26983 lol XD I love it so far. =3
KH1 - Pretty happy that I beat him, a little dissapointed I didn't get anything for it though.. I was finally able to beat him at level 94.. =D KH2 - Still haven't beaten him yet.. D=
Ahah! So that's where the number is, I didn't see it there. XD And thanks. =D 26981
Sure am, just joined a few hours ago. xD Uh.. would this be 26979? o_o
XD 26977
That would rock.. so much. I would like to see what happens when someone dressed up as an organization member meets someone dressed up as Sora. xD Epic battle?
26974 Thanks. =3
Hellooooo~! 26972
I just turned 14 a month ago. >=3 *cheers*
KH1 - Oblivion. For now anyways, i'm still working on getting Ultima weapon. >_< KH2 - Decisive Pumpkin, gotta love the extra combo boost. >=3
No particular order.. -Sora -Roxas -King Mickey (Saved my hide quiet a few times. xD) -Simba -Jack Sparrow
Axel does. His chakrams (I think that's how it's spelled. o_O) are awesome.. and the fire. =o