people people please no more crazy ideas just wait for it
no no no it just floats next to him
nope its just left handed
thanks for posting this the code i put up a while back was soras AI code not moveset i got confused i edited it now so sorry about that Raina if you put that in
i think thats new is it exactly like there movesets or some else?
here is a neo moveset code 0033FF94 00000002 its kinda weird but then it gives you some cool abilitys EDIT my bad thats soras AI code with hud attack heres the real one SORRY 01CB9736 00000002
a new code huh well i bet its a good one if you, antiweapon, and Xendran was working on it. but the only way to leave me speechless is it has to have Xigbar in it
cool thanks for the help and roxas24sora my codes for ARmax does not have that one sorry :(
no problem have fun need anything else?
heres all i have jokered to R2 :) Pride Rock GKW6-JJQP-CPYG9 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 4T4H-UAV8-RQT2E King's Den 6A1B-7UE6-CT2M2 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT Q8WC-K13T-W9Q2D Long Gorge 366P-1CUC-3K3JH JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 721H-8Y3A-710CR The Savanna 2JR9-BPDR-4219K JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT DQT6-FYF2-NE0MB Elephant Graveyard 6HWP-Z4KJ-B4H2H JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT BYAT-QG3G-N6WHM Gorge U429-82EV-UN5NZ JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT B5BE-W1YY-2D8FJ Wastelands 245W-9AYB-PUT8J JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 5RCE-BBQ4-JU742 Where Mufasa Died N6Y7-1ZCB-UHX5J JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 625F-QU9V-FUAXT oh does anyone know how to make this small so you have to scroll down so it won't be so big
chill some movesets don't work and will freeze alot are different and some only work for final and some only work for normal sora its kinda hard to get to work
well he did post a AI mod with his moveset codes. and as far as i know i don't think we can play as them yet.
evilman it works just fine well it effects not just bosses but everything even sora! oh and no problem godzilla3456 i do what i can
Size Mod ( this increases the size of certain things like save points, magic, etc. ) 20368920 xxxxxxxx replace the x's with.... 3F000000 = small 3F800000 = normal 3F900000 = kinda big 3FA00000 = big 3FB00000 = even bigger 3FC00000 = HUGE 40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!! and evilman i found this to Boss's Speed mod (affects other things) 2037A584 xxxxxxxx 3E400000 3E800000 3F000000 40000000 41000000 40800000
here try this Anti-Form w/ Reactions hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 03020108 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 20340C90 0A090964 heres something cool to Anti-form has oblivion equipped 10340BC4 0000002B
hey does anyone have all the Twilight town room digits its the only world i don't have
it works it makes sora fast as hell kinda cool dabestgamer here is the digits i got i think its 0167 or 03DB
here :) Ultimate Sephiroth (and other solo fights) 5WRW-MFCH-VHPXZ YC4C-KH69-UEJQ5 7MVW-7CE7-68HFV ZBFH-DTVK-76WBV 4M2Z-G1KK-A36UM 5EWM-RNZ0-ZUKY1 Ultimate Boss Battles (where you normally have party members) K39V-W53B-735JY U637-BUQ8-6B7RN UVHZ-D1DR-DU7NB 3QZ6-EGZX-M0JQR 5FCW-NREV-BQ8TM FVJB-MWCA-JMGAZ EDIT OH SNAP Antiweapon is back!!!
mabey when antiweapon gets back he might know the boss digits for there movesets so you don't know Erks? oh well mabey someday
yeah i can't wait for anti weapon to get back hey Erks do you know how to get there full movesets like the keyblade will move like whoevers moveset you put in?