But the video...
Wait! What about Mickey Drive?
I want to drive INTO Mickey, like in this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFYXGTZBhCk Armax US version please!
Can you post it here?
I don't have a codebreaker (I have ARMAX) so someone has to do it for me! And can I have that Mickey drive!!!
I don't see it!
All of them! I tried several songs, the ARMAX keeps saying this cheat is for the wrong game!
In the immortal words of Donald from KH1. ThAnK YOu. Hey can I have that Riku cutscene code? Plus I need the Mickey Drive code AND the Roxas in Organization cloack (I don't care if he looks messed up, I want it!)
Final Mix+ maybe?
Sora code BWTW-NK6N-FR89Q AN7N-MCAT-8526R Will this work if Im Riku, Load up the game and BAM Back to Sora?
Sora joker... (If im Riku or Roxas and I save... Well you know.
Hey whats the walk into sephiroth joker code? as Well as the Sora code?
What about that Sora Joker?
Okay say I save my game as Mickey or Roxas (or Riku...) Can you give me a joker for Sora? And will that make the game better? Because Saving as Roxas or Mickey is asking for trouble. Sora Joker in ARMAX format?
Thanks Again!
What about Goofy?
Hey can I have those Xemnas Codes replacing Goofy Too? (Man Im being bothersome!)
Hey, whats the code for Xemnas? I don't have him... (Xemnas 1, with the building RC AND Xemnas 2 Final)
Thanks again(That was Fast!)
Hey since your here... Whats the code to get rid of Party members? Like getting rid of both Donald and Goofy?