparison with the organization’s leader. Before Xemnas could even open his mouth to speak, the short man jumped onto the superior’s bed. He sprawled himself over the covers, in a really awkward looking position.
    “Do not ask questions.” The man said, with a thick accent. “Come.”
    Xemnas was almost kind of weirded out now. He wondered, again, about how this man could have slipped past the fortress’ defenses. It could be a trap, he thought, slightly amused. Right, because that keyblade wielding whelp had gay Arabian assassins. With a slight shrug, he took a small step towards the bed.
    Why turn down such a tempting offer?
    Could be fun.

    I just wrote it for lulz in senior english a long time ago, and from there, we've been writing drabbles back and forth to each other. XD
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. SaiyanSerenityV
    Being there for so long, I could probably think up more right now... hmm...



    I actually have a long inside joke with a friend, which turned into drabbles, of Arabian Peddler (from Aladdin... that short little guy with the big turban? He was in the very beginning of the movie, and I'm sure he had a brief appearance in KH) and Xemnas. It's now my favorite crack pairing. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. SaiyanSerenityV
    Yeah, I hang around on Godawful Fanfiction (GAFF for short).
    Basically, we find the worst fanfics ever, and pick them apart (which we call "sporking").
    I think that's where most of those pairings came from.

    You should check it out sometime. Many, many lulz are had. :3

    I can stand for SorRiku if it's written really well, but most of the time I'm not that lucky. D:
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. SaiyanSerenityV
    To anyone who doesn't think AkuRoku makes any sense, I do realize that they're just good friends... but I still think they look gorgeous together. <3

    As for dumb pairings that I've seen:

    Roxas/Setzer (I have no words to describe how horrified this makes me)
    Leon/Aerith (this one almost seems reasonable to the average KH fan. Keep reading to see why this pisses me off)

    I really don't get Zemyx. Seriously, I get the whole 69 thing. HAHA, you're so clever. The pairing still makes no sense.

    Cleon also bothers me a WHOLE hell of a lot. This is mostly because I played both Final Fantasy VII and VIII before Kingdom Hearts, and I like to keep pairings within their original canons.

    I read a REALLY good fanfic about Goofy/Aerith once. No, really, it was amazing. I still had to WTF at the pairing itself, though.

    Actually, I think it's still in my favorites somewhere. Send me a message if you want to read it. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 22, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts