Hmmm, your Marluxia just isn't doing for me, but I like your Zexion. My only nitpick is pernounciation and articulation. In my dub, it's going to be "Mar-loox-ee-a" and "Larx-een". Perhaps you could do a retake? Also, be sure to articulate! Some of your words kind of jumbled together. Anyways, you don't have to do the video again, just record the lines posted in the thread.
Alright, go for it! Just be sure to read the audition info in the thread first. ;D
Actually, each member also carries traits that fit into typical Final Fantasy job statuses. I don't have the time to think of/remember them all right now, but... Xaldin - Lancer/Dragoon Larxene - Ninja Zexion - Blue Mage Luxord - Gambler Demyx - Bard
Well, if anyone does get a mic, don't be shy! Try out for anything you want. I'll be sure to give critique, and I promise you won't look like an idiot. Hayabusa - I'm really interested in hearing your Leon. Hope you get a mic soon!
Re: Chain of Memories FULL GAME FANDUB! That's right, I'm hosting a FULL fandub of Re: Chain of Memories and Reverse Rebirth. Sorry to spam, but I'm looking for any and all people who are interested. <3 Update: The castlist is now up! I'll be sure to post links to all episodes in this thread as soon as they come out! (Original thread is HERE!)
He hasn't gotten to COM yet, but I have the same program as him, so I think I know what to do... I think. AND OMG, WHY CAN'T I BE THE GUY? D: I've been trying for so long... *weep*
Yeah, that's what I thought... I guess I'll just have to figure out how to remove them... I know it's possible, I just don't know how. D:
Oh hey, those are a start. Thank you! :D I'm mainly seaching for the scenes between each floor though.
I'm trying to find cutscenes from Re: Chain of Memories without ANY type of subtitle (or RAW, as some people may call it). Does anyone know where I can find them? If not, does anyone here know how I can edit them out?
Is it pernounced "Say-bex"? Like, how the Japanese pernounce "Se"? Just checking, so I don't do this wrong.
Looks like not much has happened since I last visited. If anyone wants to check out the other project I'm in, here's a song I just recorded! Just kinda felt like bragging, since it's the best thing I've ever done. Like, ever. And I'm all excited about it. <3
Wah. I was just going by who you said voiced her in KH2. I don't know the actual cast. All I know is KH1 Aerith = WIN, and KH2 Aerith = FAIL. D:
Amber, if I could make a suggestion/request? Try doing a line from KH1? I'm sorry, but I honestly just can't stand Mandy. I know I'm not running this show, but I think, in my personal opinion, that by learning her from KH1, you'll sound SO much better. You have the voice for it without a doubt, and the Aerith from KH1 is how I always invisioned her. <3 EDIT: I might go for Kairi or Yuffie, since they're the only females I'd have a chance of doing correctly. The others just don't fit my voice type, or require accents that I'm not that great at doing. D:
If you're ever short on female roles, I'll attempt to fill in. :D How are we looking time wise, by the way? Is this a project that won't begin for a while, or something we'll be doing soon? I'm not trying to be like "HAYLET'SSTARTALREADYJEEZ,LIKE,GAWD", I'm just curious, since I'm in a few other projects and like to have an idea as to what's going on so I can manage my time better. <3
Hmm, I randomly did another Larxene dub, if anyone wants to go check it out. She's so much fun to play! XD
OMG I never thought I'd actually be casted~ I'm so excited for it OMGOMG I can't waiiiit~ *flail*
Well, that's just it. She only had one line, so I'd need more to go on. <3
I love the almost flamboyant-ness you added to Marluxia's voice. XD Seriously though, I like it that way. Vexen was soooo creepy~! Of course, I always thought he was, but now he has a creepy voice to match!
RAWR. Sorry, I'm a little busy, ATM. I'm working on a new KHMV. 8D
*pokes thread* Yo~