Hm Well Wen U Tell Him The Truth He'l Probaly Understand And Once Yu Get It Over With It'l Be FIne And Then You Can Just Talk and BE Friends
Okay So Just Tell Him Can We Just Be Friends
Lol ^^ With Wat =P
Ohh Ure Online Didnt Notice ^^ So Heyyy :D :glomp:
Yeah, But i didnt see any T_T
Hehe 2Much sun hurts my eye but shade makes me dull o.0 wat fireworks o.0 this year??
Wassup Slip Can Yu Go On X Fire Plz :D Thx
Its great :D Sunny Days Evryday and Hows Urs Been?? :glomp:
Im Doing Okay :D Could Be A Little Better And Yu? *Hugss*
XFire Plz :D
Slip X Fire Plz
On XFire And U Got The Server?
Kay slip i cya at 8:00pm
hmm? u got about 10mins?
U still got a while?
Aww Okay I GOnna play lil now but ill cya at 8:00pm still i gonna play 30mins now and 1hr l8er (8;00pm)
kay cya at 12:00pm
it the first one there on xtremetop100 (Easier Xp a little ) 7x other 1 is 4x and 40atk str def easy :)
I aint platin now i playin at 12;00
Nice It Works????