hey star this is usualy a question i say 2 evry new friend i meet ^^ whos ure favourite character in kh2 and u friends with slip XD or jay cuz u...
hey star angel ^^ u probly dont know me but i was bored and felt like talking and u seem like a gr8 person and i hope we get along and maybe be...
lol that looks like a awesome and fun glich i wanna try it but 2 bad my kh1 disk is broken :(
lol thats a good question but in the begining it was ok but later on it got so anoying with Donald making his stupid noise then Goofy with his ******ed voice then this really anoyed me evry time i did all the work at the end of the match Donald gets all credits -.-
ooo nice 2 meet u and ty for da welcome and ty for da friend request i know we'l be gr8 friends cya soon
lol i dont care about donald or goofy at all i just go straight 2 da enemies but i only help donald and goofy if i was dieng
wassup and welcome 2 the forums lol nice name btw evry time i say it i giggle XD anyway nice 2 meet u hope we can be friends cya soon
wassup m8 i hope u have a gr8 time ere try not 2 be shy and make loads of friends and marluxia owns ^^
wassup m8 nice 2 meet u :] anywayz i hope u have a gr8 time here and post millions and i know u'll make loads of friends cya soon
My fav boss was sephiroth and my least fav was the ice titan
Lol wassup m8 ^^ make sure u post loads and make millions of friends and i hope me and u could eb friends :) Cya Soon.. *_Xrin*_
Wassup Elixean nice 2 meet u make sure u make loads of friends and pst loads and here a Choco Bar :) and i hope 2 see ya around and get along gr8ly :) Cya Soon *_Xrin*_
hey wassup josh i was just asking whos ure favourite character is in KH2 and u might not know me ^^but i hope we get along =D
wassup nice 2 meet u make sure u post loads and make millions of friends and i hope we can be friends cya soon :]
wassup and welcome 2 the forums hope u have a gr8 time ere and post loads and make friends and ive never seen a seifer fan before ^^
man i saw that game in the gamemaster magazine it looked so kl that i had 2 buy it a cuple days after it was out it was so addictive i couldnt w8 for the 2nd 1 to come out
hmm i dont think it would be that that good cuz it would be same as lion king and its not that disney
wasup and welcome 2 KHVIDS post loads and make load of friends and dont feel shy good luck
Welcome 2 The Site Looks like u got all yes's *100% * Have a gr8 time here make loads 0of friends and post loads
Welcome 2 the site *I LUV PIE!!* anywayz make loads of friends read rules post loads etc... XD Have A Gr8 time & Good Luck