hey Erks your moveset code is kinda cool the lightcycle moveset is weird it makes sora crazy fast but only has one move the Auron moveset gives you his sword but thats it riku with Aurons sword is cool!!! did you try any cool ones?
Antiweapon said he will be gone for a few days i know some of the digits try and see if they work 01= Sora 02= Valor 03= Wisdom 04= Master Form 05= Final Form 06= Anti Form 07= Lion Form 0A= Dual-Wield Roxas 0D= Roxas 11= Donald 14= Goofy 17= Aladdin 18= Auron 19= Ping? 1A= Mulan? 1C= King Mickey 1D= King Mickey ** 1E= King Mickey ** 22= Sparrow 23= Riku EDIT the ultimate sepiroth code even works on the junk replaced by boss code 4 ultimate Xigbars are hard as hell
this is what i use have ultima equiped before using unequip explosion and ground combos xaldins spears kh2 21CEF160 00000845 kh2fm+ 21CD43E4 00000845
Clouds stats/moveset probably trying to play as him
nope but cloudstrife is working on something it'll take all day though
yep but don't use guard it freezes the game and the ability master for sora don't drive it freezes as well oh and so you know it gives them his abilitys like finishers but not his moveset
they give everyone like donald soras abilitys and give sora all his abilitys i never tryed this i read this on one of the pages.
here master_of_disaster ability master normal sora 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050505 ability master everyone else 41C95324 00080001 FFFFFFFF 00000000 21C95344 05050000
sorry i don't know about him i'll try Saix right now i'll edit this when i'm done EDIT Xemnasfan you got it to work huh well with 5 of them they freeze the game to many attacks mabey but three work just hit them with are sword to get them out of berserk four might work anyway partners like Cloud,Tifa,Yuffie,and Leon work three Saix and Cloud and Leon is fun
Thanx time for me to have some fun oh and by the way Xemnasfan rep for you Edit Xemnas fan did you try it in the junk mini game some bosses like Demix the guy with the guitar five of them will sometimes freeze before you even get there i never tryed Saix try like 3 first
i want to try that RC mod but i can't find the page its one anyone know the page or the code
i posted that and yep it works for normal kh2 you can change the last four digits to any boss EDIT just so you know i'm not trying to say i made it jlhack found the code not me
that really depends on where you do the code if you do it from the corner stone of light room it'll most likely work but if not then chose a simple place like a place in the same world you did it from castel oblivion works mostly as well. EDIT:does anyone know the room digit for betwix and between the place axel helped sora
here just go to the junk mini game in twilight town Junk replaced by axel x5 11C79CF0 00000051 11C79D30 00000051 11C79D70 00000051 11C79DB0 00000051 11C79DF0 00000051 oh forgot something if you have trouble like they teleport out of the ring use magnet to draw them back or try the room mod code with it but that is very likely to bsod but if your lucky it'll work
i don't know if you can do that but you can use the code from jlhack to replace junk with bosses like say axel do you want that code?
well this is i bit much but try this if your bored in aladdins world have aladdins moveset on with aladdin in character slot 1 with only guard and aerial spiral on. that made aruon do his moves see if it works with aladdin
try from the hall of the cornerstone when i had my gameshark it tryed to go somewhere but then it gave me a BSOD
did it work? for no confusion the line should look like this 0100
hey try this room mod code world digit 00 room digit 01