Wassup m8 have a gr8 time ere make loads of friends read rules... and post Loads Good Luck :) *_Xrin_*
i would mostly want king mickey cuz hes got that wikid keyblade its gold! and it matches sora keyblade (both same size and shape) and id like riku on my party becuz hes just so KOOL and his hair wikid and his keyblade owns! and hes got some kl skills ;)
oo nice profile m8 lol ye getting the ultima keyblade is really hard to get i still havnt got XD playing for 2yrs now LOL but u got some wikid acc :) and u got alot of MUNEY XD and nice keyblades u must have all of em or somin
well the first thing i noticed was his humungus feet! then he looked to much of a child to be fighting he looked like 8 or somin and the beggining is awkward and they could of gave him some decent clothes but kh2 clothes they wer sik
Lol thats quite easy for me but fat bandits are so anoyying they like shoot u with fire and its anoying atking from behind im used to ataking from front makes me anyed thinking about them XD
Lol that is really random and i cant tell that it looks like a fenrir ^^
i really wanna know more about marlaxia cuz i havnt seen some of the chars from final mix
I guess its mostly disney cuz there not really much about squareenix its all disney chars...
Hmm thats a tough question but i do think hes a jerk because all hes looking for is riku and kairi.. lol he forgot about wakka! and tidus.. come on tidus and wakka are so cool and how can he doesnt evn think about his parents ^^
Well id say i used thundaga most and firaga
lol id be so pissed of id stab the company ^^
ye he does cuz in 1 of da scenes roxas said no1 will miss me but axel says dats not true i will 0-o
man that seen was sad axel shoulda lived o well :[
oi call me if i not on x fire if i am on x fire dont phne k
ye sorta ^^ but the line 2 get a tiket takes 2hrs 0.o
Wasup m8 nice 2 meet u have a gr8 time on the forums :) cya l8er * _ Xrin _ *
Um Ye i have been a couple of times in london :) its wikid u should go ^^ * _ Xrin _ *
Hey sakura i just want to ask if ure an anime fan? and if u are have u ever been 2 an anime convention? *_Xrin_*
ooooo kl i am 2 :] and u been 2 a anime convention? k cya gtg...