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  1. SaiyanSerenityV
    Yayyy~ I'll keep an eye out for it.

    Seconded. I'm all excited about this now. XD
    I suppose if you don't, and we don't really fit anybody else, I could start a Re: COM fandub. It sounds like it'd be fun!

    You should! KH1/COM Sora is a hard voice to do, I'd love to hear it!
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 30, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. SaiyanSerenityV
    Your first time, really? Could've fooled me, I thought you sounded great~!

    Ooh, I'd love to see how you do Marluxia... I honestly have no idea how I think he should sound. Seeing what you think of him would be really interesting. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 28, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. SaiyanSerenityV
    But what is time anyways, other than a meaningless human concept?
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. SaiyanSerenityV
    So, I'm pretty new to Sony Vegas. Not like "Holy crap, I just picked this thing up yesterday", but fairly new. I think I've got most of it down, but there's one feature that still alludes me: MASKING.

    And I think it's important. Not that you can't make a good video without masking, but I still think it'd be a nice thing to know.

    Anyone want to help me understand this madness? (sparta joke intended)

    Wow, really? No one wants to help at all? D:
    Thread by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 27, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. SaiyanSerenityV
    Saw it. Loved it. <3

    Lexaeus wasn't manly enough, IMO. It's not that you didn't do well with the actual acting, but your voice just doesn't fit him for me.

    Zexion on the other hand, was right on the money. <3 A few spots where, again, you needed a little more articulation, but that's just my thespian nerd speaking there. Your voice is perfect for him, and you're pretty good at acting.

    (IDK. Usually articulation isn't so important, but since it's voice acting, you just need to make sure your words are clear.) XD
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 27, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. SaiyanSerenityV
    Anyways, I'm off to bed. I'll be checking this thread regularly, so I'll know when you upload your dub, Chervalier. <3
    I'll be sure to let you know what I think. ;D
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  7. SaiyanSerenityV
    Xendran: Yeah, like I said, my mom got in the way of mine too. Silly moms. D:
    Anyways, I'd like to hear more of you this weekend, if you still want to.

    Chervalier: Hey if you want, try it. I'll listen to all of them. I'm not really sure what Zexion should sound like, but I'd imagine... hmm... a little higher, for a man's voice, but not like, effeminate.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. SaiyanSerenityV
    Ewwww, that sucks. D: Stupid Youtube.
    I really want to hear you! <33

    @Xendran: The only advice I have for you is to really make sure you announciate. I noticed in your clip, though it was just a rough attempt, that you seemed to mesh all the words together, and almost sounded rushed. Just slow down a bit and announciate your words properly, and you'll be fine. :D
    You have a wonderful voice for Riku.
    I'd love to hear more.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. SaiyanSerenityV
    Awww, thank you~!

    Yeah, I did Sora in Japanese... just because I knew I could never pull of his voice. D: (it was just pronunciation practice)

    Yeah, the end was just kind of... I wanted to put more emotion into it, but my mother was home and I got kind of shy/embarrassed... *blush*
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'm going to clock out for tonight~
    Tomorrow's a pretty busy day for me.
    Night, everyone!
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 25, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. SaiyanSerenityV
    Man, that happens to me all the freaking time. You can't unglue your eyes from the TV, or you meet certain death. D:
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. SaiyanSerenityV
    Love 'em. <3
    Especially the OMGCRAZY ones.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. SaiyanSerenityV
    Sure! (*easily swayed*)
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. SaiyanSerenityV
    Oh, neat! 8D
    Sounds yummy~
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  15. SaiyanSerenityV
    Hello not-so-newbie. <3
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. SaiyanSerenityV
    Yayyyy~ I'm in. :D
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  17. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'd love to join. <3

    Name: Kimex
    Rank: The Deceitful Liquidator
    Number: XXIII? (if that's the number we're on?)
    Personality: Almost suspiciously friendly... Hmm...
    Reason For Being Here: I'm afraid that's confidential information.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  18. SaiyanSerenityV

    I like you. X3

    I love it when guys "fall out of the stereotypes". I think most stereotypical men are jerks.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. SaiyanSerenityV
    -Horrid stereotypes
    -Vag bleeding

    That is ALL.
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. SaiyanSerenityV
    I'll rip out my own esophagus and re-insert it, then tear my intestines out, make a noose, and hang myself with it. ;P
    Post by: SaiyanSerenityV, Mar 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone