Kay Cya :D Btw u dled lostpk server? It on
Take Ure Time =P
slippp u on :D i comin on 12:00 (REMINDER) and lostpkz workin (BETTER SERVER)
Slip i aint gone school so i be on at 12:00pm (Tuesday 30th June 09)
Im Doing Much Better Thx For Askin,And u?
Hm YEP :D But It Has Been A Lil Rainy But Still It Great , Wat Bout U? :glomp:
Ure In That FriendShip Group Wid Me :DD And been A Wile Since Ive Spoken 2 U So ,Heyyy :glomp: *Hugs*
Hehe U In That FriendShip Group Wid Me :DD And Been A Wile Since I Seen U *Hugs*
oo Magick Here Aswell o.0 Wikidd :D And Sakura :D :D
Wassup And Thx For The Invitation :D I Feel Great Now More Friends 2 Talk 2 :D ~Xrin~
And Ive Haked Crisis core . Go on crisis core open up cw cheat menu clik select cheats and selext ones u want and clik Activate Cheats
go x fire jay online
Umm Im Doing GREAT :D Thx for askin and dont worry bout being busy :D
Hi Hi Hi Hi :D Howw R U? I Havnt Seen U In A While 0.o *Gives Big Hug* :glomp: xD
Ummm... Im doing okay just gettin bored at home :( but i always find somin 2 do :)
Heyyy :D Havnt Talked 2 U In A While 0.o So ELLLOOO and how u been these days?? :glomp: *huggies*
Heyyyyy!! :D :D How R U?? I Havnt Talked To U In A Long Long Time :( Sorry bout that i guess i forgot to talk to you :( :( srry but now im gonna...
aww srry i didnt mean 2 leave it :( sorry if i made u sad :glomp:
Umm They Doing Fine :D but slip got a lot of studying to do
Nm Really Same Old Things And Bak 2 Scool :(