Search Results

  1. Void
    The reaction commands were fun, but sometimes they made stuff a bit too easy... also nothing was really hard... , even getting the best one at the xemnas skyscraper scene and luxords games were far to easy (i managed the xemans one first try, luxords final game second try( although the battle was still easy enough when you failed it)) also its sad that you can in most situations when a command might come up simply mash triangle
    Post by: Void, Nov 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Void
    Im pretty sure that either they have individual suns, or somehom pices of one sun (would be basically the same for the astronomical part) given that each star in the sky is a world, and the worlds surely dont glow enough by themselves. Also in the ansem reports xehanort writes something of the stars having hearts, and it dosent sound as if he was speaking of the worlds (that isnt clear though) also think of the end of KH1 when all the stars return to the sky, they dont look like they just reflect light of one big sun.

    Also TWTNW can be let out, as it was somehow removed from the normal universe (like twilight town and castle oblivion)
    Post by: Void, Nov 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Void
    I dreamed a few days ago of the final battle in Kh1 (i was some sort of sora) but i lost it three times in a row and woke up (the ansem there was actually a challage, with some 1 hit kill moves)
    Post by: Void, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Void
    My guess would be that nobodies do not per se need to eat (or breathe. or sleep. or whatever a normal body needs) but do so out of habit, or to feel more human. There bodies arent really normal , just some darkness and memories( given that they dissolve into black smoke when dieing), and can "survive" without it. The lesser nobodies have propably lost so much of their humanity (they dont even seem fully sentinent) that they dont.
    Post by: Void, Oct 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Void
    Hmm, i think the answer is more like larxene...
    if it works out. i think it could, as long as they have other people to kill, they wont turn on each other... both seem to enjoy fighting
    Post by: Void, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Void
    I wonder if that armored form is somewhat connected with the armored guys in the secret ending...
    With the weapons, i just think that as the superior and most powerful nobody, he can immitate the other members powers. I dont think that spirit helping theory has any future, given that axels weapons are there as well, and he was actively working against xemnas by the end.
    Also noteworthy the chain of memories members weapons are not there
    Post by: Void, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Void

    Sora: Did you really have to kill the org? were they that bad?

    Riku: Can you asnwer definitely if xehanorts heartless is gone for good?

    Xemnas: Can i have an autograph?(would i also ask of all other members)
    Xigbar: Where do you get these cool guns? Homing shots and unlimited ammunition owns
    Vexen: What exactly was the riku replika? if you could really prodoce an artifical being with a heart, and thus an artifical heart, couldnt you have solved all the organisations troubles by that point?
    Zexion: Hmm, somehow you were the only org member with the sense to run away when you were losing
    Saix:*throws stick* get. good boy *runs away*
    Axel:Why did you have to goad roxas into a fight? with a bit more sense you could have got him to come back
    Larxene: *Hmm i would like to ask her for an autograph, or even tell her she looks cute, but that would seem like suicide to me, im propably too scared to do anything*
    Post by: Void, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Void
    I say the world that never was.
    At least right now , its winter so it gets dark early, it rains a lot and you dont see that much people... ok, your not attacked by shadows and dusks every three steps and no castle hovers above it, but you cant have a perfect fit :)
    Post by: Void, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Void
    If your problem us the phase were he gets invulnerable while shooting all the lasers on that little square, theres a pattern, if you can do it you wont get hit at all...

    To sum it up his first attack on the square, spinning and shootin is nearly harmless..

    Second part, when he teleports around the sides shooting lasers, well, that hard to explain... immediatly, (during his spin, go to the far side of the paltform, then run counter-clockwise always facing him... its a bit hard to explain, but the real problem is his third attack on the square i guess... thats actually pretty simple avoided, the moment he appears in the center of the plaform, start running in a circle , though not completly along the edge, a bit inward. If you can pull it off you arent hit at all

    ( if you continue having trouble it might be helpful to wath a video on the fight on youtube, its a bit hard to explain the pattern to evade his desparation move in words)
    Post by: Void, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. Void
    Hmm, somehow i cant really vote there. My favorite characters are not on the list, and from the ones one the list i want to vote for everyone except sora... hmmm
    Post by: Void, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Void
    It might be rather simple, the world that never was is practically a giant city, propably because if xemnas had finished his kingdom hearts, all the nobodies would have turned human again, which means you need a place were they can live, and a city might contain vehicles... no idea on it crashing though
    Post by: Void, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Void
    Somehow, the only boss i really found hard was demyx. The battle itself was challenging but doable, what owned me was that stupid 10clones/10 seconds thing at the wrong moment.

    The other org members i found doable, only had one mickey on xaldin (but with that beat him first try, although close), and one death during zebra xemnas "can you spare a heart".

    Although i think my fights might have been affected by knowing most of the bosses beforehand ( which was because i didnt own a playstation 2 at that point, never imagining i would one day have one, so i watched a few Kh/KH2 boss videos, which funnily lead in turn to me becoming a diehard organization XIII fan so this was half the reason i got a playstation 2 when the price dropped to acceptable means( the other half being FF))
    Post by: Void, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Void
    Thats hard, i like them all... but to be more specific...

    Xemnas-Hes cool. Lightsabers rock, also hes a villian whos understandable, not one of those "wahaha i want to rule all"guys you see so much today

    Xigbar- cool fighting style, also how hes always relaxed and still mocks sora while hes dieing

    Demyx-he was just too fun, esspecially the scene with the instruction card, also hes not as weak as people claim, actually i think for me he was the hardest battle in the whole game (the only one i lost more than once)

    Luxord- he was somehow fun in prot royal, also one of of the few bosses whose battle was different from the standard evade-combo-combo-evade-heal-repeat routine

    Larxene- somehow she was cool... also for someone with no emotions, how can she be so sadistic? just wondering
    Post by: Void, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Void
    Like someone said, Zexion. While his power was apparently illusion, the light was so strong that it was destroing riku, so it cant have been completly illusory. Riku stated that zexion would smell of the dark, which could put him in twilight, but that particular attack was apparently light-based, and without darkness to counter it riku would have died
    Post by: Void, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Void
    Hmm, somehow i dont belive that. Yes, he wanted a haert for himself, but a lot of times he refers to "all nobodies" (for example while kingdom hearts is powering up)
    and in his speech were he tries to justify the organisations actions he also says " US who thether at the edge of nothing". Also his saying that he wanted to build a new world... While some of his reasons were maybe getting power (and propably ruling his new world) i think on the whole he worked on behalf of the entire "race".

    For the organization being evil, it think maybe we can use an anlogy like two men in a desert with one having water, the other not. The water is never enough for two people to survive. Could you call the man without water evil when he tries to steal the water from the other man? hardly, its that or die. but you can even less blame the first man for defending himself
    Post by: Void, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Void
    Hmm, alone i think only the most powerful ones would stand a chance (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, saix, marluxia, maybe roxas) if we go by how strong they seem to be.

    If we go by the abilities they have in game, all we need for an easy win is demyx + Luxord (demyx can pull that ten seconds/ten clones thing, luxord just has to use a cardgame or that dice transform thing to keep seph busy for a few secs, anyone who can keep him away from demyx for a few seconds works)
    Post by: Void, Oct 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Void
    Hmm, its never exactly stated, alot is left to speculation/upcoming games... as far as i gather

    In KH 1, ansem(Xehanorts heartless) tried to release the darkness within kingdom hearts, meaning KH is propably like every heart made of light and dark, thus the heartless... dont forget he belived that darkness was superior to light, so not everything he said must be perfectly correct. It was later shown that a bit of light was even in the darkness on the other side, enough to burn away ansem who was weakend from his fight with sora,
    going along with the theme of "even in the deepest darkness there is light."

    That in KH2 was an artifical construction of the nobodies, something that should have enough power to create new hearts for them. Since it was blown up by DiZ before being really complete, we dont know if and how it had worked, but giving that Xemnas/Xehanort was a scientific genious, i assume he knew what he was doing. Also giving Xemnas statements, it would propably have acted as a worlds heart for TWTNW, turning that from a in-between construction into a "real" world
    Post by: Void, Oct 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX