SEPHIROTH BATTLE WARP! hold R2 E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 4B000104 2033E834 00004B4B
allright :) Heartsof13 nice one
you can make up your own person if you want
you got em
here you can be any person from kingdom hearts except disney characters and your in high school the rules are very simple killing fighting 3.go to class........not really:D 4.almost forgot chose a grade 9-12 here is the character list Sora-Prince_of_Hearts 10th grade Riku-XxrukiakuchikixX kari-Singstar Ansem- Namine-Singstar Roxas-XxrukiakuchikixX Axel- Larxene-Luna561 10th grader Zexion-Zexion&Riku's #1 fangirl 10th grader Lexaeus- Luxord- Saix- Vexen- Marluxia-Demitryx 10th grader Xigbar-Some Weird Guy? 11th grader Demyx-Kingdom Konoha 10th grader Xaldin-Anwita01-9th grader Xemnas-Anwita01-12th grader Ramix-Heartsof13 10th grader Alex-Luna561 10th grader Odora-Demitryx 10th grader Chaos-Some Weird Guy? 11th grader Sakura-Anwita01-11th grader Fay-Anwita01-12grader and any character you can make up anyone want to join
here is sora with antis outfit Code: Sora to Anti, U. 01CB96F7 0000005F 21CB96F8 464C5448 Xigabyte here is riku V4 Part 1 (The actual code) 11CFA3FC 0000089B 21CDCE70 48455F50 21CDCE74 5F303030 21CDCE78 5453414C 21CDCE7C 65736D2E 21CDCE80 00000074 01CDCE96 00000023 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00020100 Part 2 (Shortcut menu mod) 10340E64 0000028D 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 10340E62 00000263 Raina here is ultimate solo fights jokered to R2 but for some reason will some times not give them full health RAW E005FDFF 0035B55C 11C94F04 00002EE0 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000 and no valor cannot use magic and did you want master look like wisdom? master look like wisdom 21CB9814 5F303031 21CB9818 4647414D and here is alot shorter Ultimate DW Roxas code sora replaced by DW Roxas R2 if you don't want joker don't put top line in D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C95618 00000323 and Neo moveset mode DW Roxas has final moveset 01CC3876 00000005
Sora to Anti, U. 01CB96F7 0000005F 21CB96F8 464C5448 Xigabyte here is riku V4 Part 1 (The actual code) 11CFA3FC 0000089B 21CDCE70 48455F50 21CDCE74 5F303030 21CDCE78 5453414C 21CDCE7C 65736D2E 21CDCE80 00000074 01CDCE96 00000023 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00020100 Part 2 (Shortcut menu mod) 10340E64 0000028D 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 10340E62 00000263 Raina here is ultimate solo fights jokered to R2 but for some reason will some times not give them full health RAW E005FDFF 0035B55C 11C94F04 00002EE0 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000 and no valor cannot use magic and did you want master look like wisdom? master look like wisdom 21CB9814 5F303031 21CB9818 4647414D and here is alot shorter Ultimate DW Roxas code sora replaced by DW Roxas R2 if you don't want joker don't put top line in D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C95618 00000323 and Neo moveset mode DW Roxas has final moveset 01CC3876 00000005
sorry i didn't see this before here i little late Ability Master [Normal Sora] 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050505 Ability Master [Everyone Else] 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050000 Add 5 combo pluses 4033FF18 00040001 000000A3 00000000 Not sure if the one above works but this is a different version 4033FF18 00040001 A3A3A3A3 00000000 and i'll throw tese in to don't know why but must post codes Air Combo Code 4033FF1C 001A0001 80A380A3 00000000 You gotta save the game with the code and start the game without the code for it to work. Finish Berserk 21C9534C 0F0F0101
well for the all drives code you have to save with the code on then play without it on same with the arial combo plus.
What code did you use? it should look like this 1000 Heartless Battle R2 E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 42001104 2033E834 00004242
no problem i do what i can if you need any other help except code converting just ask me
the codes are in RAW and the 99 AP code try this code its a littel long but it gives you alot of AP boots and everything ealse:) All Bottle Items (98) AR Max HN1M-Q45Z-G1BG9 NDNE-X0AZ-UE1YC XNPW-UWJP-VFJBB AJK1-12MN-94HZG 934U-U8Q8-R8ZKR PVQH-4D7V-3XBVB TWMX-JG5P-WMX23 RAW 20340CE8 62626262 10340CEC 00006262 00340CEE 00000062 00340D49 00000062 20340DCC 62626262 10340DD0 00006262
well to use the Character mod you switch someone like goofy with whatever you want like bosses and allys but you have to skip cutscenes and jokering makes it much easyer jokers just go on top of codes goofys code replace ? with whatever you want Mickey allys digit is 0764 11C9561C 0000???? here is goofy replaced by mickey ally 11C9561C 00000764 here is the jokered version hold R2 as you go to next area D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C9561C 00000764
sorry i don't know how to convert tryed it once failed horribly
sorry to many bosses mostly it can only have two different bosses and can handel four anything more then that is a freeze in the battel and Naruto0389 try this its alot shorter and it works DW Roxas 11C95618 00000323 and neo moveset mod DW Roxas has FF moveset 01CC3876 00000005 Edit: does anyone know how to get the party mode code to work with out being in valor form?
ok good luck! and Erks good job on another great code doesn't some bosses have a code trigger like Shun u i think this code is for the mini games in story mode like when you run from Hades the first time you see him
i'm very sorry life can be cruel well sorry i couldn't help :sorry:
i'm very sorry last thing i can think of make sheer to hold R2 untell it works if it works i tryed it just now why isn't it working for you:nono: well what cheat device do you use?
i'm very very VERY sorry but i found this back to level one 0033FECF 00000001 but test it to see if it really works like what you were trying to do and A Nobody971 i have this Junk mini game 11C79CF0 0000???? 11C79D30 0000???? 11C79D70 0000???? 11C79DB0 0000???? 11C79DF0 0000???? 11C79E30 0000???? 11C79E70 0000???? 11C79EB0 0000???? 11C79EF0 0000????
well my friend your thousand heartless code was right i just now tryed it try in hollow basten or whatever its called and try this it works for me roxas code jokered to R2 D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C95618 0000005A hope this helped!
well where are you at in the game mabey the enable is wrong does any other code work? really don't know why the roxas code an't working it allways works